Best Beginner Saltwater Fishing Boats & Skiffs
- By: Joseph Simonds
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What should a beginning boater look for in an entry-level boat or skiff?
What are some of the best beginner saltwater fishing boats?
In this episode, our fishing coaches talk about their own fishing vessels and what they recommend you take into consideration and keep in mind when looking for your very own fishing boat!
Do you know enough about boats to go out and buy one right now?
You might need to do more research than you think!
You can watch the video version of this podcast below (which I highly recommend), listen to the audio version by clicking the play button underneath it, or listen to it on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.
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Best Beginner Saltwater Fishing Boats [PODCAST]
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We covered a lot in this episode, so here is a timestamped version:
- 1:42 – Biggest issue people make with their first boat
- 4:30 – Importance of ease of use
- 5:28 – The Carolina Skiff
- 9:44 – J16 Entry-level skiff
- 11:20 – The Gheenoe Classic
- 14:57 – Garage storage vs. Outside storage
- 16:21 – Pricing and places to find entry-level boats
- 19:13 – Used boats vs. New boats
- 19:47 – Mako LTS boat
- 21:30 – Know what you are getting into ahead of time
- 23:16 – Take an extra look at the boat trailer
- 23:54 – Soft spots on the floor and transom
- 26:37 – Boat or engine warranties
- 31:32 – Marine batteries
- 31:51 – Boat accessories
- 41:05 – Non-fishing related boat items
Best Beginner Saltwater Fishing Boats [VIDEO]
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Choosing your very first fishing boat or upgrading from a kayak or smaller vessel to a boat can be challenging and it is best to equip yourself with loads of knowledge before making major decisions!
Do your research and find the boat that best suits you and the type of fishing you are going to do.
Keep in mind that boats are a major investment and require time and constant attention to maintain!
Do you have any further questions on boat selection or beginner fishing boats?
Let us know down in the comments!
And if you know someone who wants to learn more about the best beginner saltwater fishing boats, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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What beginner skiff would you recommend for Brunswick co. NC Inshore fishing and cruising around. Thanks
1-3 passengers fishing, 5-6 just cruising around to enjoy the day
Hey Shane! I’d say a 20-23 foot bay boat would be your best bet if you wanted both fishing and 5-6 people for cruising. The bad news about skinny water skiffs is most of them hold 3 people max (and they can get pretty wet in choppy water)
My first boat was an Autocraft 1959 fiberglass with a Montgomery Ward 1956 outboard (antiques). Trivia; their outboard division later became Evinrude Outboards. Had a blast in ‘95 in Sacramento California with my wife and kids. That boat got me hooked. It cost me $500 for the boat and trailer. Sold it to a friend for what I paid when I moved to Tampa. Used and the best investment ever! Thanks for the input!
Excellent session…thank u
I fish the Texas mid-coast around Port OConnor and moved up from my Hobie to a used 2015 Carolina skiff 178dlx with a Suzuki 70 4stroke. I’ve had it a little over 3 years and love it… it’s does everything from shallow inshore to offshore rigs. The Suzuki is a beast and has run flawlessly in spite of considerable abuse.
Wind sock is a must for open bay drift fishing when the wind is pushing you too fast. Easy to deploy and store.
Looking into purchasing a new Mako Pro Skiff cc15’.
Any negatives or issues anyone is aware of?
Steve, I’ve heard there are some possible common issues with the live well, but it’s fixable. May be something to research before you buy. Other than that, I’ve heard great things!
Excellent discussion. Only problem is that now I really want a boat. Have had four over the years, and I completely agree with your advice and tips. Living in North Texas I can’t run to the coast (400 miles or so) more than a few times a year. I wish more marinas would rent us a boat, and maybe if I pound the pavement I can find one. I’ve fished the Rockport-Aransas area for decades, and nothing beats shallow water. Glad to have joined this group. Cheers – T👍🏼
The White Claw comments I can do but the Girl comments?Really guys? C’mon,
Really great discussion topic guys. I went with a 160 Bluewave and love the boat. Handles up to 3 ft waves no problem. Great on gas. Easy to maintain. Tows well and fishes 3 people with extra room. Wide stable boat
Excellent guys, you have done a very good explanation. it is extremely helpful.