The Quick & Easy Way To Chum For Pinfish (And Stop Paying For Them)


Sick of wasting money on pinfish?

The other day I saw them for $1 each at the bait shop!

Live bait fishing can get very expensive but here’s the good news…

If you have chum, this bait can be caught pretty quickly.

Watch this video and learn the easiest way to chum for pinfish and catch live bait fast.

Check it out below!

How To Chum For Pinfish [VIDEO]

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➡ Click here to get our Black Out Chum

To get started you’ll need the following items:

  1. Bucket
  2. Chum (I recommend our Black Out Chum!)
  3. Cast Net

Don’t have a cast net yet? Check out this net. It’s the perfect size for dealing with smaller baitfish.

The next thing you need to focus on is where to catch the pinfish.

Spot selection is key!

You’ll want to cover ground and find a decent current flow with some sort of structure on the bottom.

Chumming For Pinfish Step By Step

Step 1: Put the chum in a bucket.

Our Black Out Chum gives specific directions on the package as well.

Step 2: Add water (with the provided scoop).

You’ll want to be sure not to add too much or too little water.

Step 3: Once you have the correct consistency, create chum balls.

Step 4: Throw the chum balls out, one at a time.

You’ll see that some of the chum stays on the surface and some sinks down.

This helps to attract fish in the entire water column.

Step 5: Let the chum fall down and throw out more.

Keep an eye on the chum slick to monitor the sizes of the pinfish too (polarized glasses are a big help and these are my favorite).

You’ll want to throw out the chum in the exact same spot each time so the baitfish congregate.

Step 6: Get your cast net ready to throw.

Make sure your net is cleared. (See how to do that here.)

Note: Watch where your shadow is on the water.

You do not want your shadow to be over where the chum slick is because you could spook the fish.

Step 7: Once your cast net is ready, throw out another chum ball.

Step 8: Go ahead and cast your net out and retrieve.

You may see other great baitfish in the net too like pilchards, ballyhoo, or threadfin.

We love bonus bait!


catch live pinfish with chum and cast net

Live bait fishing is super productive but can cost you tons of money over time.

If you’re dedicated to catching your own pinfish, this method is quick and easy.

Get your Black Out Chum here!

Grab your Black Pearl Invi Cast Net here!

Have you chummed for pinfish before?

Do you have any questions about the process?

Let me know down in the comments.

Know someone who loves to use live pinfish for bait? Please TAG or SHARE this with them!

P.S. Want access to our best fishing spots and tips, plus discounts to our online tackle store? Click here to join us in the Insider Club!

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Robert J Figueroa
3 years ago

Still expensive to me

Rex Russo
3 years ago

I looked but couldn’t see the invisible cast nets.

Kumar Sukhdeo
3 years ago

For the do-it-yourselfer/penny pincher: is it possible to make chum? Would be great to have a video!

3 years ago
Reply to  Kumar Sukhdeo


3 years ago
Reply to  HOWARD

I’ve used dry cat food ground up but it takes longer to wet is down. Kibbles and Bits or something like that.

Kurt Weller
3 years ago
Reply to  Kumar Sukhdeo

little friskies small cans of pate cat food. Used to catch tons of live shrimp in the canal alongside Hw1 in Grand Isle LA for fishing the Fourchon Beach.

Guy Mendoza
3 years ago

1.00? That’s cheap! Miami pinfish must have a “ special sauce” seen them from 1.50 – 2.00.
Thanks Luke for awesome insights as always!

Tim Crider
3 years ago

Ok im here in nc and pinfish are not a problem to catch my question is what are they good for redfish , black drum when fishing in the surf we have always used them for cut bait 

Rick Schwerdtfeger
3 years ago

Great video, Luke! And FYI, my bait store charges $1.50 for pinfish!

John Hardiman
3 years ago

Do you want to chum in more shallow water or does it matter?

Danny Bautista
3 years ago

Hey great video. Can I catch bait fish at anytime with this method or does it have to be in the early morning?


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