The Best Type Of Spot For Winter Redfish
- By: Tony Acevedo
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What is the best spot for winter redfish?
How do you know where to start looking for these fish in the colder months?
This trip is an incredible example of how much success you can have IF you put the 90/10 Rule to good use.
Take a look!!
Best Spot For Winter Redfish [VIDEO]
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Click Here For My Inshore Lure Bundle For The East Central Florida Region!
Equipment Used:
- Rods:
- 7’6 Century Weapon Jr. Medium Power Fast Action
- Reels:
- Line:
- Leader:
The 90/10 Fishing Rule states that 90% of the feeding fish will be in 10% of the water.
I started out throwing the Slam Shady Mulligan Paddletail.
If you haven’t already seen it, the Mulligan is our new soft plastic lure that was just added to the Tackle Shop.
It is a 4-inch paddletail-style lure with dimples all over it to help this cast further than any other soft plastic lure.
Just like a golf ball, the dimples are scattered all over the surface to help with distance.
Not long into the trip, I saw some blue tails breaching the surface.
So I slowly made my way over and threw a few poor casts at the redfish.
Luckily, my casts were just too far and not on top of them which can easily spook them.
Be sure to take your time and make a quality cast to start.
And if you can, try not to move around in your boat or kayak.
Finally, I made a good cast and hooked up to a solid redfish within a few cranks of the reel.
Here’s what you need to look for:
- Soft Muddy Bottom
- Sun Exposure
- Wind Protection
The area I was fishing in was super muddy and on a bright, blue sky day, the sun was warming the shallows right up.
Wind protection was in my favor as well making this the IDEAL winter redfish spot.
Oftentimes you can see fish activity or redfish tailing on the surface.
Always stop and make a quality cast to see if you can trigger a bite.
Moreover, try to keep your fishing rod tip up in order to avoid having your line lay on the water’s surface.
Sometimes just your line on the surface is all that’s needed to spook these fish.
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If you can align those THREE major components, you will catch more redfish in the winter.
Remember, stay patient and when the opportunity comes up, make an accurate cast.
Are you struggling to catch fish in your local area?
The 90/10 Rule is particularly applicable in the wintertime, you’ve just got to know where to start.
That’s where we come in.
Want the 90/10 Fishing Recipe for YOUR local area?
Get your Custom 90/10 Recipe HERE!
Please go ahead and leave us a comment down below!!
Finding The Fish Help
In order to help make sure that you are targeting the right areas based on the latest feeding trends and upcoming weather forecasts, make sure to use the following 3 resources because they will save you a ton of time.
1. Weekend Game Plans (updated weekly)
These regional game plans will show you exactly what types of spots to target in under 10 minutes… just click the video to start, and you’ll be informed on what to do on your next trip.
2. Smart Fishing Spots Platform (updated every 15 minutes)
This exclusive software literally shows you where the most fish are likely to be feeding based on exactly when you’ll be fishing. It factors in the tides, wind, and weather to help you quickly see which areas to target throughout the day.
3. Community Reports (live feed)
The Insider Community platform is what you can use to see what is biting near you, and you can get to know other members who fish in your area. Plus, you can use it to keep a log of your catches so you can use past trips to help predict future catches.
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Here’s what you’ll receive today when you join:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing exactly where you should fish every trip
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in your area
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Buddy and I are still having a hell of a time finding fish in Sebastian…. I’m thinking Sebastian is just not that good anymore ?
Any help, ideas ?
I mean I can go into detail about all the spots we’ve been hitting and which lures and such but that’s irrelevant at this point. We’ve been hitting it hard and smart but still coming up empty handed more than we catch.
Just went yesterday 3/23/23 with same results.. Really thought this spot was the best but no go… The islands N. of Long Point Camping area.. Nice troughs that run all around the islands with intersecting channels and all!
Oops, meant to say Tony! da Man! lol
Hey Peter! I’m going to plan a trip and possible meetup down there in the next couple weeks. It may be worth venturing north or south of where you’ve been fishing if there hasn’t been much activity. I have the same thing happen up in the lagoon certain times of the year and i’ll have to switch up areas. Some areas can get overfished, especially on weekends in popular places. Have you tried further north around Grant or down by Fort Pierce?
We’ve fished the Saint Sebastian River a few times but not much luck there besides Jacks. Haven’t ventured as far as Ft. Pierce yet as I have a pontoon… LOL
We don’t fish weekends either but during the week..
Have you ever fished off other peoples boats! Would be pretty cool to have ya on my boat and we can bounce ideas and strategies off each other for this area..! Would make a cool report for the community too! LOL
Have a nice drone too! Could get some cool Footage! haha
Hey Tony how do you feel the slot machine rod compares to your century weapon jr? I’ve gotten into rod building and was thinking about getting a century weapon jr blank to build out. Thanks craig
Hey Craig! As far as action and power, the feel is very similar. The Century blank, however, is an entirely different animal. It can withstand a lot of pressure and abuse with how they are built during the manufacturing process.
I will admit here in northeast fl muddy bottoms with structure like oysters and points in winter can be very productive especially I have found that if there is a deep hole close to it that way if a major cold front comes thru and usually in winter it seems like the weekends get hit the most the fish can retreat to deeper water and find a little more warmth about 2 weeks ago when I went fishing this scenario took place the reds were all located in a hole that was located next to a light beacon that had big pilings and in front of the beacon was an oyster mound and a hole between the mound and the pilings of the beacon that went from about 4 ft to about 10 ft in fact that whole creeks water was warmer by about 4 degrees then the surrounding icw was the icw that day was a chilly 59 degrees and the creek was 63 to 64 degrees and im sure I’d I had a portable thermometer on my boat and could drop it into that hole it probably would read even warmer then 63 or 64 degrees because even though the solonar score or if looking at saltstrongs strike score that day it was pretty low only about a 20 on a score from 0 to 100 and I still caught 10 reds out of that hole 9 under slot at about 16 to 17 inches but 1 was a solid 26 incher and also that one was caught on a Fred mulligan but what I did was I cut it down to match the size of a 2.0 because I was originally using a Fred 2.0 until about 8 of the reds destroyed it so I decided to try the new mulligan but thought that the 4 inch size was to big considering the baitfish that I have been observing lately are about the size of the 2.0 and so the cut down mulligan worked great can’t wait to try it out on a spinnerbait this spring for both flounder and reds im sure it will be a slayer also I caught 2 more reds one in slot about 24 incher and another rat at about 17 inches in a similar creek that has an even deeper hole that same day on the power prawn jr with the new football weedless jighead quarter ounce the first 2 fish caught on the power prawn usa jr for me and all I can say is I looove the new lure with this unique jighead kinda weird looking but the results speak for themselves thanks for the great info as usual Tony and all you do👍😉
Sounds like you found a sweet spot! The strike score is more of a tool to reference. Really comes down to the 90/10 zone. The strike score could be a 100 but if you’re not in that 10% of the area holding fish, it might as well be a zero.
Great video and information. Keep up the good work guys.
Thank you for the great feedback Marcus!
Thanks Tony, great reminders for the finesse in finding and casting required to catch redfish in the winter.
You’re welcome Buddy!
By: Tony Acevedo
on January 18, 2023 what type of boat/kayak were you using? I’m looking for a set up like that for doing skinny inshore water. Also looking at what would you recommend equipment for the boat? Thank you so much, Ed.
Hey Ed!
I am fishing from a Gheenoe Classic in this video. 2 items I wouldn’t be able to fish without is a trolling motor and an anchor stick. Positioning is super important out there on the water.