Jigheads You NEED To Avoid Getting Snagged


What are the best jigheads to avoid getting snagged?

Are there jigheads out there that will avoid snags and hang-ups?

Check this out to learn what jigheads you need to avoid getting snagged!

Best Jigheads To Avoid Getting Snagged

For this tip, we are going to break this down into different scenarios and when you should turn to a type of jighead to avoid getting snagged within the said scenario.

Shad-Head Style Jighead

Examples of a shad-head jighead are the Saltwater Assassin Pro Elite style jigheads and Z-Man Trout Eye jigheads.

Shad-head jigheads have an extremely thin profile to seamlessly glide through the water.

You want to use these jigheads when you are fishing shallow grass beds of under 2-3 feet in depth.

The thinner profiles of these jigheads will prevent you from getting hung up in the weeds as often as other jigheads.

Wider profiles like a boxing-glove jighead have a tendency to catch weeds and grass as you swim it along because of its wider shape.

Boxing-Glove Style Jighead

The Mission Fishin’ Double-Barbed Jighead is the perfect example of a boxing-glove style jighead.

You want to turn to these types of jigheads when you are fishing hard bottom like rock or shell.

The wider profile of these jigheads allows them to skip over rocks and shells that other jigheads would get stuck on.

Mushroom-Head Jighead

An example of a mushroom-shaped jighead is the Z-Man Mag ShroomZ jighead.

These are ideal to use around docks with sandy bottoms or small emerging grass that has not grown too much.

Moreover, these jigheads will catch grass and weeds as you swim them through the water.

However, mushroom-shaped jigheads around sandy bottom are tough to beat.

Additionally, Z-Man also designed the Pro ShroomZ jigheads which are slightly smaller than the Mag ShroomZ.

These jigheads are a perfect pairing for small soft plastic lures such as the Slam Shady 2.0.

If you are fishing a finesse presentation or in a situation where you are dealing with a lot of pressured fish, this jighead will shine.

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Best Jigheads To Avoid Getting Snagged [VIDEO]

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Believe it or not, jighead choice is extremely important and has just as much impact on your presentation as lure choice.

Choosing the proper weight, hook size, and head style are all crucial factors in your lure swimming right to provoke strikes.

Make sure your jigheads are organized and varied enough in your tackle box to prepare for any situation out on the water.

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Do you have any more questions on the best jigheads to avoid getting snagged?

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Dan Reffett
2 years ago

which jig head type is best for surf fishin?

Steven Rackas
2 years ago

I would like to see Salt Strong build their own jig heads and cut out the middleman.

Corey Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  Steven Rackas

I would like to see saltstrong as neutral observers, always trying new things and not selling their own stuff

Steven Rackas
2 years ago
Reply to  Pat Ogletree

This stuff seems so grossly marked up at tackle shops. Take the best of everything you use and then develop your own and sell it cheaper.

2 years ago

Certainly the jig head design can make a difference but you didn’t talk about the design that captures the swim bait to keep it from sliding down the hook.

Your photos didn’t show my favorite which looks like a fuel hose Barb.

Corey Johnson
2 years ago

Any thoughts on the z-man “weedless eye” jig heads?

2 years ago
Reply to  Pat Ogletree

Yeah I 2nd that! Stick to the Texas Eye Jig Head. Way better in my opinion!

2 years ago

Hey I likey this Pat! Really cool breakdown on the different styles of jig heads. I’ve gone bridge fishing using the Zman Trout eye and Boxer style, and you’re right! They work really well on avoiding snags. The boxer style is also great using live/dead shrimp hooking it through the tail end which keeps it from going sideways. Very effective along side pilings. Great stuff my man!

Rick Daniel Daniel
2 years ago

Hi Pat,
First of all, I wanted to thank you for all the post and tutorials that you’ve been providing. I didn’t hear you say anything about muddy bottoms. Which one of those jig heads are best for muddy bottoms like we have in Jacksonville Florida? It’s rare that I find grass or rock bottom but we do have a good bit of muddy bottoms and oyster bars. .

George Layton
2 years ago

Great info Pat, the proper jig head DOES make a difference !!

James Rogers
2 years ago

Thanks Pat

2 years ago

What type of jig head and weight would you use on the shore of the ocean? I surfcast at the ocean and on a jetty. Thank you. Jim

Garrett Walker
2 years ago

I’ve taken to the boxing glove jig heads for surf fishing. They swim well enough but then also stand up your lure if you are going to hop along the bottom. Shad also a good choice, especially in rougher conditions where you want it to cut through the water more.

Robert Di Memmo
2 years ago

What is the best jig head for surf fishing. I’m fishing the beach at St. Petersburg.


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