The Best Knot To Tie When Using Jigs (And How To Tie It)


A lot of people ask me, “What’s the best knot to use with the Slam Shady?”

There are tons of different types of knots, but when you’re talking about knots to tie to a hook or jig, they all fall into two categories:

  1. Snug knots
  2. Loop knots

Snug knots are stronger and are best for when you don’t need to put action on your bait or lure, such as if you’re using live bait.

Loop knots, on the other hand, are best for when you want to maximize the action on your lure to get more strikes, such as if you’re using a paddletail, jerk shad, or topwater.

As far as which loop knot I recommend, check out the video below.

Best Loop Knot For Jigs [VIDEO]

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My favorite loop knot for the Slam Shady and other jigs is the non-slip loop knot.

It’s strong, the loop allows for great action, and when you tie it right, the tag end faces forward, which makes it much less likely to snag grass as you’re retrieving it.

You can learn how to tie it in the video above, or if you prefer written instructions, check out this blog post.

Have any questions about the non-slip loop knot?

Let me know down in the comments!

And please TAG or SHARE this with your friends who use jigs!

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Jesse Angel
3 years ago

I currently use a Swivel Snap, what is the advantage of going straight to the line?

Keith Smith
4 years ago

I have been using this knot my last couple trips to the Outer Banks. I have had good luck with it. I will be going back in a few weeks and hoping to catch a few flounder using paddle tails and this knot.

Gary Rankel
4 years ago

Hey Luke……..great knot. I just go around the line one time (not twice) before going through the second loop. Have had no problem and like the smaller knot.

4 years ago

I thought that a snug knot would be better. I reasoned that a snug knot would limit the jighead’s movement, therefore maximizing the actual plastic’s action.

dan inns
4 years ago

2 turns is really low – should make cinching the knot easier.

Would like to see knot strength for 2 vs 3 or 4 turns on your new testing machine….


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