Common Paddletail Rigging Mistake That Is Costing You Fish
- By: Pat Ogletree
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STOP making this common paddletail rigging mistake that is costing you fish!!!
Have you ever had the issue of your paddletail running too high in the water column?
Adding weight might help…
But that will likely lead to more problems.
Avoid THIS mistake so you can hook into more fish!
Common Paddletail Rigging Mistake That Is Costing You Fish [VIDEO]
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Sure, it makes sense to add a bit of weight to your lures if they’re riding a bit high in the water column.
But the truth is that might cost you fish.
A heavier lure makes a bigger splash in the water that could spook fish away.
The Mistake!
The mistake anglers make is when rigging paddletails, they don’t have the lure sitting in a straight line on the hook.
The nose is slightly tilted up which will cause the lure to rise as it swims along.
Think about a lipped crankbait that is supposed to dive deeper.
That lip will keep the lure down in the water because it’s angled down toward the bottom.
When the nose is angled up on a lure, it will do the opposite and rise higher in the water.
Instead, we want our lures to sit straight on the hook so they swim properly.
How To Prevent This
The reason why anglers make this mistake is because the hook is too far toward the back of their lures.
The hook then pushes the lure forward causing the head to tilt up.
Before rigging your paddletails, lay the hook up against the side of the lure.
Don’t pull or pinch the lure – have it sit natural.
Place your finger where the hook will naturally sit in the lure.
Then, when inserting the hook into the lure, slide the hook point right where your finger is.
That way, the lure sits on the hook straight and perfect each and every time.
In order to help make sure that you are targeting the right areas based on the latest feeding trends and upcoming weather forecasts, make sure to use the following 3 resources because they will save you a ton of time.
These regional game plans will show you exactly what types of spots to target in under 10 minutes… just click the video to start, and you’ll be informed on what to do on your next trip.
This exclusive software literally shows you where the most fish are likely to be feeding based on exactly when you’ll be fishing. It factors in the tides, wind, and weather to help you quickly see which areas to target throughout the day.
The Insider Community platform is what you can use to see what is biting near you, and you can get to know other members who fish in your area. Plus, you can use it to keep a log of your catches so you can use past trips to help predict future catches.
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Pat I was getting a helicopter casting a mulligan on a hoss last weekend can you let me know what causes that?
Good Stuff Pat! Going to have to buy some larger bait…
It’s the time of year to use them!!
thanks for the info Pat
Glad you liked it Terry!
thanks Pat makes sense.
No problem Richard!
Anyone fishing around Osprey Cove in the St Mary’s River
Make sure and post that question in the Community, you’ll sure to get some responses there. Also, make sure and check out the local chapters. We have a Georgia chapter and a Jacksonville one that I’m sure can help you out.
Thanks for the advice, I need to try the helix hooks!
They are my favorite rigging hooks! I love the wide gap they have!
Thanks Pat
No problem Gerald!
Great Tip. I need to pay more attention to detail. Thanks,
Glad you liked it Vinson!
Thank you Pat for the video. It seems to be the little things that make a big difference.
I never paid attention to the lure being straight after inserting the hook. I will now thanks to you video.
It’s all in the details!!
Thanks for the great tip, Pat!
Glad you liked it Ron!