Speckled Trout On Demand Fishing Mastery Course
- By: Joseph Simonds
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Are you ready for another Salt Strong Mastery Fishing Course?
The Speckled Trout On Demand Mastery Course is HERE!
What is new about this course compared to other courses?
We interviewed the best speckled trout angler in every state from Texas to North Carolina.
This is a deal you won’t want to pass up!
Check it out below!
You can watch the video version of this podcast below (which I highly recommend), listen to the audio version by clicking the play button underneath it, or listen to it on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.
P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!
Speckled Trout On Demand [VIDEO]
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Speckled Trout On Demand [PODCAST]
Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Salt Strong podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!
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Related Podcasts:
Here is a timestamped version:
- 0:42 – Speckled Trout On Demand Course
- 1:48 – Capt. Peter Deeks’ background
- 2:35 – Capt. Deeks’ tips in Module 1
- 3:14 – Module 2: Trout Masters from each state
- 3:56 – Black Friday Sale
- 4:36 – Interview with Peter Deeks (East Coast Expert)
- 6:57 – Satellite maps in the course
- 8:49 – Equipment and rigging
- 9:10 – Retrieval tips
- 10:29 – Example of what the course modules will look like
- 16:35 – The Causeway Tip
- 19:53 – Benefits of the Speckled Trout On Demand Course
- 21:26 – Fall & Winter Lures
- 24:03 – Trout behavior after cold fronts
- 25:04 – Importance of working the bottom during Fall & Winter
- 26:35 – Depth control in the shallows for big trout
- 28:54 – All of the Fishing Experts in the course
- 31:19 – Best ways to take the course
- 32:52 – Speckled Trout On Demand Trout Information
The Speckled Trout On Demand course coming very soon is the premier trout fishing mastery course with first-hand tips from the best trout anglers in each state from Texas to North Carolina.
If you want to catch big trout and more trout in general, you will not want to miss out on this course.
Be sure to check out the special offer on this course and don’t miss out because it is one of our best courses yet!!!
Do you have any more questions about the Speckled Trout On Demand Course?
Let us know down in the comments!
And if you know an angler who wants to learn more about the Speckled Trout On Demand Course, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
P.S. Want access to our best fishing spots and tips, plus discounts to our online tackle store? Click here to join us in the Insider Club!
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Hi. I believe I should have access to the new trout course as a VIP member but I don’t think I have access.
This is what makes the life membership worthwhile. Can’t wait to review the course later this week and put it in practice. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
What do you guys consider to cold, I fish in Virginia which is a little different than your Florida fishing temps?
You speak of cold fronts and warm days, is there a point when it shuts off? I fish on the eastern coast of Virginia and the weather is much colder than what you may be referring to.
Is the course live yet? Never mind Black Friday it is!
It’s going live tomorrow! It’s going to be awesome
Would you please email me the information about the VIP membership. I am an insider, and have never heard of the VIP membership.
Many Thanks, have a wonderful Thanksgiving,
Ken Palladino
So where do I find the info on lifetime or VIP membership
looking forward to the course and heading south in January for a few months
Looking forward to this!!!
Hi, where can I find out more bout VIP membership?
Hey Ralph! I just sent you an email. Thank you!
Looking forward to this course. It will be interesting to see if there are noteworthy differences in geographically different areas, and guide’s different knowledge. Thanks Luke & Joe for making this available!