This Is What Good Bottom Structure Looks Like On A Fish Finder
- By: Luke Simonds
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Having a fish finder is a game changer!
But do you know what good bottom structure looks like and how to identify fish?
In this new video, get a quick lesson on this from Capt. Mark Hollywood!
Check it out!
Good Bottom Structure On A Fish Finder [VIDEO]
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Knowing how to read a fish finder is very crucial when you’re bottom fishing.
You’ll see your baseline bottom and then when you start to see more peaks and separation of colors…
You’re seeing big schools of fish on top of hard bottom or live bottom structure!
What you really want to find is the discoloration (blues, reds, greens, and yellows) because that’s fish activity.
While you may not know the exact type of species of those fish, they’re there!
Once you find the fish, anchor on top of that structure with your trolling motor.
And fish on!
Have any questions about how to identify bottom structure on a fish finder?
Let me know down in the comments.
And if you know someone who is new to using fish finders, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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What’s the difference between live bottom and hard bottom
Live bottom zones have a lot of fish/bait shows that go up off of the bottom, and a basic hard bottom just shows a thin flat bottom without anything holding over it.
Be interested to hear what you caught there.
Bunched like a group of small fish, but holding tighter to bottom than most schools of small fish?
Hollywood! Very nice. When I watched hubbards snapper and grouper course he always said to raise the bottom finder to the middle of the screen. I won’t ever fish deeper than 60 ft. Should I leave it like you have it in this video? Thanks