Changing Lures Based On Conditions [Case Study]

It had been over 10 YEARS since Retired BASS Elite Angler Jesse Tacoronte caught a redfish.

He and I hit the water to change that!

We switched through a ton of lures on this trip which revealed a few interesting takeaways!

Get the full scoop below!!

Changing Lures Based On Conditions [VIDEO]

➡ Go to the Advanced Lures Module (Fishing School)

Lures that Caught Fish:

We both started fishing topwater first thing in the morning.

Conditions were perfect to spark a topwater bite.

We reeled in a few trout but there was so much grass around we had to make a change.

It was time to switch over to weedless soft plastic lure presentations.

After jumping to a few spots, we found a calm area with some bait.

This is where the Polk County Tweaker EXCELS!

Jesse made a perfect cast way up underneath some mangroves and got a HUGE bite from a solid redfish.

He got his first red in over 10 years!

The Tweaker kept getting strikes until the weather completely changed course.

The wind picked up so we moved to a nearby flat.

I then made the switch to fishing with the Skinny Lipper.

The trout were all over the Skinny Lipper from that point on.

The biggest takeaway from the trip was to make lure changes as the conditions change to sustain a steady bite.

If we had kept the same lures on all day, we would not have gotten as many strikes throughout the trip as we did by making adjustments as needed.

➡ Go to the Advanced Lures Module (Fishing School)

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Terry Hinton
7 months ago

thanks luke

Ronald Peedin
7 months ago

enjoyed will try

Brandon Furlough
7 months ago

Great video Luke! A lot of good info, you can not take that hook set out of the bass fisherman, haha! My nephew is the same way, it scares me if it misses it flies back at you! Way to go and work to the conditions!

Brandon Furlough
7 months ago

Great tips! I am a lure changer for sure!

Paul Burt
7 months ago

I always love the real-world video fishing demonstrations. Never caught a redfish, myself. Hoping to get a boat going so I can get out after them some day!

Joe Lyle
7 months ago

Great video and lesson. It appears you stayed with a dark colored tweaker but used a lighter colored paddle tail. I’m curious why?

Daniel Lincoln
7 months ago

was that the slot machine rod you were using?

Charles Gurnea
7 months ago

I have a problem I’ve been using helix football weedless jigs I’m hooking up but the won’t stay on and I’ll go to zman not a problem

Steven Free
7 months ago

I am very surprised that a professional bass angler hadn’t caught a red in at least a decade because if he fishes southern waters for tournaments especially the Mississippi or the st johns river where I live it would almost be impossible not to catch a red just by accident because both of these rivers have tons of red drum and if you have ever caught redfish and bass together on the same trip like I have you will know both of these fish feed very similar and can be caught in locations in both fresh and brackish waters in fact the reason I first started inshore saltwater fishing I was fishing a tidal creek for bass using a red shad colored culprit 6 inch plastic worm rigged texas style pitching it under and next to a dock piling that in a matter of only about an hour of fishing proceded to catch 4 fish almost identical in size about 4 lbs 2 were reds about 18 inches in size the other 2 were largemouth all under 1 dock located on the outer edge of a creek so you see that’s how I got started especially after discovering how better reds fight then bass not to mention better eating as well also I found that bass tackle will work in the salt to as well obviously the lures to one just needs a little more care to wash off the salt that’s all thanks for the info and all you do

Michael Justice
7 months ago

You are just great,you lay it out perfectly and I appreciate you for it.great course and education.thank you mike justice


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