Easiest Way To Catch Snook From The Beach (Even While On Vacation)
- By: Joseph Simonds
- on

Want to know the simplest, quickest, and easiest way to catch snook from the beach/surf?
Then you don’t want to miss this episode where Luke breaks down the best spots, time of day, lure, and way to cast/retrieve.
Tight lines and enjoy!
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Easiest Way To Catch Snook From The Beach [VIDEO]
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Easiest Way To Catch Snook From The Beach [PODCAST]
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I believe I truly needed to hear this, I am a guy that seems to overcomplicate things and then end up working too hard and get too frustrated when things don’t go well after all my efforts. I guess this is the kiss principal, keep it simple stupid. Thanks for sharing. Going to have a pole rigged and keep it with me so I can just stop it and enjoy the moment and throw a line in from time to time without all the extra stuff.
Glad to see that you enjoyed this message! Yes, simplifying the plan and equipment list makes it much easier to enjoy the moment when small openings in the schedule arise.
Great info Luke, thank you!
Great info Luke, thanks. One question – I live on the east coast where the surf is much stronger, making water depth a constantly-changing target. How would you recommend fishing these conditions?
a very useful video Luke…thank you. What time of thew year do the snook show up on the beaches? Is it a water temperature thing? I’m in SW FL (Ft. Meyers/Bonita Springs) and spend Jan-April and also come back in October and November.
How do I spot snook in the surf? I was out today throwing exactly what was talked about in the video at basically anything that moved, but I wasn’t sure what actually was a snook and what wasn’t. I’m currently fishing in Naples and Marco Island and later i will be heading down to the keys.
Snook will look be just slightly darker than the bottom with a greenish tint to them. In most instances, you won’t see them before you hook them as they are very wary fish (if you see them, they probably have already seen you). So the key is to cast up the beach to zones where they haven’t been spooked.
To get an eye for them, it’s smart to walk the beach on a clear/calm day after the sun has risen high enough to really show the bottom well. You’ll surely see some if you walk up and down a beach in Naples or Marco.
Once you get down to the Keys, the snook population dwindles so I wouldn’t expect to catch any down there unless you are fishing closer to Flamingo.
Thank you so much! This helps a lot!