How To Find Fish After A Cold Front Sweeps Through

It can be tough to find a bite after a cold front sweeps through your area.

The good news is, it can be done!!

You’ve just got to work a little bit harder to get strikes.

Here’s how…

How To Find Fish After A Cold Front [VIDEO]

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Setup #1

Setup #2

Note: Here’s a list of my core assortment of lures that I take out on every trip in case you’d like to see my most trusted lures: Panhandle Big Bend Inshore Tackle Bundle

Matt-In-A-Yak – this time on a BOAT!

I hit the water with Insider Member Greg Brown and Capt. Mark Brady of Florida Saltwater Flats Fishing Charters.

I’m out of the kayak in this one trying something a little bit different.

After Greg pulled in a few fish, we were able to lock into a tactic and it turned out to be the ticket on this chilly day!!

We found more of the fish we were looking for in murkier areas with dark bottom.

We continued to target oyster bars and rocky structure as we went along.

Suspended twitchbaits ended up being the lure of the day.

After some aggressive pops and twitches, the fish would strike when we paused our lures completely still.

Another factor that contributed to our success was straight reeling to set the hooks without jerking the lure out of the fish’s mouth.

Aggressive hooksets would have led us to lose a bunch of fish.

The biggest surprise of the trip was reeling in a black drum on a spoon – I had never seen that before!!


In order to help make sure that you are targeting the right areas based on the latest feeding trends and upcoming weather forecasts, make sure to use the following 3 resources because they will save you a ton of time.


These regional game plans will show you exactly what types of spots to target in under 10 minutes… just click the video to start, and you’ll be informed on what to do on your next trip.

➡Weekend Game Plan Lessons


This exclusive software literally shows you where the most fish are likely to be feeding based on exactly when you’ll be fishing. It factors in the tides, wind, and weather to help you quickly see which areas to target throughout the day.

➡Smart Fishing Spots App


The Insider Community platform is what you can use to see what is biting near you, and you can get to know other members who fish in your area. Plus, you can use it to keep a log of your catches so you can use past trips to help predict future catches.

➡Community Platform 

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Robert Gillespie
1 year ago

Must say I haven’t had the same fortune as you all did during this trip on my last few trips during the cold, cloudy days. Look forward to meeting you in Steinhatchee in a few days. Another great video and opportunity for me to learn more. Thanks Matt

George Layton
1 year ago

Great work in the cold fellas, you were in the ZONE & fed them what they wanted !!! Fishing with Greg is on the ” to do ” list for this year !!

Steven Free
1 year ago

So I guess you are still coaching for saltstrong reason I say this is I haven’t seen anything from you in a while and I know whyatt quit a while ago I heard because of a family member getting sick also I guess rich don’t know his last name but know he used to do the reports for northeast fl before tiny did and also for coastal Georgia anyways I noticed this report looks alot like one you did I think you were fishing in texas but you were also on a boat then to anyways glad your still with us I have been doing pretty good fishing the old chasebaits flick prawn in the jelly color next to oyster mounds found usually an outgoing tide has been best also fishing them slow a couple twitches now and then but mostly just dragging it on the bottom next to the mound a few trout mixed in as well anyways thanks for the info and all you do👍😉


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