This Is What The Perfect Beach Fishing Spot Looks Like
- By: Joseph Simonds
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- Found In: Fishing Tips, Beach Fishing

Plan on beach fishing this summer?
If yes, then you probably know the importance of finding the best spots (so you aren’t stuck casting out in a dead zone all day).
While we were filming “Beach Fishing Mastery” with Wader Dave, we did some exploring one day to identify some good looking spots (so people in the course could replicate it in their area).
Well, click the image below to watch the video showing one of the best spots we found.
Enjoy (click below now to watch the video)
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What was the beach you were on with wader dave on the gulf??
Honeymoon Island in Dunedin FL. Start at the north parking lot, head to the right and you can work three miles of beach to the point at the north end of the island. There’s another three miles of fishable shoreline on the east side of the island to work on the way back. It’s a days worth of fishing.