Pulling Overslot Snook Out From Underneath Docks [Fishing Report]
- By: Sean Person
- on

On a trip not too long ago, Joe and I pulled out some GIANT overslot snook underneath docks and around pilings!
The Power Prawn U.S.A. put on a SHOW!!!
Drag was constantly screaming on this trip.
Take a look below!!
Pulling Overslot Snook Out From Underneath Docks [VIDEO]
Check out the FULL Insider Report from this trip
Equipment Used:
Luke’s Setup
- Rod: TFO Pro Medium-Heavy Power
- Reel: BG 2500
- Line: 15 lb J-Braid 8 Grand
- Leader: 30 lb Ande Monofilament
- Lure: Power Prawn USA rigged on Hoss Fooball Jighead – 4/0 with 1/4 oz weight
- Scent: Dr. Juice Inshore Slam Scent
Joe’s Setup
- Rod: Mud Hole Custom 7’6″ Medium Power
- Reel: Fuego 3000-XH
- Line: 20 lb PowerPro Braid
- Leader: 30 lb Ande Monofilament
- Lure: Power Prawn USA rigged on Hoss Fooball Jighead – 4/0 with 1/4 oz weight
- Scent: Dr. Juice Inshore Slam Scent
The purpose for this trip was to test out the new Hoss Football Jigheads on this trip with the Power Prawn USA.
After I hooked into and landed a MONSTER snook that wouldn’t let up until the end, Joe’s drag started screaming!!
Both snook we landed were OVERSLOT!!
Another thing to remember when dock fishing is to properly revive the fish and bring them closer to the dock you originally found them hiding under.
Dolphins have been following fishing boats lately so they can steal released fish that are tired and gaining their strength back.
Power Prawn U.S.A. Artificial Shrimp Lures
The Power Prawn U.S.A. is my most trusted and my go-to lure for dock fishing.
These lures catch not just high quantities of fish, but also high-quality fish.
Additionally, we recently designed new Hoss Football Jigheads to pair with Power Prawn U.S.A. lures.
These jigheads were specifically designed to pair with the Power Prawn U.S.A. and were carefully thought out to anticipate inshore fishing scenarios.
There are a few color options in the Power Prawn U.S.A., however, I caught my overslot snook on the Slam Shady color while Joe was using the Natural color.
Color did not seem to matter on this particular trip, the fish were after the darting action of the shrimp.
Rod, Reel & Line
I used my Value Setup on this trip.
This includes a TFO Professional Medium-Heavy spinning rod and a Daiwa BG 2500 reel.
I usually use Medium power for inshore fishing but when fishing around docks, the added power in a Medium-Heavy assists in pulling those fish out from structure.
I previously thought 2500-sized reels would be overmatched by overslot snook but these BG 2500 reels have proven to pack a punch.
Also, the BG sizing is actually larger than other reels in the same size class.
A BG 2500 is about the same size as a 3000 in other reels.
As far as line goes, I got lucky using 15lb Daiwa J-Braid x8 Grand but I would normally use 20lb.
I had that tipped with 30lb monofilament leader.
Monofilament has proven to be a bit more abrasion-resistant when it comes to dock fishing.
This is one of my favorite setups to use for skipping lures underneath docks and pulling overslot snook out from docks!
Dock positioning and where you cast have a major impact on whether or not you will get any strikes.
If you haven’t already, check out the Dock Fishing Mini-Course I put together last month, click the link below!
Do you have any additional questions about dock fishing?
What is your biggest dock fish ever?
Share with us down in the comments section!!
If you know someone who wants to learn more about reeling in overslot snook underneath docks, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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How are you both retrieving the jig head from under the dock?…..(steady slow or fast retrieve or bouncing the jig head off the bottom or other)
We were bouncing them along the bottom.