Best (And Absolute Worst) Sunscreen For Fishermen
- By: Joseph Simonds
- on
- Found In: Fishing Tips, WEEKLY NEWSLETTER: 8-2-20

What kind of sunscreen do you use?
Chances are, what you’re using is doing more harm than good…
Growing up, I was always very careful about using sunscreen.
Sure, I occasionally got sunburned like any other high school or college kid, but I was known as the guy who took sunscreen and the protection of my skin seriously.
But then, at 28 years old, I got diagnosed with melanoma.
How was that possible?
I took way better care of my skin than any of my other friends who were out fishing and hanging out in the sun with me, but they weren’t the ones with skin cancer!
Well, as it turns out, several doctors have told me that it could have been because of the sunscreen I was using.
Here’s what’s weird:
Sunscreen use is at an all-time high, yet people are also staying inside away from the sun more than they’ve ever been…
And you know what else is at an all-time high?
Skin cancer!
If you have sunscreen that’s taking the coating off of your boat or permanently staining it, there’s no way that that’s ok to put on your skin, yet the sunscreen industry is a multi-billion dollar industry…
So should you avoid sunscreen altogether?
Thankfully, no.
There are some good sunscreens out there that aren’t poisoning your body, and in this video I’m going to share with you what those are.
Plus, I’ll also share the 7 ingredients you want to avoid in sunscreen and the 2 ingredients you do want to look for.
Check it out below.
Best (And Worst) Sunscreens For Fishermen [VIDEO]
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Regardless of what brand you use, here are what most dermatologists all agree are the ONLY TWO active ingredients you want in your sunblock:
- Zinc Oxide
- Titanium Dioxide
Stick with these two active ingredients and you’ll know that you have a physical-based sunblock (vs a chemical-based sunscreen).
So what sunscreens do you want to avoid?
Anything with these active ingredients in them:
- Oxybenzone (this is the worst one of them all)
- Avobenzone
- Benzophenone
- 4 MBC
- Homosalate
- Octocrylene
- Octinoxate
That includes Coppertone (contains oxybenzone), Banana Boat (contains oxybenzone), and even the Neutrogena sunscreen that was “recommended by dermatologists,” yet still had three of the above ingredients in there.
What sunscreen should you use?
Well, for starters, you want to look for these two active ingredients:
- Zinc oxide
- Titanium dioxide
These two active ingredients mean that the sunscreen is going to sit on top of your skin, and not be absorbed into your body like the other chemicals previously listed.
Yes, you may have a slight white film where you apply it, but it’s not that bad… and I’d much rather have a white film on me than put chemicals in my body and possibly end up with melanoma again.
What my family uses (my wife is a physician, and this is what she and all of her dermatologist friends recommend) is Elta MD Skincare.
Here are some more articles about the potential dangers of the sunscreens that most people are buying:
- The Best Sunscreens of 2019 (and Toxic Ones to Avoid)
- Consumer Reports’ Recommends Sunscreens That Seep Poison Into Your Bloodstream
- Researchers Call for Immediate Revision of Sun Avoidance Recommendations
I hope you take the potential dangers of certain sunscreens and the health of your skin seriously.
Trust me, you do not want to get melanoma, undergo surgery, and then have conversations with doctors about undergoing chemotherapy and potentially even amputation.
So what can you do to stay healthy out in the sun?
I’d first recommend using 50+ UPF rating sun protection clothing. That’s why you almost always see me wearing a long-sleeve hoodie out on the water.
For areas that you can’t protect with clothing, use a physical-based sunscreen (like Elta MD Skincare) and go to the dermatologist and get yourself checked out!
Have any questions, thoughts, or recommendations?
Let me know in the comments below!
I’m obviously very passionate about it and since I have three young kids, this is super important to me.
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Thank you for this information. As Luke would say it is a game changer. I have just had a bout of skin cancer myself and no doctor has said anything other than “Wear sun block.”
Joe – Thanks many times over! I’ve emailed the link to your video to quite a few people over the last couple of years. Appreciate your transparency.
Omg joe! I have my grandson down with me from New York! Now he’s born in fla and lived with me for his first six years so I assume he’s used to the sun etc! So just yesterday I posted with him on the beach, it’s was raining , overcast and after 3pm , but still a little sun! I put sunscreen on him, covered his back, chest , not a lot on his arms! He got fried, the sunscreen I used has every single ingredient you mentioned in it , all of them! His skin on his back is burned but his arms and places I did not put this on are ok! I posted yesterday with him on SS and had a video on how bad the weather was! So I did not expect this! After what you said I’m thinking it was more a reaction to the sunscreen not the sun, seeing it really wasn’t out! Thank you so much for this post, it’s god sent for what is going on with him. Today we are putting lotion and aloe to help his skin! Glad I saw this, hope you are over any problems you had! Thanks again!
how about lip balms with sunscreen?
Like chap stick and others?
Thank you so much for this vital info! I too was diagnosed with melanoma cancer. The sad part was that it took a few years for my dr to listen to me about my mole that had changed til it looked like a purple molting eyeball! I have such fair skin, Irish and Scottish heritage! Love the outdoors. And yes I have seen some of the sunscreen literally remove surfaces from objects! I’m so glad you took the time to let folks be aware of the damage they can get from the sun and the prevention they can take. And you are so right! Melanoma is not always obvious! I highly approve this message !
Thanx for the info.
Could be lifesaving advice. After I saw podcast I ordered zink based sunscreen for myself and granddaughters. FDA need to move forward and ban that bad sunscreens.
Thanks for the sunscreen video Joe. I love the fishing videos but I too had skin cancer ( Melanoma on my back ) so I am constantly looking for good brands of sunscreen that contain Zinc Oxide. I had never heard of EltaMD sunscreen. Just ordered a bottle to try. Thanks again !!
Thank you, brother Dwayne! Let me know what you think of the Elta!
I am a plastic surgeon who focuses on skin cancer and I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE!
Good stuff Dr. Gary! Thank you for taking the time to listen and comment.