How To Tie The Rizzutto Finish [Video Lesson]


Have you been looking around for a bulletproof way to finish the FG knot?

You’re in luck!!

In the video below, I’ll show you simple methods to keep your FG knots secure.

Check it all out here!!

Rizzutto Finish [VIDEO]

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This is a simple method to strengthen your FG knot so it doesn’t unravel and you can even cast it through the guides.

To start, tie the knot as you normally would and stop at the point you are done with the twist.

Take the tag end of the braided line and go back over the mainline and leader to form a half-hitch knot.

Then cinch that knot down by pulling both the mainline and leader line in opposite directions.

Repeat this process but now on the other side of your knot to form a series of half-hitch knots.

The reason for this is every time you tie a knot over the top and then again underneath, it locks those knots in place.

Keep your thumb and forefinger at the top of the knot to help rest the half-hitch knot in place so it does not slide down the entire knot.

Repeat this until you tied four half-hitch knots.

Now, trim the tag end of the leader line.

It is also a good idea at this point to always pull the knot to make sure you didn’t cut the mainline.

At this point, tie a few more half-hitch knots above the FG knot around just the main braided line.

This helps with the transition from the mainline to the actual FG knot itself.

Tighten down the entire system before going ahead and trimming the tag end off of the braid.

The main thing you have to keep an eye on when out on the water is that tag end of the braid.

If it starts to get longer and longer on your casts, that means the knot is unraveling and you need to stop and retie.


Weak points in your system or knot failures are an absolute headache.

Take the steps and precautions to strengthen our knots before hitting the water so you don’t waste time out there!

Just a few extra seconds of preparation can save you big time later on.

Do you have questions or anything to add about this hack to strengthen the FG knot?

Is there something you do to strengthen your braid-to-leader knot connections?

Please let us know!!

And if you know someone who wants to learn more about this hack to strengthen the FG knot, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

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William Travers
9 months ago

I have been using SG/CA glue since I first started tying the FG knot. And here I thought I was the only one LOL

Last edited 9 months ago by William Travers
1 year ago

Exactly how I do it. It is FG + TN knot + 5mm tag + Super Glue but keep your lines straightened and pull TN loops 120 degree from your main line

1 year ago

I agree with Mr. Sowell, a little Gel Super Glue.(I find Gel last longer keeping a squeeze bottle of Locktite on my boat) ..Tom Roland did a Knot test and the addition of Super Glue DID strengthen the knot

William Sowell
1 year ago

F G The strongest knot I have ever used. Broke two rods proving it. I finish the same way but use a little super glue to help it from unraveling. Will last for a couple hundred casts.

Michael Guay
1 year ago

Thanks for your knot tips

Erich White
1 year ago

Wow! Great video! I recently transitioned to using the FG not but would have problems with the not losing up from the top and I’ve been thinking about how to improve that. Literally last night had this problem and thus morning this video. Wow. Thank you.

James Griffiths
1 year ago

I have added a drop of CA glue to the end of the knot. Found after many casts, the knot has less damage from wear.

Ray Benson
1 year ago

Clear as mud.

1 year ago

You really need to learn to finish with the Rizutto. I used to do the “Rizutto” finish tying nocks and servings on my bow strings but we called it something else?? Backwhip or soemthing like that – try it on FG it’ll come into your guides ALOT better than those bulky halfhitches.

Michael Collier
2 years ago

I used the FG knot this weekend for the first time. I was using a 10 lb braid with a 20 lb leader. In the past, I often used swivels and uni knots on both sides.

This knot was way stronger than I thought it would be. It is almost too strong if I would dare to say. I got hung up on what I presume were some oysters on a bank. I could not for the life of me get this knot to give way. I ended up putting gloves on, wrapping the braid around my hand and I finally got it to give.


The knot didn’t break. Nope, the jig head hook broke off instead of where the hook bends. That bend in the hook was obviously the weakest link in that whole rig. I still had my line and leader on it with no abrasion, so I tied on another paddle tail and caught a red with that same rig 20 minutes later in another spot.


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