“Fishing, Gone?” How To Protect Our Fisheries For Generations To Come
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Fishing Interview, Salt Strong Podcast, Conservation

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Have you ever considered whether fishing is a privilege or a right?
Do you have a right to fish the waters in your backyard, or is it a privilege?
If you consider that people in some other countries need to work every day to feed their families and don’t have time to take days off…
Or if you consider some countries are at war where it isn’t safe to go outside and fish…
Then you might believe fishing is a privilege.
In this podcast with author and University of Florida professor (among many other things) Sid Dobrin, we talk about the political climate of fishing, changing the fishing culture, and how us as anglers can come together to save the ocean and our fisheries.
One example of changing the fishing culture is the concept of catch and release fishing.
Catch and release used to be an unheard of concept, but now it’s popular, and in some circles, it’s frowned upon if you don’t practice it!
To see how we can make fishing better for generations to come, check out the podcast episode with Sid Dobrin below.
(P.S. don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher)
Fishing, Gone? [PODCAST]
You can listen to the podcast by clicking the play button below, or on iTunes or Stitcher.
Note: don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher.
Related articles:
- How Florida Anglers Steal Millions In Conservation Funds From The FWC
- Top 5 Myths About How The “Jewfish” Got Its Name
Inventive Fishing: Shimano J Type Jigging Rod Review [VIDEO]
What did you think?
Can we unite as anglers, take initiative and save our fisheries?
Here’s what you can do:
- Follow FWC (or your state’s wildlife conservation commission) on Twitter here to keep up with their latest announcements & events
- Attend FWC (or your state’s wildlife conservation commission) events
Learn more about Sid Dobrin:
- Get his book, “Fishing, Gone?: Saving the Ocean through Sportfishing” here
- Check out his blog InventiveFishing.com here
- Check out the Inventive Fishing YouTube channel here
Have any questions about saving our fisheries?
Let us know in the comments below!
P.S. know someone who needs to hear this episode? TAG or SHARE it with them!
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