Why Thousands Of Saltwater Anglers Are Leaving Facebook For This…
- By: Joseph Simonds
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Let’s face it, fishing groups on Facebook just aren’t what they used to be.
(And that’s coming from someone who started what is now the largest saltwater fishing group on Facebook – you can see our private group of 72,000+ members here).
Sadly, most of these groups have become filled with negativity, obscenities, spam, and hate.
But recently, we’ve seen a new trend in these Facebook groups…
The worst part is that it’s coming directly from Facebook!

Yep, now Facebook itself is deciding what the users can see.
If Facebook doesn’t agree with the picture, post, or comment, it is now automatically deleted with no questions asked.
This could be as simple as a drop of blood coming from a fish (even if it’s being harvested).
To give them credit, Facebook does weed out some bad people who are posting really hateful stuff…
However, the fact that we’re seeing fish pics and hunting pics being outright removed or flagged should be worrisome to anyone who loves the outdoors.
And if you ask me, it’s only going to get worse.
So where are all these anglers that are sick of the negativity, politics, censorship, and spam on Facebook flocking to?
Check out this video to see a better option to talk and learn about fishing online!
You can watch the video version of this podcast below (which I highly recommend), listen to the audio version by clicking the play button underneath it, or listen to it on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.
P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!
Why Anglers Are Leaving Facebook [VIDEO]
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Why Anglers Are Leaving Facebook [PODCAST]
Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Salt Strong podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!
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The online world is changing.
Companies are becoming more and more strict about what they’re allowing on their platforms, and Facebook is leading the charge.
We’re now seeing them control our fishing Facebook group and removing pictures that go against their policies.
Innocent fish pictures with a single droplet of blood are being taken down with no warning.
It didn’t used to be this way — Facebook used to let us moderate our own groups.
This is a new change, and we think it’s just going to get worse.
So what can you do if you want to talk and learn about fishing online?
We’ve been working for years and have spent several hundred thousand dollars creating the Salt Strong Insider Club — the biggest online fishing club in America.
It’s family-friendly (no cursing, belittling, or negativity).
It’s organized to help you find fishing reports in your area, or learn about catching a specific species.
People are actually posting helpful reports, sharing the strategies and tactics they used.
And there are professional anglers in there answering questions and sharing many of their secrets to having success out on the water.
It’s for redfish, trout, snook, and flounder anglers from Texas to Florida to New Jersey, and it’s for everyone from beginners to professionals.
But here’s the thing about beginners — once you’re in the club, you won’t be a beginner for long.
The courses and community will let you quickly step up your fishing game and know more than 90% of the rest of the fishermen.
Even full-time fishing guides are learning every day from what’s available in the community.
And to top it off, you’ll also get discounts to our online tackle store where you’ll find only the best products that you actually need to go out and catch fish.
Click here to join us in the Insider Club.
P.S. If you’re not catching more fish in less time and saving money on tackle, then we’ve got a 365-day risk-free money-back guarantee, no questions asked.
Join us in the Insider Club today!
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Do what the “SMART ANGLERS” are doing and join the Insider Club.
Here’s what you’ll receive today when you join:
- Weekly fishing reports and TRENDS revealing exactly where you should fish every trip
- Weekly “spot dissection” videos that walk you through all the best spots in your area
- Exclusive fishing tips from the PROS you can’t find anywhere else
- Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land).
Is there a video explaining “the app” for iPhone? I’ve not tried a progressive app thing before.
Yes sir. Here it is Jeff: https://saltstrongdev.wpengine.com/installing-salt-strong/
I am not political at all but I find this censorship that Facebook and others practicing now to be very unnerving. I am 52 and I grew up in a world we’re freedom of speech and expression was valued. If you didn’t agree with something someone said or wrote you just moved on understanding that the right of free speech was vital to our way of life and well frankly you can’t fix stupid. I am rarely on Facebook anymore because of this kinda of stuff not because I am confrontational or anything like that I just can’t support this kind of thought process. When will it end? Where will it stop? I mean when will the day come when some atheist moderator doesn’t like my scripture post or the fact I am a Christian and blocks my post or kicks me off.? We are not far from this. I appreciate you guys and what you do, I pray that this nonsense will end soon
pretty dang funny that you guys complain about fb yet you censor my post, all respect has been lost!
None of your comments have been censored, Michael. I still see still your post.
I love the salt stong videos and newsletters but it seems so heavily focused on west coast of Fla inshore fishing and I fish offshore mostly live bait drifting and inshore structure snook fishing here in Stuart not sure the insider club has content that relates
Hey Michael, we cover everything inshore from Texas to Florida (both coasts) to Virginia (and everywhere in between). And the club has 3 main parts 1) On the water how-to videos 2) Tackle discounts 3) Private online community where we have new fishing reports going up every 5 minutes. Hope to see you in there. I know you’ll be blown away with the value
Right there with you guys,I left facebook two months ago! i still have an account but have made it clear to many friends (and former) lol! that I know longer spend my life on FB! Ive found my life again. Ive found the info im interested in at Salt Strong! CYA Zuc!
So glad to be a part of this group. Great folks and great values. Keep up the great work.
We’re blessed to have you in the Salt Strong family, Arnaldo!
Thanks for the podcast and staying true to your core beliefs, of family, faith and freedom.
Having an unknown group deciding what is acceptable or not, isn’t free speech.
I believe in your mission and will continue to support Salt Strong as long as I am capable and able!
Thank you so much, J.T! We appreciate you big time!
Yea I don’t even have a social media platform anymore met to many nut jobs online there pretty scary place plus if you have ever seen the news in the last couple years Facebook has really screwed up peoples confidential files and leaked a lot of info that could cause identity theft no thanks I never had it when I was young and to me it sounds like many more problems then what it’s worth
You are a smart man, Steven!
Fantastic podcast Joe. Thank you and Luke for standing up for American values – – freedom of speech, religious freedom, right to defend self and family against harm, and others. It’ sad to think this Country has allowed so many Marxists and socialists to dominate high level government and corporate positions to where they can now censor, blacklist, and do economic harm to Americans. No group should have this kind of unbridled power unless Americans want to live under a dictatorship.
I never joined Facebook and never would. Joe, you should be thinking ahead, and making sure your SS community platform is on a secure footing so it doesn’t get taken down like big tech has done to others, both individuals and companies. Keep building the SS nation!!
Yes sir! Excellent feedback, Rob!
As a moderator for a Facebook group I have seen some crazy posts deleted.
Facebook deleted one person saying another person was a “goat” as in “Greatest Of All Time” G.O.A.T.
I advised Facebook that this was actually a great compliment not anything disrespectful.
So far no response back.
Its obviously an algorithm with no real person giving any thought to the context.
Dang! Not even goats are safe anymore! Haha. Thank you for sharing this, Jeff