Fishing Line Leader Fail [Common Mistake That Loses Fish]

Don’t make this common mistake that loses fish!

I unfortunately lost a possible trophy fish because of it.

Worst of all – it is 100% avoidable.

Here’s how to prevent this fishing line leader fail!!

Common Mistake That Loses Fish [VIDEO]

➡Advanced Knots Module [Fishing School]


While I was out fishing a nearshore reef, I hooked into a GIANT keeper cobia.

After I took the hook out, I went and checked my leader line.

This is something you should be in the habit of doing.

I thought everything was fine with my leader so I kept on fishing.

Not long after that, I got what could’ve been the BIGGEST fish I’ve ever hooked into with artificial lures.

This fish ripped off drag and felt like a monster cobia.

It could’ve been my biggest cobia ever…

But I will never know.

Because I did not retie my leader assembly.

Although the line felt fine in my hands, the loop that wraps through the eye of the jighead was compromised.

That was the part that gave way when the fish was peeling off drag.


  • Retie the loop knot

I did not check the loop knot that was attached to the jighead.

I should have looked at that knot and retied it since it was compromised.

Even if it does not appear broken, it is worth retying.

  • Used a bite tippet

This was one of the few times I did NOT use a bite tippet.

The bite tippet is a small 6-8 inch section of leader at the end of your normal leader to strengthen the entire system.

Always check the loop of your loop knots after reeling in big fish.

And using a bite tippet is recommended when fishing around hard structure for bigger fish.

This will ensure there is no failure up close to the lure.


In order to help make sure that you are targeting the right areas based on the latest feeding trends and upcoming weather forecasts, make sure to use the following 3 resources because they will save you a ton of time.


These regional game plans will show you exactly what types of spots to target in under 10 minutes… just click the video to start, and you’ll be informed on what to do on your next trip.

➡Weekend Game Plan Lessons


This exclusive software literally shows you where the most fish are likely to be feeding based on exactly when you’ll be fishing. It factors in the tides, wind, and weather to help you quickly see which areas to target throughout the day.

➡Smart Fishing Spots App


The Insider Community platform is what you can use to see what is biting near you, and you can get to know other members who fish in your area. Plus, you can use it to keep a log of your catches so you can use past trips to help predict future catches.

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james Hunt
8 months ago

along these lines…..It happened again! I have pre-rigged leaders tied to various soft baits, flukes, paddle tails, shrimp, whatever. I use a non slip loop on the bait end and a loop knot (surgeons or perfection) on the other end attached to main leader with tactical angler clip. Once again during retrieval, the leader simply dropped off! Maybe had I used a VMC crank bait clip it would not have happened, but I find those clips difficult to use with my arthritic fingers, I love using the tactical angler clips, but obviously, in this case, not a good idea.

Angelo Durso
10 months ago

ah, goodness, that seemed like a major league fish on the hook. thanks for the tip and discussion

Johnny Shirley
10 months ago

I fish out of Grand Isle Louisiana and I am pretty good at checking often. Last season I had a 50 lb leader when I caught a good-sized Bull Red. After release never realized I hooked up to something started pulling drag, and went slack when I brought my line in my snap was unlocked and straight with the hook gone. Needless to say, I am never using a leader line with a snap swivel again.

Steven Free
10 months ago

You did this article before!? But like I said last time I don’t take chances and always either retie especially after a big fish like the 45 inch 20 lb red I caught on wend I if I don’t retie at least run the whole leader and even part of the main braid through my lips which are alot more sensitive then just feeling it with my fingers never had a problem with this technique and until I do I will keep doing it thanks for the info and all you do😀👍

George Layton
10 months ago

EXCELLENT advice Luke & most of us are probably guilty of the same oversight !! That lesson had to HURT but, surely won’t be repeated. Go get that GIANT !!!


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