5 Things You Must Know About Fishbites (Plus How To Use Them)
- By: Courtney Woznek
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Do Fishbites really work?
I get this question a lot and the simple answer is YES!
And not only do they work, but Fishbites baits catch tons of fish.
So in this video, you’ll learn:
- Pros & cons of Fishbites
- How they were created
- The different types of Fishbites
- Why they work
- And how to use them
Check it out below!
Fishbites Bait Ultimate Review [VIDEO]
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Fishbites baits have definitely been a game-changer for surf anglers.
And that’s because of what really sets these baits apart from the rest.
It’s science!
The Science Behind Fishbites Baits
Dr. Carr, the inventor of Fishbites, spent 30 years creating the scent technology that is infused evenly throughout the baits.
Fishbites are synthetic baits that mimic natural bait.
The ingredients act as a natural feeding stimulant for fish.
And it’s concentrated so that scent lasts for the life of the bait.
Pros & Cons Of Fishbites
Pros Of Fishbites
- They are incredibly long-lasting and Fishbites stay on the hook perfectly
- You can catch a ton of fish on one piece of Fishbites (and you can even catch them on the mesh)
- Manufactured and distributed here in Florida
- Fishbites are biodegradable
- If you don’t want the mess and smell of live bait, there’s little to no clean-up
Cons Of Fishbites
- Fishbites are super tough and can be hard to get off of the hook.
- You actually have to cut them off with scissors or a knife. Please do not use your teeth!
- If you do not store your Fishbites properly, they may lose some color or pliability (but if you keep the packages sealed and at room temperature, they’ll last for a very long time. You can even refrigerate Fishbites!)
How To Use Fishbites
The most important thing to remember when using Fishbites is you don’t need a huge piece to catch fish.
I like to use the fingernail rule and matching the size of the bait to your hook.
On most days, you won’t need a piece of Fishbites that’s bigger than your fingernail.
If you need more scent in the water because of conditions, you can use a larger piece of bait.
But you’ll want to thread it on the hook so that it stays in place.
Fast-Acting Fishbites
The fast-acting formula is meant for sight fishing or actively fishing.
You can make a simple fish finder rig with a small egg sinker, a swivel, and a small piece of Fishbites.
Simply work that bait on the bottom as you retrieve.
This is a great way to utilize your lighter inshore gear on the beach!
Long-Lasting Fishbites
The long-lasting formula is better for the “soak bait and wait” type of surf fishing.
If fishing in heavy current or high surf, this is the go-to Fishbites formula.
It’s also very resistant to bait stealers!
Want to save some time on the beach?
Go ahead and pre-cut your Fishbites pieces and store them in their sealed package.
How To Choose Your Fishbites
Match the hatch.
Just as you would with live baits, you’ll want to use the Fishbites that match up to the bait in your area and what species you are targeting.
For example, right now the Pink Shrimp, Coquina Clam, and Sand Flea Fishbites are performing extremely well for Whiting and Pompano.
If pairing Fishbites with live baits, try to match them up.
A chunk of shrimp with shrimp Fishbites.
Crab knuckles with crab Fishbites.
And so on.
It doesn’t really matter if you put Fishbites on the hook before or after the natural baits.
But if you are using clam or crab knuckles, it might be best to put the Fishbites on after because it does help that bait stay in place on the hook.
Click here to get Fishbites EZ Baits
If you want an easy, no mess bait then I would definitely check out Fishbites.
They’re super durable, long-lasting, and they catch a ton of fish!
Have you used Fishbites baits yet?
Do you have any questions about Fishbites?
Let me know down in the comments!
And if you know someone who has never heard of Fishbites or fished with Fishbites, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
Click here to get Fishbites EZ Baits
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HI from New Zealand. Fishbites are really staking a claim in New Zealand fishing lore. They have proven to be a great bait for moki. An inshore fish that isnt often caught by any but specialist fishermen. Fishbites has also caught over 60 species of fish in New Zealand waters (so far). Reports on “Fishbites New Zealand” Facebook page tell of exceptional catches of many species every week. Anglers have really supported the Fishbites introduction to New Zealand and there is plenty of discussion of the how, where, when and whys of Fishbites fishing here. Have a look at Fishbites New Zealand and see what we are up to.
Also reporting from NZ, Fishbites are lethal! I love them on their own – clam, crab and also as a scent additive to sight baits – squid. Fantastic product that I have been using for almost a year now – they are a total game changer!
do fishbites work for fresh water fishing because they all say saltwater on the pack
Hi Courtney that video was very good and in depth but do you use them to catch bait as well I just used the shrimp kind it took me a little while to fine tune it but I did eventually figure it out and managed to catch some bait with it. This was before I watched the video.
what color is best for the shrimp ones?
When the puffers are out in force destroying my paddle tails, i put a small sliver on the bottom side of the hook. The puffers will target the fishbites and not the paddle tail.
After fishing with live shrimp and having just 1 fish for hours of fishing – decided to swap to shrimp fish bite – next 2 casts proved successful and resulted in 2 catches, unfortunately I didn’t swap over earlier – the Shrimp fish bite baits had better results than the live shrimp! This is the 1st time I have used them – but wow what a difference they made.
Great post, Courtney.
I 100% agree on the effectiveness of fish bites. My only qualm, however, is when I see anglers throw used fish bites on the beach as if they are biodegradable. I’ve seen shorebirds eat them up immediately to later fatally succumb to an accumulation of plastic in their guts. So if you use fish bites, please dispose of them appropriately! Thank you!
How long did you wait around and watch the dang bird?
I problem I found with the packaging is when you cut the top off you lose the name of the type you are using
Hi Pat! You shouldn’t have to cut the top off. The top of the package opens up to the seal so no need to do any cutting. Hope that helps!
Way to go Courtney! Super clear with plenty of detail. We have been using very small pieces on the tips of our three-quarter ounce Chinese metal jigs we buy off eBay. Had a double slam a few weeks ago off of the surf… lady, flounder, blue, look down, barracuda and whiting. They do indeed outperform the bare jig. Had 60 fish on Juneteenth with that method.
That’s awesome, Sean!! A double slam and then 60 fish in a day…that’s some serious catching! I love it!
Do fishbites added to lures or hooks alter their motion in the water? Is there a shape that is better to prevent a helicopter hook or lure pulling in one direction? I saw the underwater videos from the corses about how baits can get off track when improperly presented. Any thoughts?
Hi Michael! I think if you are using the right size of Fishbites, then you’ll be fine. You only need a small piece. When I’m using larger pieces, I’m making sure the hook is paired up to the size of the baits and typically I’m dropping that on a fish finder rig for bull reds to sit on the bottom and soak.