The Easiest Way To Catch Loads Of Live Bait On The Flats
- By: Joseph Simonds
- on

It’s Live Bait Time!!!
One of the best things about the arrival of spring is that schools of bait start showing up on the flats.
The only bad news is that large schools of whitebait can be a bit inconsistent to find in early spring.
So if you want to learn how to chum up whitebait and pinfish (even on cooler mornings), then you’re going to love this.
In this LIVE on the water podcast episode we discuss:
- The best chum we’ve ever used to attract loads of bait up to your boat (you can buy it here)
- Best types of spots to find the bait
- Why you should always have a line in the water when chumming for bait
You can watch the video version of this podcast below (which I highly recommend), listen to the audio version by clicking the play button underneath it, or listen to it on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.
P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!
The Easiest Way To Catch Loads Of Live Bait On The Flats [VIDEO]
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Click here to get Blackout Chum (Insiders only)
The Easiest Way To Catch Loads Of Live Bait On The Flats [PODCAST]
Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Salt Strong podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!
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Here’s a timestamped table of contents from this episode:
2:45 – How to properly mix the Blackout Chum to maximize the amount of bait that comes up to your boat (or kayak)
4:40 – How to bring the baitfish up to your boat (creating a proper spread)
8:00 – Potential new Slam Shady shrimp…
11:07 – The best time to catch live bait
11:45 – What to do right before you throw your net
13:20 – Whitebait Motherload!!!
17:35 – How to freeze Blackout Chum for pinfish traps
21:20 – Why you should always have some Slam Shady paddletails and Alabama Leprechaun jerk shads ready to throw right after you chum an area
What an awesome morning!
I hope you enjoyed this LIVE chumming tip and that you find loads of bait this spring.
You can get everything we used in this podcast here:
Do you have any other live bait fishing tips?
Or any questions about catching bait on the flats?
Let us know down in the comments.
And if you know someone who wants to take their live bait game up to a new level this year, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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I got my Blackout Chum today. I’m curious as to how it will work in my friends creek that has tons of Channel, Blue and yellow cats in it. Every time I go there it’s always a good day of fishing but I wonder if they would come in droves.
When will the double leprechaun rigging video be out? Very intrigued.
It is on schedule to go live this Friday
At least here on the TX gulf coast, anglers should consider conservation efforts after the hard freeze we had. Over 8.6 Million fish were killed and the vast majority were bait fish. Trout were also hard hit. However, the food chain has been impacted with perch, mullet, shad, etc. Please consider using artificial and practicing catch and release or taking only what you can eat. Catching live bait will stress the food chain and more game fish may be stressed looking for food. Thanks for your consideration! 🙂
Maybe use some Slam Shady…..IJS
I’m already practicing catching release so I was wanting to use it to bring in the bait which will bring in the fish which I can then catch. No plans on keeping anything this year and quite possibly next year too. I have a question though. If any flounder were affected, which in the long run they probably will be because 89% of the fish killed were bait fish according to initial reports, would the flounder stay at the bottom instead of washing up on shore? I’m also curious as to how the freeze affected the oyster and shrimp population. I know the oystering here in Calhoun County has come practically to a stop after the freeze.
Joe said that other chum would be better for reefs and snapper; what other chum? why not this chum?
There are many other chum products out on the market that have bigger chunks of meat (often with oats & sand) which are designed to sink faster and appeal to larger reef fish.
This chum is specifically designed to draw in baitfish with a side benefit of drawing in the larger predators in the shallows who smell the scent and then see all of the bait.
I’m sorry, “The Double Leprechaun Rig”, so now you are casting with a mini school of bait? Just when I thought I had seen it all, lol. Brilliant, though
Haha! It hasn’t worded as well for the big trout (over 22 inches) up in the shallows, but the smaller ones can’t resist it.
Great info, yea a polarized filter would definitely help.
Great to see you this afternoon Joe and now your Blackout Chum makes sense… ;). Just ordered
Good stuff, Rick!! Appreciate you buddy. Sorry I couldn’t chat longer but great to see you!
Will the Blackout chum work for mullet?
No sir. Mullet aren’t attracted to chum. This is for pilchards, sardines, greenbacks, pinfish, ballyhoo, etc
Question for Luke: Have you tried tying mono AND fluoro with different variations on your double rig to see if it can help with the fluoro vs mono debate ? Just a thought
I haven’t tried that because the easiest way to tie this rig is to use 1 strand of line and tie a surgeon’s loop slightly offset of the middle to be the point that is connected to the mainline.
Ahh that makes sense!