How To Target Big Sharks On The Flats (Plus On The Water Tactics)
- By: Tony Acevedo
- on

Sometimes the heat of the summer can slow down inshore fishing.
So what do you do?
Go shark fishing!
And targeting sharks on the flats is pretty easy if you have the right setup.
So in this video, you’ll see the best setup for big sharks on the flats and some on-the-water shark fighting tactics.
Check it out below!
How To Catch Big Sharks On The Flats [VIDEO]
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The Best Setup For Catching Sharks On The Flats
Here’s the full setup for big sharks:
- 7ft Custom Biscayne Rod
- Daiwa BG MQ 8000
- 30# Daiwa J-Braid
- 50# Ande Monofilament Leader
- #6 Wire
- Circle Hook
The same tactics can be used anywhere if you’re targeting sharks.
Solid setup + Chum + Big nasty piece of cut bait = Shark On!
When setting up for shark fishing on the flats, you’re basically luring them to you with chum.
And old fish carcasses work great!
You position yourself up current from the target area so the carcass creates a chum slick that the shark will pick up on and follow back.
Use chunks of cut bait from the carcasses.
When fighting these bigger sharks, utilize your whole body!
Engage your core, keep your weight on your hips, and lift the rod up in front of you (never to the side because you lose your leverage).
Do all of these things and you’ll have a shark on in no time!
Have any questions about the setup or process?
Let me know down in the comments!
If you’re in the Keys and want to go out with Capt. Hollywood’s crew, you can find them at
And if you know someone who would love to target sharks on the flats, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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Recommend you take long handled bolt cutters and cut the hook. Takes 2 people. Not a fan of leaving hooks in any fish.
I completely agree. I try to never leave a hook in a fish unless absolutely necessary. But some times it IS necessary. Especially when using circle hooks, you can do far more damage by removing a troublesome hook. Some times they are really hooked good! I see kids all over the place walking around with lip rings, nose rings, heck, even eyebrow rings. So I’m sure a little metal in the lip won’t be too trouble some for the fish. Breaking the fishes jaw, or tearing a massive hole is a different story. Gut hooks seem to do the most damage obviously, buts that’s why I exclusively use circle hooks when using live bait, cut bait, or even gulps.
Yes that can definitely help! Depending on the size of the shark you could do more damage to the shark (or yourself), and at times its best to just cut the leader as close as possible. Hooks will rust out but fingers are hard to grow back.