Is Now The WORST Time To Buy A Boat?


Is NOW the WORST time to buy a boat?

If you are in the market for a new boat or interested in getting your first boat, you need to check out this podcast!

In this episode, we discuss what the boat market currently looks like and give our advice to prospective boat owners.

We’ve got it all covered below!

You can watch the video version of this podcast below (which I highly recommend), listen to the audio version by clicking the play button underneath it, or listen to it on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.

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Check it all out below!!!

Is Now The WORST Time To Buy A Boat? [PODCAST]

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Related Podcasts:

Here is the timestamped version:

  • 1:44 – Is NOW the WORST time to buy a fishing boat?
  • 4:16 – Ups and downs of the market
  • 5:03 – What kind of boat owner are you?
  • 6:56 – Boat Financing & Loans
  • 7:33 – The Lost Art of Sales
  • 11:38 – Current state of the boating market
  • 20:33 – Why you SHOULD buy a boat now
  • 21:18 – Why you SHOULD NOT buy a boat now
  • 23:33 – Next-level Salt Strong Fishing Technology

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Is Now The WORST Time To Buy A Boat? [VIDEO]

➡Do you want to know EXACTLY where you should fish this weekend? CLICK HERE

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Depending on how often you use a boat and what you need a boat for should determine if you should go out and get a boat or not.

If you want to create memories with friends and family without worrying about the depreciation of a boat, anytime is the right time!

Do you have any more questions on if now is the WORST time to buy a boat?

Let us know down in the comments!

Please share your thoughts and suggestions down in the comments!!

And if you know someone who wants to learn more about boating, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

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David LaValley
2 years ago

I have wanted to buy a boat for a while now, but keep coming up with the same things you guys pointed out. Is it worth it and will I use it enough to justify the expense? I have a fishing kayak and love it. I even do crab traps from my kayak. I have spare kayaks if someone wants to go out fishing with me, but that has only happened once in three years. Some day I will get the boat, but not today. Personally, I think the wife and I would get just as many memories from a tandem yak as with a boat.

Rob S.
2 years ago

A future video/podcast comparing the pros/cons of your Hewe’s skiff and Pathfinder bay boat. It seems the skiff is being used more often for shallow water fishing. And the Pathfinder used when going to the Keys, having several passengers, or fishing nearshore/offshore. Do you feel owning two boats is necessary, and the reasons why?

Luke Simonds
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob S.

Great idea Rob! The skiff is much better for targeting redfish and snook in the shallows because it has a quieter hull and a shallower draft. The Pathfinder is much better when taking out more than just 1 other person and has a much wider usage capability given that it can be taken offshore while also floating in pretty shallow water too.

Having 2 boats is of course nice, but it’s definitely not necessary. Given that many of the biggest redfish, trout, and snook can be caught in very shallow water, it’s not even necessary to even have a boat because a pair of wading boots or a kayak can help a skilled angler catch trophy fish.

Herman Funderburk
2 years ago

This was spot on. I experienced most of these things during my boat purchase process. I just purchased my first boat in October and I found that most dealers did not want to even take the time to talk with you let alone explain the benefits/pros/cons of different types of boats etc. The first thing out of most dealers’ mouths was we need a deposit. Even emails I would send salespeople to ask general questions were often never returned. I did however finally find a dealer down in the keys that worked with me and by chance, they had a boat that they almost sold but the deal fell through and we made the purchase. The purchase process was definitely something completely different than anything I have ever experienced. However, since October the memories my family and I have made have been priceless. I will say that if you are in the market and ready to pull the trigger a great place to make contacts with potential dealers is a boat show. I just went to the Palm Beach boat show a couple of weeks ago. We went early on a Friday morning before the crowds and I was able to talk to a couple of dealers and manufacturer reps in detail about their boats. I was offered multiple sea trials and saw some decent deals on boats for purchase. Had I not jumped to purchase that boat in October I probably would have purchased one at the show.

Bob Sherman
2 years ago

Good timing! About two months ago I ordered a 19′ Alweld CC tunnel flat bottom with a 90, and put my name on a waiting list for a Honda Pioneer 520. I knew it was going to be expensive, but now I live on a small houseboat about 30 minutes from excellent inshore fishing in Louisiana. A no-brainer. I can moor a boat outside my door!
This morning the phone rang twice and they are both in! My last boat was a 20′ CC in a slip in Aransas, and those are some of my best and worst memories. Last Dec I sold my home in Austin, and did pretty well, (lol) so I can afford these nice things. The economy will get worse, and the threat of the grid going down is legitimate, especially here in Hurricane Alley, so things like tractors, boats, and side-by-sides are worth FAR more than money is here. “It’s a banner day for the Sherman family.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Bob Sherman
Stacey Corn
2 years ago

I just listened to the podcast on the way home today and want to provide my $.02. Several years ago I was in Afghanistan with with a real good friend I had known for over 20 years, LTC Todd Clark. He and I had served in combat twice together and he was one heck of an officer and friend. He and I were up late one night talking and he mentioned how when he got back home he was going to buy a boat and always had dreamed of getting one. He said this would be his last deployment and had accepted the XO position for the Corp of Cadets at Texas A&M, his alma mater. I rotated out of Afghanistan a few weeks later to get ready for Battalion command. Three weeks later my wife and I were coming back from the precommand course at Ft. Leavenworth and we heard on the radio that three Soldiers had been killed in Paktika Province by an insider attack. I immediately knew it was Todd and got the confirmation the next day. Within a week I went and bought a boat. My advice is BUY THE DANG BOAT! Tomorrow is never promised and you have less time than you think. Enjoy the time God has given you! Buy the boat!

Kenneth Boston
2 years ago

I’m going to hang on to my lil jon boat for a while longer. I’d like to upgrade to a little skiff, similar to Luke’s maybe. something I can use for bass fishing too. I’m not in a huge hurry though. the prices on the used market aren’t helping lol. but if I had the cash laying around I’d go ahead and get one. I know I’d enjoy it, so like y’all said… it’s an investment in memories and fun!

Wayne Smith
2 years ago

I worry the industries are going to see they can build fewer products and charge more for them. They can keep the on hand stock low to non existent and they’ll have people lined up to buy/order at the price they set. They can reduce the manufacturing costs and save money while charging more. It’s a win for them in their whole process.

Tracy Bradley
2 years ago

Just got into inshore fishing so I joined your club and bought a new kayak to fish out of. I’ve been going out almost every weekend using your tips and reports. Having a blast and catching fish.
The reason I bought a kayak was the cost. I don’t own a large enough vehicle to pull a boat. And it is expensive to keep a boat at a marina. New/used large vehicles are not cheap and new/used boats are not cheap. I figured that a kayak was a way for me to see how much I enjoyed fishing before making the big investment in both. And, like you, I feel that the market will self correct in the next year or so and, if it does, I may upgrade.
The only things I miss out on with having a kayak is taking people out with me (unless they have a kayak) and I cannot cover as much distance between sites while on the water.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tracy Bradley

Even a 14-17 foot aluminum boat, with a 15-25 horse motor will get you to the same places a 100k boat will get you (aside from 50 miles offshore). I see little cars pulling them all the time. I really enjoy having a kayak and a flat bottom boat, but I find myself using the flat bottom way more.


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