How To Catch More Fish In Murky Water (Around Structure)

Are you unsure of how to hunt fish in murky water when visibility is low?

Murky water can be difficult but it does not make for unfishable conditions.

In fact, you can almost predict where the fish will be with even better accuracy!

Check out this new video to learn how to catch fish in really murky water.

How To Catch More Fish In Murky Water [VIDEO]

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When fish are in murky water, they are going to hold tight to structure along the shorelines or beneath the surface.

They are in fear of larger predators that may eat them such as dolphins and sharks.

That means you need to be casting close to the structure because those fish will not venture very far from where they are hiding.

Fish won’t be cruising around freely like they normally would be in clear water!

When casting to visible structure along the shoreline, you want to make as many casts as you can and be as efficient as possible.

You can also try skipping a cast beneath the structure because the further you can get your lure under the mangroves or trees, the better chance of putting your lure within the vision of a fish.

Cover all parts of the structure to ensure if there is a fish there, that it will see your lure and strike.

It is best to try all sides of the structure because you don’t know where the fish may be holding.

The goal is to make sure your lure gets into the strike zone so you may need to search for that sweet spot!

If you have any further questions about what else to look for in murky water fishing situations or want to know what specific lures to use, then let me know down in the comments!

And if you know an angler who typically fishes in murky water, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

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Jason Rosado
3 years ago

Your 100% on it Joe. I fish I lot of murky water and structure is where I get the hits. Even those big ones are hiding in a hole under some type of structures and making more than one cast is the best advice. Great video Joe

Andrew Hinshaw
3 years ago

No giant tarpon hook up at the end?

Richard Fiorentino
3 years ago

thanks. You could have mentioned what lures to use

Malcolm Hayward
3 years ago


Much of our best fishing is esturial.
No visibility. 7kt or 8kt tides. Heavy weed carried in the scour.
Extra gems such as Dr. Whites and used condoms catching on the leader knot.

So, which fish live in these conditions?
Anything that primarily hunts by scent.
Anything that detects electrical pulses / fields.
In my experience, vibration is far less important.

Top of the list, just about all the shark family, especially the rays.
Most of the Gadidae.
Saltwater catfish.

Rays shuffle uptide, mainly sticking themselves to the sea bed.
Eels and catfish are enticed out of their lairs.
Pelagics sweep down the tide checking for enticing smells, then turn uptide to home in.

Be aware, an anchored boat, even with a seasoned crew, generates a sonic scare zone.
From the anchor line and hull, downtide. Crucial in up to 75ft. of water.

Basic principles.
Large, oozing, propper cut bait, firmly anchored, hard on or a little off the bottom.
“Pennel” rigging facilitates sensible sized hooks yet can carry a large juicy bait.
“Sea Scenters” with appropriate chum mixes work well.
Change all baits every 12 to 15 mins. A washed out bait catches nothing.
For those who are too prissy the “Blutbombette” system also works well.
I use it in clear water as well. NB. buy skipper a good bottle, the bloodstains get everywhere.
Boat cast, out and uptide, three times your anchored depth.
Yes, big Sputnicks to hold bottom.

Uptiding is very productive, speciality fishing. Both the gear and the skills.
Cox and Rawle put all the principles together in the ’70s.
If rays in fast tides are anticipated, go heavy enough.
A sad sight to see a P.B. catch kiting immoveably 100yds down tide.

I have said this before, a fish boated with plenty of fight, has a better chance if released and will taste much better on the plate. Modern gear seldom puts fish off and can be well matched to fishing styles and targets.
I.E. Live bait actions really suit bottom fishing for suspicious feeders.

For those strangers to cut bait fishing.
For some fish, your bait cannot be too fresh.
For others, they like it nearly liquid and honking.
Even in highly coloured water, a squid strip can flash white thus providing an aiming point.

Generaly clear but temporarily coloured waters.
Go out with your gun instead.


Steven Free
3 years ago

You talk weird buddy but I find exactly the opposite is true here in northeast Jacksonville fl where I live and fish we also deal with strong tidal influxes and murky water about 80 percent of the year with exception to winter and very early spring but I have found visibility and vibration play a big role and increases ones catch ratio dramatically if done in unison I love a gold bladed chartreuse tail paddletail that gives off great vibration and is easier to see it is my primary lure of choice for both reds and flounder pitched under docks and slowrolled on the bottom by oysters or scattered oyster bottom with sawgrass shorelines is a deadly tactic that has caught me hundreds of fish but if this tactic is true I would recommend a baitcasting outfit spinning gear just doesn’t work nearly as well and the reel you get with planing a baitcasting reel makes you feel the subtle hits a flounder sometimes does that would otherwise go in noticed if a spinning reel was used all I can say is works for me😉😁

Mark Keller
3 years ago

Because of run off due to heavy rainfall our inshore water in Orange Beach, AL is dirty/mirky and has been for months. Fishing the grass flats in the past when the water was clear has been very good but now is bad. How would you fish these conditions?


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