Here’s What Jesus Would Say About Trump vs Biden…


Think about this for a second…

How did we let so much hate, animosity, and disharmony into our lives over two men who have turned this election into a Jerry Springer junior high popularity-contest…

How did we let two ungodly, unholy, and seemingly unapologetic men completely take over our daily conversations, news feeds, and impressions of other people who might vote differently than us?

How have we let these two men and their constituents divide our country?

And how have we so easily lost sight of what really matters in life? (Hint: it’s not politics)

These questions above are just some of the things I’ve been asking myself over the past month as I’ve seen the following unfold:

  • I’ve seen close friends become hated enemies solely over a comment or political rant on social media
  • I’ve seen family members stop talking to each other because they both think they are “right” and they are appalled that their family member would vote “for the other guy”
  • I’ve seen racial slurs, religious slurs, lack of intelligence slurs, and any other kind of slur you can imagine being thrown around just because someone is supporting a different candidate
  • But the worse part is that I’ve seen this entire political circus divide our country worse than at any other time in my life.

So after a lot of prayers and thought, here’s what I believe Jesus would say about this election…

“Replace Their Name With MINE”

Can you guess how many times we mentioned Donald Trump and Joe Biden online in the last couple of days alone?

It’s staggering…

Here’s the number of times Donald Trump was mentioned online (not including most of social media)
Here’s the number of times Joe Biden is mentioned in the news (not including most of social media)

880,000,000 + 293,000,000 = 1,173,000,000

That over ONE BILLION times we’ve clogged up our brains and our news feeds with the mention of Donald Trump and/or Joe Biden (in just the last week).

Could you imagine how much better America would be if we REPLACED all of those mentions of politicians with JESUS instead?

Don’t believe in Jesus?


How about we replace it with GOD?

Don’t believe in God?


How about we replace it with LOVE?

How much more united would we be as a society if we infused our news with ONE BILLION additional mentions of LOVE instead of division, corruption, name-calling, and mud-slinging?

“Vote The Platform, Not The Person”

Someone recently forwarded me over a newsletter from James Dobson which I believe hit the nail on the head as to how we should be voting as Christians.

Here is the text from his newsletter:

I’m not voting for the person—I’m voting for the platform!

I’m voting for the Second Amendment.

I’m voting for the next Supreme Court justice.

I’m voting for the electoral college.

I’m voting for the Republic in which we live.

I’m voting for the police and law and order.

I’m voting for the military and the veterans who fought and died for this country.

I’m voting for the flag that is often missing from public events.

I’m voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored for it.

I’m voting for secure borders. I’m voting for the right to praise God without fear.

I’m voting for every unborn soul that is at risk of being aborted.

I’m voting for freedom and the American dream.

I’m voting for good and against evil.

I’m not just voting for one person.

I’m voting for the future of my country!”

I believe God would want us to do the same.


You’ve probably heard the quote, “A nation gets the type of politicians it deserves…”


That one hits close to home…

You’ve probably also heard the Bible verse, “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand”. ~ Mark 3:25

Well, here we are with two politicians we probably deserve and a house that is certainly divided.

How do we fix this?

I believe right now we’re being called to pray.

The verse from Chronicles says it best:

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”


Then Pray some more.

“It’s All In HIS Hands…”

I believe the final thing Jesus would say is…

“I’ve got this. Regardless of who wins, GOD is in CONTROL.”

Only God can truly make America great again.

Neither one of these men (or anyone in Washington D.C. for that matter) is the solution to what ails our nation… only GOD is the solution.

If we ever believe one human leader has more power than God then we’ve lost sight of HIS word.

Let’s not lose sight that these men and women in our political system are mere sinners and children of God just like the rest of us.

So let’s turn OFF the political hate and turn ON LOVE.


Don’t get caught up in this political circus.

HE called us into this world to spread love and truth, not to argue and fight with our neighbors about politics.

Finally, HE loves you.

And whoever you plan to vote for, I love you.

What Jesus Would Say About Trump vs Biden [PODCAST]


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I’d greatly appreciate any and all feedback by leaving a comment at the bottom of the post.

You have my word I will read every single message (although it might be tough for me to get all of them considering the tens of thousands of people will read and see this).

Finally, I’d really appreciate if you’d take a second to SHARE this with your friends and family.

Thank you for being part of the Salt Strong family!

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Faye Witt
1 year ago

I am not going to lie, I am not happy with what’s happening to America, I believe it is literally being destroyed by the Democratic Party and they’re the ones that needs to be destroyed from the inside out and kept from doing anymore damage to our great country, I am so angry that people are this blind and in such denial over what they’re doing, the lies, the deceiving the people like democrats are known for I mean it just makes me so mad that people can be this stupid and especially when it’s putting their lives, my life and everybody’s else’s lives in jeopardy, the future of America is in jeopardy I spend my days angry anymore because of what the evil, wicked Democrats have done to our country already and what they’re going to do next to further destroy our country and it angers me of what fools they are making out of all of us but the ones that are being made to look like the biggest fools of all is the ones who support them and of course votes for them, they are being made the biggest fools of all, simply because they support them and they vote for them and I wish the people that supports and votes for them would grow some brains and quit supporting and voting for that trash because they don’t deserve nobody’s support or their votes if I vote again which I highly doubt I will ever vote again because elections anymore are just too damned crooked for my liking anymore especially when I believe stole the damn 2020 election away from President Trump I believe they are so intimidated by that man that they will do anything that they probably can do to destroy him, along with destroying this country, they may have a lot of people fooled by their lies and that’s the most unfortunate part but they don’t have everybody fooled by their lies, I’ve read that the Democrats rejected God like long ago but I’d like to believe that one day this same God who the Democrats rejected long ago will one day pay for their evil. I read that Democratic Party was being used by the devil, maybe that’s what the democrats rejected God for, for the devil and maybe one day they’ll be with the devil.

bob Peterson
1 year ago

Joe, I see most comments are labeled as “1 year ago”. I responded to the first unchurched post years ago with no response from you.I still believe like you do and encourage you to spread the word from your platform that Love is the answer. In my initial response invited you to my home in Goodland for fishing and lodging.I have sold the Goodland home and now live just 3 miles from Marco Bridge and still offer lodging and fishing in the Ten Thousand Islands and want nothing from you.I practiced Medicine for 30 years and now run a non-profit Health Advisory Ministry which has seen over 700 clients in the last 4 years for no charge.Admire what you and Luke are doing and the invitation is open. Sincerely, dr. bob

Steve Miller
3 years ago

I totally agree with you on voting the platform over the person. I have been a registered Republican since legal age to vote. If I thought Donald Trump was sincere on the platform I would have voted for him. I believe he is more interested in himself than God or Country and he is gaming the system at our Constitutions expense. I am not a Democrat or Biden fan either…not by a long shot. I’m hoping and praying we as Republicans can do much better than the Trumps!

Kyle Berwick
3 years ago

Joe, I just got to thank u for ur Upchurched Podcasts. At 1st I was thinking what is this all about and why was it here on a fishing website. After listening to a couple, I started to find myself obtaining the same peace and serenity in listening to these as much as I do from fishing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can only wish others take the time to give it a try. U have found ur calling and this one is spot on!

Brett Laws Laws
3 years ago

Joe, you asked for our thoughts and opinions. Here are my thoughts:
My wife and I discussed several times over the past few months about not voting in anymore elections due to the circus you mentioned and our unwillingness to participate in the mammon system any longer. After prayerful meditation one morning recently, I felt that God was telling me otherwise and to vote straight red. I mentioned to my wife later that day what I heard from God and she was getting that same gut feeling. This was confirmation that we should vote.
Neither one of us do not buy into what the MSM is putting out about Trump and all of the other nonsense that is being discussed there. They try to divide us every way they can, right, left, black, white, rich, poor, religion, etc. The reason MSM is so against Trump is he is a direct threat to the principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness and against spiritual wickedness. We feel that this is America’s last chance to turn away from the dark to the light. Trump has done a lot for the country and the media is silent, such as 2 Executive Orders to help combat human trafficking. We feel God can use anyone He chooses to advance His kingdom, whether he being a christian or not.
I pray every morning for him and for the truth to be revealed to everyone in this existence, to be red pilled, so to speak.The next few days and weeks will be difficult for the country as a whole and all we can to is pray for truth and justice to prevail, as well as, showing the world Jesus’ love and compassion by living our lives as an example of Godliness. Our faith should be one of a daily relationship between our Creator and us, not man made religion that only seeks to divide us. As the bible, and you stated above, a house divided can not stand.
I appreciate your unashamed profession and life living example of your faith and I do enjoy your unchurched podcasts as we walked away from church about 10 years ago due to hypocrisy, being lied to and the whole truth of the gospel not being preached.
Much love to you and all my Salt Strong brethren.

John Walker
3 years ago

Well done Joe.

Johnny & Susan

3 years ago

I love you Joe Simonds like Diamonds!

Donald Donohoo
3 years ago

You must go to the church that I attend. I say this because what you just said is exactly what our pastor is saying. God has got this and I for one agree with you both.
I would like to add that one of the many reasons why I support Saltstrong is because y’all are not ashamed of your faith.

3 years ago

Thank you so much for this post! I voted for Trump reluctantly in 2016 and really didn’t like him up until about 4 or 5 months ago. And then I really started researching and digging in and found out what evil he is really fighting and most of America doesn’t even begin to know because all they listen to is the mainstream media. It is sickening the people who’ve been running this country and the evil they’ve been doing.
I think we need to really be praying for people to wake up and choose wisely the man who is for America and all the values you described in your article. Our future and our children’s futures depend on it.
God bless my friend!

3 years ago

Joe you asked or I would not reply as this election means a lot to me and out nation. One thing you say is “How did we let two ungodly, unholy, and seemingly unapologetic men
That is true of biden but not trump and if you research what trump says not what the media tells you, you will see I am speaking the truth.
Obama divided this nation and not Trump. This is not the first time this has happened. Look back at 1861and ask why would men from the south fight to keep slavery when very few owned or wanted one. They fought because they wanted to be free of the tax the north wanted to impose on what they produced and free to live the life and freedom our forefathers fought for in 1776.
Why did the north fight? Because they were told it was about slavery but not the fact few in the south owned slaves or wanted slavery. We see the media spreading the same lies today and my biggest fear is we will have another civil war and again there will be no winners only survivors. We will see again friends and family killing each other because of their beliefs.
This is a catholic preacher and tells the truth about biden. It makes no difference your religion as I do not know of one that believes as biden does and I know trump does not.
Listen to what this preacher has to say and this will be my last comment on your group about it. I see to much on my page and come here to relax.

Brett Laws Laws
3 years ago
Reply to  ROY L NOBLIN

Roy, you are one of the few people that know the truth about why the civil war was fought.


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