Bixpy J-2 Outboard Kit Review [Pros, Cons, & More]
- By: Justin Ritchey
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In this video, we’re going to talk about the Bixpy J-2 Outboard Kit!
I first saw one of these back at iCast in 2017 and since then it’s always been in the back of my mind as something I’d like to add to my kayak one day.
Learn more on how to install a Bixpy motor to your kayak below!!
Bixpy J-2 Outboard Kit Review [VIDEO]
Click here to get 10% off a Bixpy Motor
This video specifically details the installation on the Mirage Drive Adapter for a Hobie Outback or a variety of different Hobie kayaks.
We’ll also talk more about the rudder adapter and the outboard power pack.
Equipment & Contents Of The Box
Once you open the box on your motor, you’ll see a detailed quick-start guide.
Please take the time to read through this information!!!
This is for your safety and so you can gain a quick understanding of the different parts and functions of the equipment.
Basic Installation [Hobie Mirage Drive Adapter]
The Hobie Mirage Drive Adapter assists with installation on Hobie kayaks and can be purchased from Bixpy.
I have a Hobie Outback Kayak and this installation is very simple.
Four screws connect the motor itself to the base mount leading to a power supply cable that runs up the main shaft of the mount.
Bixpy includes clasps and zip ties to secure the power supply cable to the main shaft.
NOTE: If you have a Hobie kayak, you need to change the covering of the motor to the covering with shaved edges.
That way you can get the motor in and out of the Mirage Drive Unit without damage.
When placing the motor in or out of the receiving port for the Mirage Drive, make sure you tilt the motor back.
That will prevent you from damaging the motor.
The power supply line can rest on either side of the motor just as long as it is not pinched.
Then, secure the adapter in place.
Moreover, Bixpy provides dielectric grease to apply on the receiving ends of the power supply cable.
Next, connect the power supply to the battery pack.
An added feature is Bixpy’s magnetized coin release clip that sits on the center of the battery.
If you were to fall out of the kayak and the coin is removed, power is immediately cut off.
Bixpy also provides a remote that you can slide onto your wrist with 3 buttons.
There are 12 different forward speed settings, 3 speeds for reverse, and a stop button.
On-The-Water Experience
At the highest speed setting, the motor topped out at about 3.5 mph which is par for the course.
Additionally, I noticed that the motor is very loud and makes lots of noise.
Granted, I did have the speed cranked up all the way to the highest setting, however, the kayak was loudly vibrating.
On full power, this motor should last about an hour to 90 minutes.
If I were to use this to buzz across a bay to fish some points, it would effectively get me there and save my energy for fishing rather than pedaling.
Or even if you get stuck out in bad weather, this motor can come in handy in helping you safely back to shore.
Also, I’m not too sure how applicable the reverse function is on a kayak, but it has the power to do so if needed.
I even was able to try out the Twist & Stow Rudder Adapter which goes on the rear of your kayak.
This adapter will work on most older kayaks and Outbacks from 2017 and prior.
The Pros
Personally, I am not accessory-savvy.
I like to keep things simple and bring as little as possible with me out on the water.
But there are times when I’ll go offshore to target blackfin tuna and tarpon.
This motor is extremely useful when covering lots of ground like I would on those trips.
The battery life is also exceptional.
I ran the motor at full speed for about 75% of the time on a 6-hour fishing trip and I only used about half of the battery.
Furthermore, all of the attachments on the Bixpy J-2 Outboard Kit are very easy to use and install.
The gear and unit weigh about 10lbs and change altogether which is on the lighter side.
Also, I absolutely love the fact that the battery pack floats!
I am not the most cautious with my gear and I’m going to fish in some rougher conditions from time to time so it’s nice to go out on the water knowing nothing will short circuit on you or sink to the bottom.
You can have the confidence needed to go out and have a successful day of fishing.
In addition, Bixpy has YouTube videos on their website that detail the installation of just about every single attachment on most any kayak.
I will also add that I personally preferred the Mirage Drive Adapter over the Twist & Stow Rudder Adapter.
It is much easier to swap out the Mirage Drive Adapter when trying to move into shallow water.
The Cons
There are not many cons to address but I did want to mention the wrist remote layout.
The remote does not have a digital screen to indicate which power setting you’re on.
There are 12 speed settings to go forward and 3 settings for reverse so it would be helpful to see which setting you’re on.
A dial or a chart to provide that information would be welcomed.
It can be hard to discern if you are on setting 6 or setting 8 just by the vibrations and speed of the kayak alone.
And, of course, it is not quiet and tends to be noisy.
That is understandable given the power of the motor as well as its size.
But if you plan on sneaking up on fish in shallow water or calm conditions, there’s a good chance the fish will feel the vibrations of the motor.
Moreover, the Bixpy motor is not designed to get into shallow water of less than 2 feet safely.
The Twist & Stow Rudder Adapter also poses some difficulties.
I haven’t found a great spot for the battery pack to go on my kayak.
The lanyard on the safety magnet that clips on the motor is only so long and it is difficult to access when out on the water actively fishing.
Lastly, turning on higher speeds caused major resistance in the rudders so it sometimes feels like you’re trying to move the Earth when turning left or right.
If you are someone that has to cover lots of ground on their kayak, then the Bixpy J-2 Outboard Kit is something you may want to look into.
Personally, I would go with the Mirage Drive Adapter in the center of my kayak but it is going to be different for every angler!
Overall, I was very impressed with the power behind the Bixpy motor and would be seen as money well spent if you like to cover a lot of water.
Bixpy is offering 10% off the products on their website to Salt Strong Insider Members!!
Click here to get 10% off a Bixpy Motor
Do you have any more questions about the Bixpy J-2 Outboard Kit?
Let me know what you thought of this review and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask down in the comments!!
If you know someone who wants to learn more about the Bixpy J-2 Outboard Kit, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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They don’t have a pedal adapter for a big fish 108 so I made my own the mold took me about a month to make I just have to pick up the K1 or the J2 or do you think it’s going to work
I bought a Bixpy second-hand this past June and pod-mounted it on my Bonafide SS127. I live in western NC, so it has mostly seen use in freshwater. I’ve been in FL on vacation since the weekend before Thanksgiving and have used this motor extensively in inshore settings (ICW & Mosquito Lagoon), where it has performed very well. I think it bears mention that this is a motor that is suitable for getting from point A to point B, and you can troll with it, but it’s probably not a motor you want to have running while you’re actively casting and retrieving (that just doesn’t work out in my experience and, as already mentioned, it’s a noisy unit). Unlike Justin’s experience, I was able to safely engage this motor in water less than 2 feet in depth but shallow seagrass (such as found in Mosquito Lagoon) poses a potential problem as it can clog up the prop. Overall, I am happy with it. I’m an older guy and this unit saves me a lot of energy that I would otherwise spend paddling a lot.
It would have to be the biggest piece of rubbish that I have ever purchased it lasted 6 weeks before it decided to fry the mother board regret buying the piece of junk
Isn’t there a warranty?
I don’t have a Hoby Kayak but wonder if I can attach to a standard Kayak. Can you cover how to do that ?
I’ve had my Bixby J2 with the transom adapter since March and I Love it. The transom adapter is mounted to a Railblaza kayak motor mount I have installed right be my seat. I have the Kaku Zulu and I don’t want the rudder attachment because I load my kayak stern first into my pickup. The Railblaza motor mount with the J2 transom adapter and the J2 motor is all connected together. I can install and disconnect everything in about 30 seconds. I have have two Railblaza Tracloader Starport adapters mounted to the rails right behind my seat and tge battery slides right under my seat. The higher sitting seat of the Kaku Zulu works great with this set up !!!
Bixby J2 is awesome for distance point A to point B speed without wearing myself out from paddeling 3 or 4 miles. I use my paddle for steath movements while fishing !!!
I have the power pole mount adapter on my 2020 Outback. You can adjust the depth to no more than the rudder depth and it works fine. It also automatically kicks up if it hits something. I run on five at about 2.5 mph. If I add casual peddling I can do 3.5 mph. I prefer to use the Bixpy to go from spot to spot then use the peddles while fishing. I use the reverse to back out of tight spots or to prevent a fish from dragging me where I don’t want it to go. I only recharge after three, four hour fishing trips. It has plenty of battery.
How durable is this? Inevitably bottom contact is going to occur.
Well….I actually did hit the ground going on Speed 12 (Highest Speed) in my Demo, but didn’t include it in the video. Surprisingly it didn’t break anything and the motor still works perfectly fine! Wyatt & I took it out the following week after ICAST and used it for another 3-4 hours until the battery died (we didn’t re-charge it in between trips). I’d say it’s fairly solid!
Thanks for the review Justin. From what I saw I’m a bit disappointed with the top speed (3+ mph?). And it makes too much noise for my liking. I think I’ll stick with my legs as I can easily get 4+ mph. It just doesn’t seem worth it but your review was really helpful.
I hear ya, buddy. For what we do in the Lagoon & River, it might not be as applicable because we spend so much time in the shallows. But like I mentioned, for those fishing in Deeper River Systems, Creeks with heavy Tidal Flow, or off the Beach, I can see this being a huge plus for those type of anglers.
Thanks for the informative review. (Yet again! 😉
I would love to try this out in/on a/my 2021 Hobie Outback as demo testing. A big investment, but great potential, I would want to know for sure before taking that leap.
To the others comments, I can’t speak to the priceing of registrations, But, in Texas, it would have to be registered with the State, as a powered vessel with the registration #s clearly shown on the side of your yak.
Yes, you are correct Neal. Appreciate the feedback here!
Also, I did register my kayak with the CA DMV and got the sticker and numbers to put on my kayak to stay legal.