Daiwa Tatula SV TW Baitcast Review: Pros & Cons For Saltwater Anglers

Have you ever used a baitcast reel for inshore saltwater fishing?

What are the benefits of using a baitcaster reel for saltwater fishing?

The Daiwa Tatula SV TW is a versatile baitcasting reel that can perform in either freshwater or saltwater.

Check out more below!!

Daiwa Tatula SV TW Baitcast Review [VIDEO]

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Daiwa has also produced a new version of the Daiwa Tatula SV TW but with some minor changes.

The newer reel is a bit smaller in body size, it has a shorter handle, and a zero adjust spool tension knob.

For saltwater anglers, the specifics of the larger reel are more fitting for inshore fishing.

Daiwa kept the two corrosion-resistant ball bearings in this version as well.

This is a benefit for saltwater anglers because it helps to increase the length of “like new” performance of the reel.

Daiwa Tatula SV TW reels come in three different speed models (6.3:1, 7.3:1, 8.3:1) with 7.3:1 being suitable for inshore saltwater fishing.

Moreover, 29.4 inches per turn is excellent for a baitcaster in terms of rate of pickup speed.

The reel itself weighs 7.2 ounces and has a drag capacity of 13.2 lbs.

There are spinning reels that have a lot more drag pressure, however, with regards to a baitcaster you will have the most control and torque on a fish because the line comes directly off of the spool.

The SV Concept

Baitcasters can be frustrating at times because of backlash on the spool.

These types of reels perform very differently from spinning setups.

If you use the features of a baitcaster just right, it can be to your advantage.

There are tension adjustments on the spool as well as brakes on the side.

And the weight of your line whether it be braid or monofilament can affect the tension on the spool.

The S in SV stands for stress-free and the V stands for versatile.

This means the design and weight of the spool and how it interacts with the braking system will allow you to cast lighter lures a further distance with more accuracy.

Traditionally, baitcasters struggle to throw lures that are lighter than 1/4 of an ounce.

While not perfect, the Daiwa SV TW offers a bit more control to an angler throwing lighter lures.

Magforce Braking System

The SV spool works in conjunction with the Magforce magnetic braking system.

A dial on the side of the reel has settings from 0-20.

This determines how much magnetic force is applied to the spool.

To remove the side plate, twist off the screw on the dial and slide out the side panel.

The SV spool has an orange cup on the side which Daiwa refers to as an inductor cup or inductor rotor.

This cup moves in and out working in conjunction with the magnetic system in the side plate of the reel.

The rings on the inside of the side panel are magnets and depending on how you have it set from 0-20 determines how much magnetic force is placed on the inductor cup.

When you go to cast your line out, the spool will be rotating as fast as possible as the line is sent off of the reel.

At the top of your cast, the inductor cup will shoot out into the magnetic system to offer resistance depending on the number you have it set on.

This controls how much more or less resistance is applied to the inductor rotor during the cast.

Resistance is not being applied to the spool itself but rather to the inductor rotor.

This is to prevent a backlash of line on your spool when casting a lure out into the water.

The aim is to avoid having to use your thumb or other techniques to prevent line backlash or a bird’s nest.

Magnets provide equal pressure to the inductor rotor with 360 degrees of resistance.

In situations you would expect to bird’s nest the line, this system in place prevents line backlash.

TWS System

Daiwa includes in most of their baitcasting reels a TWS or “T-Wing” system.

More specifically, it is a level wind aperture that Daiwa has made bigger than other traditional baitcast reels.

This reduces the friction of the line moving left to right on the spool when you cast a lure out.

In turn, this will enhance your casting distance because the line is not fighting itself on the spool.

Traditional baitcasters have a smaller opening on the level wind which does put the line back smoothly on the spool.

But when you go to cast, there are times when the line will fight with itself to make its way out through the smaller opening.

Cons Of The Daiwa SV TW

Even though the Magforce offers you a lot of control and the ability to cast lighter lures a further distance, there is always going to be tension on the spool.

This can negatively impact your casting distance.

If you want to use this reel to cover a lot of ground on an open flat, the tension on the spool can be a limiting factor in reducing your ability to cast farther than other baitcasting reels.

Additionally, the spool can hold about 100 yards of line depending on the pound test you are using.

There are other baitcast spools that are able to hold a lot more line.

If you are going after big bull redfish or larger snook that may dump a lot of line off the reel, the line capacity is lower on this particular reel.

When Is The Best Time To Use A Baitcasting Reel In Saltwater?

When it comes to having accurately placed casts, it is hard to beat a baitcaster.

Keep in mind you have to get the proper settings dialed in for control over your casts.

If you are skipping a lure underneath mangroves and docks, with practice you can have a lot more control with a baitcaster to get your lure right where the fish are holding.

Baitcaster reels are utility reels that enable an angler to cast a lure accurately in shorter distances while fishing saltwater.

The Daiwa SV TW is best paired with a 7′ or 7’6″ Medium-Heavy rod for fishing near and around structure in saltwater.


The Daiwa SV TW is a versatile, utility baitcasting reel that has unique features that make it applicable in both freshwater and saltwater.

Compared to traditional baitcast reels, the Daiwa SV TW includes a magnetic braking system and “T-Wing” casting adjustments to enhance your casting distance and reduce bird’s nests.

Remember that this reel will work better in saltwater when fishing under docks or mangroves and around other underwater structures!

➡Get the Daiwa SV TW Baitcasting Reel here

There is a limited supply in our shop of Daiwa SV TW Baitcasting Reels so if you want your own, access our shop in the link above NOW!

You can also check off the “Notify Me When Available” on any of the products in our shop so when we have them in stock you will be the first to know!

And if you know an angler who wants to use a baitcasting reel in saltwater, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

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1 year ago

Hi, just purchased this reel and first cast i got a backlash. I have 30lb braided. What’s going on?

Luke Waski
2 years ago

What would be the con of going down to a 10lb braid on this reel?

Luke Waski
2 years ago
Reply to  Justin Ritchey

I’m new to the bait caster thing. I’ve only used spinning since I was a kid. So I’ll listen to the professional lol thanks dude

2 years ago
Reply to  Luke Waski

I used this reel for “BFS” for about a year. I used 4 lb test on it. It worked great. 5 gram lures is where it stops. Anything under that and you’ll fight it. Good luck!

Randal Jones
3 years ago

Hey Justin, I finally received the Tatula reel as supplies were low for everyone, no problem.
Put it on a TFO 7ft MH fast rod with 30lb PowerPro braid. After a little adjustment (down to about 3 on the resistance setting) I think I have it dialed in for a few less overruns. My intent is as you guys suggested learning to skip it under docks and mangroves. Question: Like spinning reels does the casting distance improve using a lighter line? I think I remember some of the guys at SS were previously saying the heavier braid line helps the reels performance.

Randal Jones
3 years ago
Reply to  Justin Ritchey

Thanks Justin, you answered my question and it does make sense for what I am doing with it. You guys are very much appreciated. What a great thing to be able to ask a question and get a prompt knowledgeable response especially considering I am one of over 26,000. Wishing all of you there at SS a wonderful, safe, and prosperous new year. Thank you again.

Vincent C Ruggiero
3 years ago

Would not a right hand dominant person generally want a left handed casting reel?

Last edited 3 years ago by Vincent C Ruggiero
Mark Lewis
3 years ago

It might have been covered but what rod were you using in this video?

3 years ago

How does this compare to the Shimano Curado. Are you sponsored by Daiwa? I notice just Daiwa reels in your videos.

Brad Hatch
3 years ago

Why’d you go with 30lb braid with birdnesting not being an issue? Would you go down to 20lb knowing what you know now after testing?

Eric Hook
3 years ago

Any chance on adding a left hand version?

Eric Hook
3 years ago
Reply to  Justin Ritchey


Lyle Crafton
3 years ago
Reply to  Justin Ritchey

I’m right handed but use “left” handed casting reel. Makes sense in my book, why keep switching hands. Baitcasters do have limitations, but for accuracy fishing along shorelines I feel they’re a lot better than spinning reels. Additionally, the retrieve and cast is quicker than a spinning reel. Something like a semiautomatic gun versus a revolver…

Eric Hook
3 years ago
Reply to  Justin Ritchey

Justin- any best guess on when they’ll be in stock?

Patrick Devereaux
3 years ago

From looking at the Daiwa website, it appears this real is being discontinued?

Terry Ackerman
3 years ago

I’m curious about reel maintenance, with this magnetic spool system means that the metal is not stainless steel. Would you take the side off and rinse the inside parts after each use.


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