How To Skip Cast In A Kayak (To Catch More Fish Near Structure)


Predator fish like structure.

It keeps them safe from bigger predators, and there’s usually plenty of baitfish and crustaceans around for food.

So when you’re fishing, it makes sense to put your lures close to the structure, right?

Yes, but that’s easier said than done.

Sometimes the fish will be back deep under a dock, or maybe trees are hanging over the water and fish are near the roots a couple feet back.

What can you do then?

Skip cast!

By skipping your lure along the surface of the water, you can get right next to the base of the structure where these fish are hanging out and hunting.

But if you’re on a kayak, skip casting can be hard.

You usually can’t turn around or swing your rod way back to get the perfect angle.

So in this video, I’m sharing eight tips for skip casting when you’re in a kayak.

These tips have helped me catch loads of fish that would be impossible to catch without skip casting.

Check it out below.

How To Skip Cast From A Kayak [VIDEO]

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Here are eight tips to make skip casting easier in a kayak:

Tip #1: Make sure there’s nothing in the way of your cast.

Keep paddles, rods, rod holders, nets, etc. either behind you, or on the opposite side of your swing.

This is especially important if you’re sitting down

Tip #2: Position your kayak parallel to or angled away from your target.

Skip casting is a side-armed cast, so it’s easier if your target is not straight ahead of you, or on the wrong side.

For example, I cast with my right hand so I want my target to be on my left side.

Tip #3: Swing your lure in a circle before casting.

If you swing your lure in a circle and release it when it’s closest to the surface of the water, you’ll have the momentum and angle you need for a long skip cast.

Tip #4: Snap the rod tip as you release the lure.

Snapping the rod tip will give the lure an extra bit of momentum to carry it across the surface of the water.

Tip #5: If you’re sitting down, use a shorter rod.

If you’re sitting down and skip casting, it’ll be easier if you use a 6′ or 6.5′ rod, instead of the typical 7′ or 7.5′ inshore rod.

Tip #6: Use a short leader.

If there’s a few feet of line hanging out of your rod tip, skip casting will be hard.

Using a shorter leader will make it easier, or you could use an FG knot and reel the knot and leader through the rod tip.

Tip #7: Use the right lures.

If you’re skip casting a heavy, bulky lure, you’re going to have a hard time.

My favorite lures to skip cast are soft plastic stick bait style lures, like the Alabama Leprechaun.

Artificial shrimp, like Gulp shrimp, work well, too.

And rigging these lures weedless on a weighted swimbait hook makes it a lot easier.

Paddletails can sometimes skip ok, but the tail can get caught in the water and cut your casting distance short.

And finally, I prefer not to use jig heads because they’re usually heavier and can sometimes catch in the water and stop your momentum.

Tip #8: Practice.

Skip casting is hard, so it takes a lot of practice.

Keep trying and you will get it.

Also, every rod has a different length and balance, so as you’re learning how to skip cast, I definitely recommend using the same rod.


how to catch big fish clear shallow water

Skip casting under docks and trees is a great way to catch inshore fish.

It can be a little bit more difficult to skip cast from a kayak, but with practice and the tips above, it can definitely be done.

Have any questions about skip casting from a kayak?

Let me know in the comments below!

And please TAG or SHARE this with your kayak fishing buddies!

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