It’s THIS Easy To Catch Live Baitfish Using Baitmasters Chum!
- By: Luke Simonds
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This is how EASY it is to catch live baitfish using Baitmasters Chum!
Whether you’re trying to catch pinfish, whitebait, grunts, pilchards, or any other small baitfish – this stuff gets it done!
Here’s the entire process from start to finish!
Catch Live Baitfish Using Baitmasters Chum [VIDEO]
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How To Catch Live Baitfish Using Baitmasters Chum
Baitmasters Chum comes in two sizes (a 1lb bag and a 4lb bag).
All you need is a bag of chum, a bucket, and a little bit of water to get started.
Pour a bit of chum into a bucket (roughly a 1/4 of the 1lb bag) and add a tiny bit of water.
You want to create a paste with the chum so avoid adding too much water or else it will become too soupy.
If you grab a bit of chum after adding a drop or two of water, it should ball up in your palms.
Before tossing chum into the water, take note of which direction the current is moving.
It is ideal to have both the current and the wind in sync.
Grab small chunks of chum and toss them down into the water.
You should toss the chum out in front of you within range to throw the cast net.
If the current is strong, drop the chum right below the boat.
A little bit of chum goes a long way.
Any small baitfish in the area will sense and smell the chum and come right over to the source.
In many cases, this also attracts bigger fish like trout to investigate what the commotion is all about.
After throwing out a few balls of chum, go ahead and get the cast net ready.
For the flats, an 8-foot net with 1/4-inch mesh is the perfect cast net to use.
That 1/4-inch mesh assures you won’t Christmas Tree the baits while pulling it up.
Right before throwing the net, I like to form a bigger chunk of bait and pack it in tight so it gets down to the bottom.
Drop that down and prepare to toss the net right on top of it.
In order to help make sure that you are targeting the right areas based on the latest feeding trends and upcoming weather forecasts, make sure to use the following 3 resources because they will save you a ton of time.
These regional game plans will show you exactly what types of spots to target in under 10 minutes… just click the video to start, and you’ll be informed on what to do on your next trip.
This exclusive software literally shows you where the most fish are likely to be feeding based on exactly when you’ll be fishing. It factors in the tides, wind, and weather to help you quickly see which areas to target throughout the day.
The Insider Community platform is what you can use to see what is biting near you, and you can get to know other members who fish in your area. Plus, you can use it to keep a log of your catches so you can use past trips to help predict future catches.
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Sounds like a plan.
Thanks Luke great information
My pleasure!
Thanks Luke!
My pleasure!
Luke, I always add a little bit of menhaden oil to my chum and it really draws them in!! Wearing a disposable surgical glove while throwing out chum doesn’t spoil the taste of your sandwich later in the day either!!
I like that!
Any tips for urban areas finding baitfish??? Like pompano beach?
There’s often a lot of baitfish that hold around channel markers and bridges, so anchoring up-current and chumming them up to the boat can be very productive.
Is there a good productive chum for mullet?
I have not yet found a good chum for mullet
We always chummed for mullet with meal cakes. I presume you can still find those things
I’ve tried adding mackerel, clams, and other meats to mullet chum, and they didn’t work as well as chum without meat. Bread, rolled oats, cornmeal, and laying mash are the most effective chums for the large mullet, in my experience.
I’ve seen someone using oatmeal and bread crumbs for mullet. Seemed to be working for him!
A mixture of oatmeal, chicken feed, and water (sticky balls) works well for larger mullets. I use it in the winter when the eating-size mullet is concentrated in the springs of the river. I still can’t find good chum to attract finger mullet baits.
Well Luke considering I can’t throw a cast net to save my white behind that’s kind of out of the question besides the only bait I ever used and that was along time ago was live shrimp and I always bought them I remember a time about 2 years before covid when I was really into the fish I already had 2 slams!!! And they were not small just legal ones either but when I was catching I saw 3 guys in a bayboat cast netting for bait this was in the summer and at that time of morning I was using topwaters and subsurface plugs to and these guys were throwing there nets when I was less then 100 yards away catching some nice fish they never even bothered looking at me although unless they were all blind I knew they could see me I just shook my head and laughed while they wasted there time throwing there net but hey I like that kind of stupidity and stubbornness because there’s more fish for me bottom line is bait to me is A) to darn expensive and B) stinks to high heaven and C) is a pain in the rear to keep alive and last but not least D) I’m not good enough to get bait with a cast net and it’s very time consuming as well and im very good with lures so why bother with bait besides my philosophy has always been if any kind of fishing turns into tedious work then why bother its supposed to be fun and relaxing not stressful and alot of work plus also with bait your not finding the fish like you are with lured im never in the same spot for any length of time unless im catching im always on the move looking and finding the fish when one uses bait its always to me a boring waiting game so no thanks no bait for me I’ll stick with what I have confidence in and know works thanks for the tip and all you do🤔😉👍
I was one of those hard-heading guys throwing cast nets on every trip before fishing… and I finally converted to lures after many years of wasted time with the live bait once I simply got some confidence in lures getting some good results.
Good info as always
Thanks Danny!
Thanks for the information. I don’t use live bait much but the chum is good information. Now I just need to learn to throw a cast net better.