Seasick Prevention Product Test [Is This The Cure?]
- By: Luke Simonds
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Is THIS the answer to seasick prevention???
Getting seasick is the worst feeling and it could put a quick end to a once-promising fishing trip.
I took our Editor, Jake Ross, out on the water who typically gets seasick when fishing off of a boat.
But that was no issue on a super rocky morning thanks to the Relief Band!
Seasick Prevention Product Test [VIDEO]
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I hit the water super early with Insider Member George Layton and our Editor Jake Ross.
Jake is a wade-based angler who doesn’t do much nearshore fishing because he’s prone to seasickness.
But it was supposed to be calm and he was armed with the Relief Band just in case.
The goal was to hit a nearshore reef I had caught a few cobia on the day before.
We also wanted to test out some new colors to see if we could run into grouper, cobia, snapper, or anything else that would bite.
I knew we were in trouble when we got a few miles offshore.
The forecast indicated a calm day but it was far from calm out there.
Shortly after sunrise, we got into some fish.
As Jake worked in a grouper, I hooked into something BIG.
As I got the fish closer to the boat, I could see it was a GIANT snook.
That fish hit the Shrimptreuse Prawn USA.
Not once did Jake feel any seasickness throughout the trip and it was really rough for those that don’t do this kind of fishing often.
The Relief Band works!!!
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Actually,some music or effect as a relief for me. But Best thing for Me?, I take a pack of Ginger Gum with me… as well as candied ginger! Helps Soooo rapidly and well! May not eliminate completely,but when eaten and the gum chewed every hr or two.. you Won’t feel like you are going to chum the water. Just a slight nausea. And that’s when I’m in 4- 6′ swells on just a 26″ boat. No Breakfast.. oranges and crackers only and only when on boat heading out or taking a break. Then when good.. grilled chicken is fine. No oily things. Help me to continue to go fishing when it’s not Calm, or when anchored at the Jetty..
where it Akways is, and gets rough! Tight lines everyone
Thanks for sharing the helpful seasick tips!
I bought 2 relief bands, one for me and the wife. We tried them out two days ago, going out Ponce Inlet. We followed the directions and used the gel and activated them at North Causeway boat ramp which we figured would give us a 30 minute head start before we exited Ponce Inlet. We both started them at level 2 where we could feel the tingling. Just past the end of the jetty we dropped anchor and started fishing in 3 foot seas on our 19 foot boat. 10 minutes in we both upped the setting to 3. About 10 minutes later we needed level 4 and I could feel a good bang at my fingertips. Another 20 minutes and we were both done, both feeling too nauseous to fish and had to head in. Sorry to say the Reliefbands didn’t work for us.
I use the Relief Band when going out in the gulf about 30 miles for Snapper and Kings. It does not seem to work very well for me. I am interested to see how it is working for other anglers.
I always wear my relief band, and take bonine, and try to stay in the stern. Ginger ale, an apple, no alcohol. I do all this because I love to fish, but am prone to motion sickness.
One fateful trip, I was on the bow and got seasick. We had hours to go before the trip was over. My friend (who is a little crunchy) suggested a weird fix, but at that point I would try anything. She put Pachelbels Canon in D on her phone, and had me hold it on my stomach. I tucked it under my belt and continued to fish. No kidding. It is called “sound therapy”, for abdominal pain. After that trip, I did some research and found that taking bonine the day prior, and the day of the trip exponentially helps.
Thanks for sharing your findings!
Thanks for the review and the discount code. Although I grew up on the water and only had an issue once or twice in my lifetime, that was enough for me. There is no worse feeling, than being 60 miles offshore knowing you’re not coming in for hours, and there’s nothing you can do but to suck it up, literally. The older I get, it seems to affect me more now. I have had that queezy feeling on a couple trips. I went ahead and ordered one. Better safe than sorry. Tight lines!
Yes, better safe than sorry.
I am a retired pharmacist fisherman and wrote an article a number of years ago about managing motion sickness. It was my impression that the Relief Band does work because it’s stimulates the Neiguan P6 point that is used in acupuncture. The Relief Band can be useful and safe for pregnant women suffering from morning sickness. Relief Band is somewhat expensive but worth it for many who consistently are affected by motion sickness. Wearing an inexpensive motion sickness band with beads that rest on the same area doesn’t work consistently. There’s frequently a placebo effect with whatever one takes or uses for motion sickness.
The scopolamine patch that is applied behind the ear remains the most consistently effective in preventing motion sickness. Unfortunately it is expensive and available on prescription only. Blurred vision, dry mouth and sedation are common side effects. Antihistamines such as Dramamine, Bonine are effective in many people. Gingeroot capsules also can be effective if taken before getting on the water and continuing them every four hours while you’re out there.
You can limit your risk for motion sickness by not going fishing hung over, not eating a greasy breakfast and a good nights sleep before the outing. Slow deep breaths, while looking at the horizon can sometimes relieve symptoms.
I’ve never been seasick, even with people on either side of me chumming. I snack on ginger snap cookies whenever I go offshore. Perhaps that’s the secret for not getting sick.
Not convinced it is the ginger snaps. The majority of people don’t get seasick. Rarely will anyone get discharged from the Navy because of seasickness. Our bodies will adapt. Some of us are lucky that our inner ear is already geared for heavy seas.
As a fishing guide, I have used this product for over 10 years for clients and family. I have lost count of how many times I would have someone chumming over the side, I would put it on them, turn it on, and mid vomit they would be better. My daughter-in-law would steal it each time she was pregnant because of her terrible morning sickness (FDA-approved)… I have only had it not work well (like magic) on one client, but he had some other illness going on, but he was still better with it on than off. Great product! The best explanation as to why it works so well is that it disrupts the signal to your brain that runs along your vagus nerve… Thanks for the video.
You guys have no idea what heavy season are in my 20 years in the navy I have seen seas so rough even aircraft carriers were bobbing like a cork let alone on most of the smaller ships I was on I remember on my first ship the uss worden cg-18 a guided missel cruiser when I was stationed in pearl harbor Hawaii that in the Aleutian Islands just outside of Alaska in the north pacific the season were so rough we almost capsized!!! Because the seas were over 30 ft high!!! Now that’s rough but I never got seasick guess I was just lucky anyways so obviously I never needed any kind of seasick relief whether it be a pill or pressure band like you guys are promoting anyways not trying to brag or impress anyone just telling the truth and how I experienced it besides like I told Matt in one of his latest posts about catching blacking tuna out to sea in a yak in what I know about any ocean you can have it I floated on it for to long in the navy and know just how dangerous and fast to build up dangerous seas it can become in almost a blink of an eye and fishing in a boat like yours a pathfinder which really isn’t made for ocean fishing but bays and the icw or even crazier a kayak no thanks I love the water but I don’t take chances plus my little 17ft carolina skiff with a single 40 four stroke yamaha is much to small for that kind of fishing anyways I have said my piece and am now done and know you get my point thanks but no thanks but thanks anyways for everything else you do😉🤔
Certainly a worthwhile video, I was curious about the relief band type products. Nice to see a positive report.
I agree – great info here. I have never had an issue. My wife on the other hand does.
Your information is always solid! Motion sickness is a vestibular issue. Strengthen system with vestibular ocular reflex exercises, the rest are band aids