The Path To 60 Million Anglers In America…


Alright Salt Strong Nation, it’s time to put on your superhero capes because we’re about to save America’s fisheries!

How are we going to do that?

That’s a great question and I’m glad you asked!

We’ve got Liz Ogilvie, the Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at American Sportfishing Association on the podcast today to show us how.

Here’s the problem…

In 2010 we had the lowest fishing participation in decades.

Why is that a problem?

When people aren’t fishing, they aren’t spending money on fishing licenses, gear, boats, or gas…

And a percentage of each dollar that you spend on the above items goes to conservation and upkeep of our fishing amenities (boat ramps, parks, etc.).

So when people stop fishing, they stop spending money that supports conservation and amenities…

So the fishing is bad because the conservation agencies are underfunded…

And the amenities are in bad shape because there’s no money to update them…

So people start to fish less, and…

It’s easy to see how this is a downward spiral.

But the good news is that we can change this downward spiral.

Here’s how:

The Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF) is on a mission to get 60 million active anglers in America in 60 months.

It’s called the 60 in 60 campaign and it started in 2016, so they have until 2021 to meet their goal.

By doing this, we’ll have more money to support our parks, boat ramps, and fishing conservation.

Check out this podcast to see what initiatives are in motion to save our fisheries and how you can help.


The Path To 60 Million Anglers In America [PODCAST]

You can listen to the podcast by clicking the play button below, or on iTunes or Stitcher.

fish strong podcast

stitcher fish strong podcast

Note: don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher.

Oregon Fish & Wildlife: Tackle For Trout [VIDEO]

Oregon Fish & Wildlife: Rod & Reel For Trout [VIDEO]

Eye-Opening Stats

  • 45% of current anglers are 50 years old or older (over the next 25 years they’ll be phasing out, leaving us with much fewer anglers…)
  • When a child fishes before the age of 12 they’re likely to remain an angler for the rest of their lives, but if they’ve never fished before the age of 12, they’re likely to never become an angler.
  • More kids go fishing for the first time with their mom, not their dad.
  • If you can get someone fishing three times within a year, then they’ll start to go fishing themselves

The Challenge

Here’s our challenge to you, Salt Strong Nation:

Take someone who doesn’t usually get to fish out fishing with you!

It can be a neighbor, grandkid, or anybody out fishing.

Bonus points for if you take them out fishing three times within a year and teach them how to buy fishing gear for themselves!


You can keep up with Liz and the ASA at:

The 60 in 60 campaign is a tall task, but if everyone chips in, we can do it!

It’s our duty as anglers to teach the next generation how to fish.

And it’s not just because fishing is awesome…

It’s because fishermen help save our environment!

Have any questions about 60 in 60?

Or how you can help save our fisheries?

Let us know in the comments below!

P.S. Be sure to TAG or SHARE this podcast with someone who wants to help save our fisheries!

Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?

Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!

Here’s what you’ll receive today:

  • Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
  • Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
  • Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
  • Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).

Click here to join today.

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5 years ago

The sad fact is it’s cheaper and safer to stay in, play video games, watch ball sports and drink a beer with friends. Father’s are steering their young away from fishing with good reason. The expense of fishing is too high, the prep time too long and the rules/laws are very complex and frightening. People are being pushed out of a sport they love. We reap what is sown. To start making fishing fun again, start with simple fishing laws that’re easy to follow. My is the biggest complaint. A person needs to be a lawyer to figure out all the rules. No one wants to make a costly mistake and become a criminal.


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