#1 Beach Fishing Lure That Will Catch Any Species From The Surf
- By: Wyatt Parcel
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THIS is hands down the #1 Beach Fishing Lure!!
No matter the species or weather conditions, this lure will trigger strikes and hook into hungry predatory fish.
The Beach Fishing Mastery Course is AVAILABLE HERE!!!
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#1 Beach Fishing Lure [VIDEO]
Click here to get the Beach Fishing Mastery Course NOW
Click here to get a Clarkspoon Stick Jig
The easiest and most effective lure to catch more fish off the beach is a simple spoon or metal diamond jig.
Diamond jigs or spoons are one of the best lures to throw from the beach because of how well it casts and how well it effectively targets multiple species.
The weight of a metal spoon or jig cuts through the wind with ease and casts far off the sand.
Anytime you are retrieving metal lures off the beach, you want to speed up your retrieve to a super-fast constant rate.
You want to get the fish fired up and ignite a chase for your lure.
Most of the time, the fish will come from behind and strike the lure.
This is also the reason why the hooks for spoons or metal diamond jigs are commonly near the rear of the lure.
These fish are schooling up and moving at high rates of speed as it is.
So a shiny diamond jig or spoon zipping through the water will no doubt pique their interest.
If you are struggling to hook up or trigger any bites, you can mix things up and try different retrieves.
But for the most part, a super quick retrieve is best.
Click here to get a Clarkspoon Stick Jig
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A sure-fire way to catch fish from the beach is a simple metal spoon or diamond jig.
Any species that see your shiny lure skimming across the surface will have no choice but to strike!
The Beach Fishing Mastery Course has it all and truly encapsulates everything you’ll ever need to know to sharpen your beach fishing skills.
Click here to get the Beach Fishing Mastery Course NOW
Do you have any more questions about the #1 beach fishing lure?
Let us know down in the comments section!
And if you know someone who wants to learn more about the #1 beach fishing lure, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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Hello there Salt Strong , Wyatt i enjoyed this vid a lot, i’m learning a bit everyday watching your vids guys ,SStrong has an amazing team, great enthusiasm and beautiful fishes in this vid.
Great info. I want to try it out but I’m up in Va and do my beach fishing on the outer banks. I’m sure your video is in FL, ocean or gulf? Do you have any info on whether this tactic would work off the beach further north on the outer banks?
Thanks but no thanks, I’ll stick to my proven go-to baits poxy jigs, and deadly dicks 1/2 ounce to 3 ounces for bonito and bonita while surf fishing.
Those epoxy jigs are great too! Thanks for watching A Rollins!
I’m excited to see the course! I purchased a surf cast rod (used) and have a couple of questions:
1- What size braid and what brand do you use?
2-What size leader and what brand do you use?
3- What type of knot do you use to connect the two and do you use any type of swivel and if so which kind?
The braid for this video was 30lb and it was original PowerPro.
The leader was Berkley Big game, and I believe it was 50lb.
The knot he used was a double uni!
We’ll actually give a more in depth breakdown of these in the course, so stay tuned for that!
Hell yeah! You laughing had me laughing at my desk man. Have done a ton of beach/surf fishing back in San Diego but I think I love it more here in Florida now that this is home. I’ve yet to use the diamond jigs here and just ordered a few and look forward to the beach again soon. Much thanks for the vid.
Haha, glad you enjoyed this one Jason!
(Drools in anticipation of full course)
Great info Wyatt and BBB! Do either of you have thoughts on replacing the treble hooks on those spoons with single inlines like on suspending hardbaits?
Great question Joel!! You definitley can replace the trebles to singles. It would definitley be to the benefit of the fish, and you’ll be much less likely to loose a fish once you’re hooked up.
OK, I just checked myself…the $14.95 is for TWO jigs…still 1-1/2 times as expensive, but maybe for free Amazon shipping for Amazon Members, it might not be that aweful.
At least I check myself and admit it when I am even partially wrong……….
No worries Randy! Please see my comment below.
Fire, aim, ready. No rest for the weary, Wyatt. Looking forward to your Beach Fishing Mastery Course!
Please explain why your article directs one to Amazon where the jig is priced at $14.95, whereas it can be bought at Walmart for $4.95. Are you getting some sort of big kickback on those at Amazon.
Unless you have a good explanation, it is a very black mark on SaltStrong’s reputation. I am sure that others will find this out too, so best you explain.
Hey Randy! That’s the price for two jigs, and you might be looking at a different weight. As you move up in weight, the spoons become slightly more expensive.
The links we posted are actually are the least expensive vendor for these spoons.
When I googled 1.5oz clarkspoons at Walmart, the link we posted was still cheaper for the specific spoon…at Walmart (for a single spoon) is $8.50 via this link :
The Amazon link we posted is 14.95 for two spoons , meaning they’re $7.47 a piece. (https://www.amazon.com/Clarkspoon-Bonito-Albies-Bluefish-Mullet/dp/B07J65RFKP?th=1&linkCode=sl1&tag=wwwadvisorint-20&linkId=52e433ec6a1a1c64cfb1e23da17b0a7c&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
Regardless, we’re working to try and get some of these in the shop to help you get them at an even LOWER price then Amazon with your Insider Discount! Sorry for the confusion!
I did find another link on Walmart that claimed the spoons were only 5.50, but they are not stocked by Walmart and it is only hosted through their site from the seller “Eastern Tackle”, but fails to mention in the listing price the cost of that seller’s charging 3.50 for shipping, bringing the total of a single spoon to $9.00.
(Image of shipping cost, as I can’t post images in the comments section)
Please do not jump to conclusions like this, Randy. It would be much more appropriate to “Ask” instead of “Assuming”.
Salt Strong’s goal is to help teach anglers how to Find & Catch more fish. Plain and simple. If a product is recommended, it is done so with the Angler in mind.
Please do not immediately jump to accusations like this. We love our Members and the Fishing Community, and we are doing our best to help improve everyone’s opportunity at success on the water.
As the phrase goes “Be Curious, Not Judgmental.”
Edit: I see that you learned more about the Pricing & Product Information on that Amazon Link that Wyatt provided in a comment above. Thank you for being understanding. I am working towards adding this product to our Store so that more anglers can enjoy this lure in their future beach endeavors. Let me know if you have any questions personally about this lure and I’ll be happy to assist.
What rod and reel is that? I recognize the Slammer. Also what line and leader? That is amazing!
Matthew will have to provide information about the line and leader, but the rod looks to be the Ninja Tackle (www.ninjatackleva.com) Bama Beach Bum Special Edition Bummy Stick.
You nailed it James!
Hey Steve! It’s an awesome 10ft rod that Matthew helped design, aptly named the “Bummy Stick” ! It’s a great all around choice for both set rig fishing and casting lures such as the one shown in this video!
The line is 30lb PowerPro with 40lb Leader
It looks like a good rod. I guess the Slammer is the 4500.