Weekly Newsletter: 3-22-20
Hey Salt Strong Nation,
To say things are crazy right now would be a bit of an understatement…
I haven’t been praying over our country, our leaders, our families, and anglers like you this much in quite some time…
But here’s the good news: no matter what happens, they can’t take fishing away from us (even if it means online fishing education for a week or so).
And to help you do that, this week’s newsletter is full of tips to help you bring fish to the boat.
We’ve got tips such as:
- How to triple your trout strikes
- The truth about live bait vs. artificial lures
- A crazy video of how to not let a snook break you off
And much more.
Now before we get into the newsletter, here’s a big shoutout to Alex for the nice tarpon pictured above!
Now, let’s dive in!
P.S. Want to unlock the exclusive Insider tips? Click here to join us in the Insider Club.
Wondering what braid to fluorocarbon fishing knot is the strongest? Well, this article shows the results of 3 top knots going up against each other.
Unbelievable Snook Catch (All Caught On Film!!)
This is one of the craziest snook catches you'll ever see! Check out this snook weave in and out of dock pilings as Tony chases him down on foot.
How To Clean A Blue Crab In 2 Easy Steps (Quick & Clean Way)
Want to learn how to clean a blue crab the quickest and cleanest way? Check out this two-step process that makes it really easy. This will save you from...
How To Hook Shrimp On A Jig Head (EASIEST Way To Catch Fish)
Want to see the best way to hook shrimp on a jighead? This way of rigging them makes your shrimp look natural in the water and attracts...
6 Tips For Targeting Trophy Fish With Live Bait
Want to learn the best way to target trophy fish with live bait? Check out this video to see how the pros (and world-record holders) do it.
Lures vs. Live Bait: Inshore Slam Tournament Results
Do you fish tournaments? Or just want to get better at catching inshore slams? Check out this video to see our gameplan for inshore slams in tough weather.
Triple Your Trout Strikes With This Crazy Lure Trick!
Have you ever tried this trick? It takes "match the hatch" to a new level and can help you catch loads more trout! Plus, it's really simple to do.
Smart Fishing Game Plan For The Weekend [March 20th – 22nd]
This video shows the types of spots that will be holding the most inshore saltwater fish this weekend based on recent feeding trends and warming weather.
The Day We Went Gator Trout Fishing With Mike Iaconelli
What do you do when Mike Iaconelli hits you up to go fishing? You put him on some gator trout! Check out this video of an awesome day on the water with Ike.
Finding Ideal Wade Fishing Spots [Map Analysis + On-The-Water Footage]
On this trip I fished with “Wader Dave” Ulgenalp. I have never wade fished much so I will be discussing some things I learned as...
Inshore Slam Tournament Post-Trip Analysis Details [Insider Report]
This post-trip analysis report shows the exact spots we fished so that you can look for similar spots near you when fishing similar conditions.
Finding Ideal Spring Time Feeding Zones [Spot Dissection – Map Analysis]
This Spot Dissection will cover some types of areas to be looking for when fishing in the early Spring. I use a few different examples...
How To Catch Inshore Slams On Tough, Windy Days
Is it possible to have a great day on the water even when conditions are bad? Yes! Learn how to overcome bad conditions, where to find fish, and...
How To Catch Striped Bass In Rivers (Best Lures, Spots, Seasons & More)
Want to catch more striped bass? Check this out to learn the best times of year, best types of spots, and best lures to catch these fish.
The Big SIN Misconception…
Want to know the truth about sin? Want to know the biggest minconceptions and mistakes when it comes to sinning? Then listen to this!