How To Master A New Inshore Area (Even A New State)


It’s every man’s dream…

Quit your job…

Sell everything you have…

Move to the beach…

Become a fishing guide…

Sounds like the life, right?

Well, today’s podcast guest actually did it!

Capt. Jay Withers quit his job schlepping jewelry in snowy Ohio to move down to the Port Charlotte area to become a fishing guide.

And, oh, by the way, he’d never really fished that area before!

capt jay withers

So how did he do it?

How do you move to a completely brand new area and become a successful fishing guide in just a few months?

And not only has he been successful at becoming a fishing guide, he even has his own show now!

It’s called GuideLines and it’s all about what guides do on their days off (hint: more fishing).

In this episode he shares:

  • How he learned how to master the Port Charlotte area
  • The trends he noticed that helped him catch more fish (he found it has a lot to do with the type of bottom)
  • Why being a good guide isn’t just about the fish you catch
  • Fall fishing tips, including his favorite types of spots
  • Topwater tips that nobody talks about
  • Tarpon tips
  • And much more!

You can listen to this episode by clicking the play button below, or on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.

P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!

How To Master A New Inshore Area [PODCAST]

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Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Salt Strong podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!

Related podcasts:

Mentioned lures:

Guidelines Trailer [VIDEO]

Makes me wanna go fishing!!

Watch episode one of season two below.

“One Up” Episode 1 Season 2 [VIDEO]

Pretty cool show, right?

See more at

Want To Go Fishing With Us?

redfish on popping corks

If you want to win an offshore fishing trip with us, here’s all you have to do:

  1. Subscribe to the Salt Strong Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts (iTunes, Stitcher, etc.)
  2. Leave us a review
  3. Take a screenshot of it and email it to

Then you’ll be entered into a drawing where we’re picking 10 lucky people at the end of November to go on an offshore fishing trip with us on one of Hubbard’s Marina’s boats.

Now, the reason we’re doing this giveaway is that we want to be the most-reviewed fishing podcast out there.

Currently, we’re the second most-reviewed podcast, behind the Orvis podcast.

But we can’t let a bunch of fly guys beat us saltwater fishermen, can we?


So please leave us a review, screenshot it, email it to us, and you’ll be entered to win a free fishing trip.

But hurry, this competition is only open until the end of November!


capt jay withers silver lining charters

I love hearing inspiring stories about people risking it all to live out their dreams.

How about you?

Can you see yourself risking it all to live out your dreams?

I hope Capt. Jay’s story was encouraging for you, and I hope you learned a thing or two about fishing!

You can keep up with Capt. Jay and GuideLines here:

Have any questions for Jay or about inshore fishing?

Let us know in the comments below!

And please TAG or SHARE this episode with a friend!

P.S. Want the best local fishing spots, discounts on fishing gear, and to stay up to date with what and where the fish are biting right now? Join us in the Insider Club!

Do You Want To Quickly Find New Fishing Spots In Your Area?

Then you’ve got to see this private fishing club!

Here’s what you’ll receive today:

  • Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing where the inshore fish are feeding all year long
  • Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in certain areas
  • Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
  • Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).

Click here to join today.

Related articles:

Disclaimer: When you buy through links on our site, we sometimes earn affiliate commission from places like Amazon, Bass Pro, Tackle Warehouse, etc. It’s one more way we can help you quickly find the best deals on the web while making sure we’re still around to serve you for years to come (and you do want us to be around to help you catch fish for many more years, right)?

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