Fishing Technology (Sonar, Apps, Shortcuts). Good or Bad???
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Salt Strong Podcast, Podcast

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Is technology ruining fishing? Or are we just scared of change?
Join us as we dive deep with Bassmaster Elite Series pro, Brian Latimer, to explore the controversial world of forward-facing sonar, the rise of fishing apps, and why sometimes, the “old salts” might just have a point.
Fishing Technology (Sonar, Apps, Shortcuts). Good or Bad???
Podcast Notes
- Forward-facing sonar is a game-changer, for better or worse. Latimer discusses the undeniable impact this technology has on both recreational and competitive fishing, acknowledging the “emotional” conflict many anglers feel about its use.
- It’s not just about the gear. While questions about rods, reels, and lures are common, Latimer emphasizes the importance of understanding fish behavior and “building the angler’s mental muscle.” He believes focusing on the “why” behind fish behavior is key to consistent success.
- Technology is a tool, not a magic bullet. Even with advanced tools like forward-facing sonar, anglers still need to understand how to interpret the information and effectively present their lures. Latimer highlights that factors like line size, leader type, and presentation still play crucial roles.
- “Making it too easy” is a complex issue. Latimer wrestles with the idea that technology might be simplifying fishing too much, but ultimately concludes that it provides valuable data and solves the fundamental problem of finding fish. He draws parallels to other forms of fishing education, like magazines and online resources, that have also made information more accessible.
- The future of fishing is evolving. Latimer touches on the potential for even more advanced technology on the horizon, like 360-degree live sonar, and discusses his own role in this evolution with the Straight Up Fishing app, which provides anglers with personalized fishing education and support.
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