The Best Time To Throw Topwater Lures In WINTER


Most people put up their topwater lures in the winter.

And generally, that’s a good idea.

The fish are lethargic and less likely to chase down a twitching lure on the surface…

But for those of us who love throwing topwaters, there are actually some times when it can be really effective in the winter.

See when those times are in the video below!

Best Times To Throw Topwater In Winter [VIDEO]

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In between cold fronts, when the weather starts to warm up a bit, is when you can think about throwing topwater lures.

In the summertime, you want to get out there early in the morning because that’s when the water is coolest.

But in the winter, it’s the opposite.

When the sun starts to go down on a warm winter day, after it’s been warming up the water all afternoon, is one of the best times to throw topwater.

The other time you can throw topwater is on an overcast day during a warming trend.

How To Retrieve Topwater Lures In Winter

In the winter, when the fish are lethargic, you want to slow down your retrieve with all lures, including topwater lures.

I like to do several short, aggressive twitches, and then pause.

Usually, fish will hit on the pause.

And as far as color, it doesn’t matter too much, but I like this Super Spook Jr. in bone or black.


catch topwater trout

Although topwater lures aren’t a good idea for most of the winter, during a warming trend they can be really fun and effective.

Fish them as the sun is getting low or on an overcast afternoon and slow your retrieve down to maximize your strikes.

You can get my favorite topwater lure, the Super Spook Jr., from our shop here:

Have any questions about throwing topwater lures in the winter?

Or any other suggestions I missed?

Let me know down in the comments.

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Steven Free
3 years ago

Yea I remember fishing a couple years ago in an area that I like to troll for trout in the winter and after the day was done and I returned to the ramp I started talking to another angler who was fishing fairly close to the ramp with topwater and this was late Jan early Feb in the dead of winter like now and he said and showed me he had caught 4 reds and kept 2 keepers I was amazed considering the water temps there was only a chilly 60 degrees but he told me that when the water temps dip below about 55 degrees then it’s probably a no go for topwater that’s totally different then what I used to hear and read that unless the water is at least 70 degrees it’s not going to happen but obviously the young angler I met was right and the other false info I was told was wrong proof is in the caught fish goes to speak anyways but I do agree with you it makes sence considering I have seen on occasions fish blasting bait in the dead of winter so obviously if they are that active they defiantly would very likely hit a topwater if presented to them the right way thanks for the info and all you do😁

Robert Fowler
3 years ago

Most importantly… Make sure the birds are far enough away. Caught a pelican yesterday. Managed to get him to the boat and get the hook outta his bill but he wasn’t happy. Thats for sure. They are deceivingly quick and agile LOL

George Murphy
3 years ago

Good info. Timely too, some cloudy warming days right before a cold front are on the horizon. Never would have thought of this. Thanks Tony!

Mark R Johnson
3 years ago

John Skinner has a number of videos on top water for a variety of species. I believe he did the flounder course for Salt Strong. He has been posting a lot lately from Florida on specs, redfish and snook. He has recently retired and spends the winter in Florida. I started following him years ago when he was in NY going after bluefish and stripers. He ALWAYS catches fish. Just a wealth of knowledge as well.

Mike Kucich
3 years ago

How are working the bait in the winter time.

Robert Lillard
3 years ago

It seems that the steeper the angle of attack that a trout takes when rising through the water column to attack a surface bait the more they would be blinded by the sun. If so, then fishing top water plugs on warm, shallow flats in the summer might be productive even in fairly bright conditions. The fish is not rising steeply to take the bait – almost a horizontal attack in the one foot deep flats all over the lower lugana Madre near Port Isabel, Texas. Make sense?

3 years ago

I’ve never caught anything using a top water lure (freshwater or salt). Hopefully your tips will help change that. Many thanks Tony and SaltStrong! Tight lines! 🤙🏽

3 years ago

Great info! Guys, the “notifications” box that pops up on the videos does not work. It blocks a lot of the video…not sure if its just my screen or if others have this prob…just to let you know…Title Lines!

3 years ago

Tony, Great information. At the right time, water definately the most fun. Thank you, Tom Watts, Naples, Fl.

Marvin Stubbs
3 years ago

I’m coming from fishing for bass I switched over to saltwater But I seen the information you put out today I thank u for that but I’m fishing from Shore and don’t really have no spots to fish when am fishing for Snook is mainly in brackish water from Shore


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