America, It’s Time To REPENT (Best Speech Of The Year)


Wow, wow, wow!

If you haven’t heard this recent speech by author Jonathan Cahn, it truly is a must-listen.

He basically sums up everything going on in our world and how it relates to the Bible in one amazing sermon.

I first heard of Jonathan Cahn from his book, “The Harbinger,” and this latest speech solidified him in my books.

I love the fact that he doesn’t “cherry-coat” anything going on with our current political and societal mess.

Enjoy this episode and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

America, It’s Time To Repent [VIDEO]

America, It’s Time To Repent [PODCAST]


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James Andersen
4 years ago

For those few hours I am on the water fishing, I find peace, joy, the love of being with family and friends, and a refuge from life’s storms. Jonathan shows us that we can that and more for eternity! GREAT POST. Cannot thank you enough for posting this. Have read all his books. A great universal message.

4 years ago

Awesome message and very timely with what’s facing our country today. Our preacher preached a similar message yesterday.

Robert Combs
4 years ago

Definitely a must listen for believers as well as unbelievers. America is at a crossroads. We have to decide evil or good. I myself choose the light rather than the darkness and I hope a huge repentance and revival will ignite in this country like never before. Thank you for posting this!

Theresa M Girolami
4 years ago

Jonathan Cahn is Awesome; I have all his books. God bless you all for posting this.


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