How To Rig Popping Corks With A Slit (Pro Tips & Top Mistakes)
- By: Luke Simonds
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It’s popping cork time!
One of the most popular popping corks out there is the one with the slit in it.
There are several advantages to this popping cork:
- It makes it easy to take on and off so you don’t need to re-tie every time you want to add or remove a popping cork.
- It’s easy to change the depth of the popping cork to match the depth you’re fishing.
- Fewer knots mean fewer opportunities for a knot to slip and cause you to lose a fish.
However, with all of these advantages, there are a couple of mistakes that most anglers make when rigging these corks.
Want to see what they are?
Watch the video below.
P.S. I also share a pro tip that makes these corks last much longer!
How To Rig A Slitted Popping Cork [VIDEO]
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Are you making these mistakes?
Have you tried any of these tips?
Let me know in the comments below!
And if you have any questions about rigging these corks you can ask those in the comments section, too.
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One other thing I’ve noticed about these corks – if you jam the pin all the way down as far as it will go, it helps hold the line in place on the more “experienced” floats. Also, they pop better the further down the pin is.
I put two half hitches on the insert and then insert the rod. It gets rid of the trouble of different size lines and keeps the cork in the desired position.
I had some all plastic slotted corks with beads inside that I tried using. I never did figure out how to rig them where they would not slide up and down the line. & even come off. Before the day was over I lost both corks. I am not sure what the key to rigging them is.
Is this type of cork as good a the other reg brand of popping corks
It all depends on what type of fishing you’re going… if power-fishing with a lure that requires lots of heavy pops and constant movement, then this type of popping cork would be a hassle to use because it would eventually start slipping with all of the motion (a fixed popping cork assembly like the one shown here would be the better choice).
But if using live bait where you’ll likely need to adjust the depth frequently and perhaps even go free-line at times, then this type of popping cork is definitely the best because it allows for a lot of easy customization without having to retie any knots.
Dude…no offense but you repeat the same thing over and over in your tutorials.
Roger that. I’ll make sure to be more concise… I think it’s just a habit in order to make sure the important parts are understood.
i wouldn’t take that comment to heart – you’re being clear, which is what is needing in a tutorial. Don’t change anything. and THanks for these.
Hey Luke. Just started trying popping corks, are they a one size fits all as far as leader? I tried 2 never used about 5″ cork using on 30# and even doubling it up it still slipped. Went and bought a couple of 3″ or so and man I had to beat the stem down into the cork, probably not gonna be able to pull it out it’s so tight on 30#.
These cork popping corks with the line slit are generally are 1 size fits all at first, but then the hole will expand after usage.
Another tip that has worked for me when there is some play between the stick and the inside of the float is to use a piece of tape, like the kind you use with wrapping paper, and wrap it around the stick. You only need about an inch to start. Wrap it perpendicular to the stick; no need to spiral the tape. The tape sticks to itself well and most times one piece of tape will tighten things up well.
Great tip Adam!
I have always wrapped them from top to bottom looping the line then pushing the plastic tube in. They still get stretched after a while .
The other way to use them is to thread your line through the hole in the tube and then add your terminal tackle then securing on the bottom the length that you want with a small sinker on the lower side of the cork. The line will sink to the bottom if there is no wind or tide but that would be a rarity. The bait moves more vertically when you pop it as there is some slack below the cork and the sinker.
Thanks for making time to leave the helpful comment Paul!
Yeah. Never put anything on the braid, that include split shots. Unless you want to knit a scarf.
This is my favorite float, whether popping or not, as the water level is always changing and the tie on popping cork requires too much commitment to
a depth. I also like the bottom weighted ones best as they let you place the bait more precisely at varying distances down range.
One thing. Regardless of leader diameter, I just toss out the plunger after the cork has been used for a while as it just gets too loose. Between my wife’s crafts and working with glues and coatings in the garage, we use a lot of the cheapo, school kid watercolor paint brushes. The brushes have plastic handles that are tapered, thin at the butt and fatter at the end with the bristles. I take snips or fishing spliers and snip the brush head off at top and save the brush handles. Because they are tapered, they will always work nicely regardless of line.
Sure wish the corks came with a tapered stop.
Great tip about the brush handles Bill!
Thanks Luke. Using these old fashioned corks ( some come with a weight inside to create noise) you can easily adjust the depth. As usual, it’s better to keep things simple. Those expensive popping corks with all the terminal stuff and wire just create more tangle possibilities.
Thanks for making time to leave the helpful comment Richard!