Pro Tactics For Hunting Trophy Redfish, Trout, & Snook
- By: Joseph Simonds
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Want to hear exactly how a multi-world record holder does his pre-trip planning for trophy (and even state record) redfish, speckled trout, and snook?
It’s almost the complete opposite of a fishing trip where you’re just trying to get a bunch of tight lines.
If you’d like to catch a new personal best then you don’t want to miss this!
Check it out below!
You can watch the video version of this podcast below (which I highly recommend), listen to the audio version by clicking the play button underneath it, or listen to it on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.
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Pro Tactics For Hunting Trophy Fish [VIDEO]
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Pro Tactics For Hunting Trophy Fish [PODCAST]
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You can follow the timestamped table of contents here:
- 3:46 – What is a trophy fish?
- 4:29 – Pre-trip planning for hunting trophy fish
- 5:12 – Where do the trophy fish hide?
- 5:59 – This is the best tide to fish for big fish
- 7:56 – Are there gator trout around where dink trout are feeding?
- 9:20 – What the big mullet tell us
- 10:45 – Mature redfish move in schools and are migratory
- 13:02 – There are more trophy fish around where you are fishing than you think
- 15:11 – This is how to increase your chances of catching trophy fish from shore
- 17:20 – You must rig your bait properly if you want to catch big fish
- 18:15 – How to rig up for big redfish
- 24:01 – How many records have been caught on Deeks boat?
- 24:48 – This is how you should hook your bait
- 26:25 – Rigging up for big snook and trout on the flats
- 27:32 – Buy line not leader material for fluoro (it’s much more affordable)
- 31:54 – Very important things to remember when you are hunting big fish
- 34:44 – Trophy fish are almost ALWAYS here
- 36:38 – The importance of having a network to find the fish
- 39:26 – Give and take within your community
- 40:50 – Lures to use for trophy fish
- 42:36 – How gamefish naturally behave in the water
Capt. Peter Deeks has multiple world-record saltwater catches.
But they don’t come easily!
You must have the best tactics, bait, and rigs to catch your next trophy.
What’s been the trophy fish that you’ve caught (or want to go hunt)?
Are there other trophy fish topics you’d like to see?
Let me know down in the comments!
And if you know an angler who wants to catch a trophy fish, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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Great vid guys. Packed with information. Thank you for putting it out there for us weekend fisherman so we have a real shot at catching some monster fish.
Great podcast!!! You guys are awesome!
What a great session. Taking nothing from the rest of you, but Deeks is my favorite. I have two questions – pretty much along the same line as Justin asking about the terminal rigging –
1) With 8+ feet of leader, you must be casting the braid to flouro/mono knot through the guides – what knot are you using for this? Since this is bait fishing, you must not do a lot of casting, so this occasional trip through the guides is ok – right?
2) Just where is that weight, and does anything stop it from moving anywhere on the line? When I’ve used egg sinkers with no swivel, sometimes the weight ends up 20 feet back on the line during the cast. Some egg sinkers have a very small aperture hole – is that what you are using, so that the bite leader to shock leader stops the sinker?
Great video. Watched it twice. Looking forward to part 2.
Superb video guys, the thanks continue. Years ago I couldn’t catch a cold much less a slam. Since joining a few years back and learning what I have, I now love to get feisty and shoot for the “Super Slam”! Over slots! 27 inch or over Red, 33 inch or over Snook, and the 25 inch or bigger Trout. The 25 and over Trout has been the toughest. This will help. Thanks again guys.
I wouldn’t say that I’m a trophy fish chaser although in my 20 years fishing the inshore saltwater scene I have caught 2 very large bullreds 1 almost 60 inches long!!! The other just slightly under 50 inches and about 8 trout in the 10lb Mark and 1 about 12lb back then I weighed them now I just catch and eat but catch big ones in the gator class now and then the waters where I fish are well known for having big fish all year long but the bigger and older they are the smarter they are as well and are not easily fooled unless your presentation is spot on and they are hungry I have seen very large trout and reds ignore my offering anyways enough said
Really great info, thanks a bunch.