Is Your Lure Changing Color Underwater (And Spooking Fish)?


Ever heard of an underwater lure color shift?

Imagine you’re about to bite into a hamburger and it changes from brown to neon orange as you pick it up…

What would you do?

Throw it away!

Burgers aren’t supposed to change colors…

But if you fish with artificial lures and you’ve ever seen a fish suddenly turn away from your lure, that’s probably what the fish was experiencing.

See, in the water, certain lure colors can undergo color shifts.

This can spook off the fish off (meaning you don’t catch as many fish as you could).

Most experts recommend just a few lure colors, but when you go into a tackle store you see aisles and aisles of different color lures.

This is where the old saying, “Fishing lures catch fishermen not fish,” comes into play.

All of these options and colors are to get us buying more and more lures, not to help us catch more fish.

So I created this video to share with you exactly what an underwater lure color shift is, what lure colors experts recommend, and how you can avoid wasting your money on lures that just don’t work.

You can watch the video version of this podcast below, listen to the audio version by clicking the play button underneath it, or listen to it on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.

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Underwater Lure Color Shifts [VIDEO]

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Underwater Lure Color Shifts [PODCAST]

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Is This The Best Lure Color? [VIDEO]

➡ Click here to get a FREE pack of Slam Shady Paddletails


Before I learned how to actually catch fish, I was guilty of buying all sorts of crazy-looking lures that caught my eye in the tackle store, not realizing that many of them were undergoing a color shift in the water and actually causing me to not catch fish.

Do you do that, too?

These lures are made to catch fishermen, but if you want to catch fish, one of your best options is to stick with a lure that’s white with some gold and silver flash, like the Slam Shady.

It doesn’t undergo a color shift and is the same color as most baitfish your target species is looking for.

You can get a free pack of Slam Shady paddletails at

We only offer one free pack per household, so if you’ve already got your free pack, you can get more at our online tackle store,

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Steve Miller
3 years ago

Thanks Joe. Very interesting and something I would never research on my own. I am new to both saltwater fishing and the club, however I am very pleased thus far. I do not know that I will ever learn everything I need to know about fishing, but with the help of Salt Strong I am having a good time trying. I have received my free Slam Shady’s as well as my first order of various other items. Can’t wait to put them all to the test. PEACE!!!!

4 years ago

Got my lures today and the came open up delivered that way from post office

Carrol Bennett
4 years ago
Reply to  CORY SMITH

Thanks for taking my call this afternoon Cory and I have your replacement package going out today. Let us know if you need anything and we thank you for your understanding and for letting us know of the issue!

Daniel Deins
4 years ago

Hey Joe, I love the slam shady it will always be in my tackle box for now on! But I’m curious why the slam shady is translucent white instead of a solid white? Is there going to be a difference between the two or a time to fish one or the other? Thanks!

Daniel Deins
4 years ago
Reply to  Joseph Simonds

Thanks Joe, makes sense! I noticed you don’t have Yellow tail snapper on your list of caught fish, unless I missed it. Ive caught a few on the slam shady with a slow and falling retrieve. Since you guys don’t have any Z-man slam shady in stock would the pinfish and Houdini be a good substitute since the color is similar?

Malcolm Felgate
4 years ago

Hi Malcolm from Cape Town South Africa. Very interested in your color video. Have you done any work with trolling lures? Do you think it will be large factor with trolling squid lures and Rapalas? This is for deep sea fishing for Tuna. Mainly in clear water or with a slight touch of green.


Wade Leffel
4 years ago

I have fished for years. In northern lakes, Florida lakes, saltwater.
I have fished with white a lot haven’t much luck with white. I don’t know why.
I have my best luck with any dark color with sparks

Adam Bailey
4 years ago

The 2.0 and new lavender Lady Shady??? haha

Mark McKinney
4 years ago

Very interesting ??? But, it seems many people are using the Alabama Leprechaun with good results ???

Mark McKinney
4 years ago
Reply to  Joseph Simonds

My two go to lures are a slam shady and white/pearl 3′ gulp shrimp. As far as jig heads, I always use red. In shallow water, will they do a color shift ?? Since I heard this yesterday I added Z Man jig heads to my cart.


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