How I Caught A SUPER SLAM Using This 1 Lure [Ozello, FL – Fishing Report]
- By: Justin Ritchey
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You can’t miss checking out how I caught a SUPER SLAM in Ozello!!
In this video, you will get to see what types of structure and spots I look for to reel in inshore spring saltwater slams.
Keep an eye out for cuts, coves, and points on your next fishing trip!
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When you get out to the spot you’ve circled to fish, oftentimes your focus can drift away from your original intentions.
Stay true to cuts, points, and coves with overhanging mangrove roots or a rocky ledge near seagrass.
These two general forms of structure seem to hold the most fish during this time of the year.
Keep your eye out on big mullet in the area that can indicate predatory fish are around you.
First thing in the morning, my objective is to powerfish and cover as much water as I can.
Snook or redfish like to hold close to exposed mangrove roots early in the morning hours as well.
[optin-monster slug=”wcrcrc7d6ih5k29wooi4″ followrules=”true”]
Don’t question the power of a quality pre-plan!!!
If you have a pre-plan in mind prior to hitting the water and then make real-time adjustments in the present, you will waste no time in getting yourself on fish.
Remember to stay in tune with the current trends of your area to follow where the fish are!
Do you have any more questions about how I caught a SUPER SLAM?
Let me know down in the comments!
And if you know someone who wants to learn more about how I caught a SUPER SLAM, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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I have fish this area several times, and the deep channel just south of Charr Island always looks good on the smart spots, however I have been Unable to catch anything in that channel, have you had any luck there? And by the way, great video, one of the best.
What causes the snook to be farther off of the mangrove line during outgoing tide ?
Simply not having enough water to access the mangrove line will do it!
On this day the Low Tide was around 10:30(ish). The water was so low, they couldn’t access the mangrove edge throughout the morning, so they ended up taking refuge in sandy potholes and small depressions in the grass. It was a pretty awesome experience, one I don’t get to enjoy often!
great job .I live near Ozello . I have a Gheenoe and this water looks shallow even for me .what kind of peddle drive do you have ? I am a member .
Thanks Edwin. I was using a Hobie Outback Pedal Drive Kayak. A Gheenoe can access these areas as well, but if the water is THAT low you would need to use a push pole to get back into some of those coves. The area is still productive at a higher part of the tide as well, just focus your efforts around points and small depressions that should hold fish in the grass/sand.
Now I’m really confused. It appeared to be a sunny and pretty calm day with very clear water. I would think the FRED or Slam Shady (2.0 or Bomber) would be the best lure to throw and the golddigger would be best for cloudy, little rough and murky water but you crushed them with that golddigger. ??????????
I can understand your confusion, Roger. All of us as Coaches have a different perspective on what color (or lure) to use in different situations. And to be honest, I’m sure other lures like the F.R.E.D., Slam Shady 2.0 and the Bomber would have all worked well on that day.
I chose to use the Gold Digger because it’s my confidence lure, and because I am of the belief that blending in to your bottom structure (i.e. seagrass) is important when fishing clear water. My thought being: the Baitfish are trying to blend in with their surrounding environment, so the Gold Digger accomplishes that very well with a darker profile.
However, I will also throw the Gold Digger in Milky/Muddy water as well, because Dark Lures tend to put off a better silhouette in this type of water clarity (making it easier for the fish to locate/identify).
Ironically, I would prefer to throw a Slam Shady variant when it’s overcast/cloudy, for some reason I’ve personally experienced better success throwing this color pattern under those conditions.
The Team has offered suggestions on which types of lures & colors to throw in various conditions, but these suggestions are never hard & fast rules. The MOST important aspect to being successful is Finding the Fish, not necessarily what lure you throw to catch them. When you Find Fish, and combine that with targeting them during the Ideal Feeding Times, these fish could very well eat a well-presented Pickle on a hook…
Point being: Fish with what you have confidence in. Who knows, you could have out-fished me that day on the water with the F.R.E.D. or Slam Shady if we were fishing together! There is no #1 Right Answer to Lure Color Selection, and that’s the beauty of it all.
Thanks, Justin. Great points. I always try to bring a full arsenal when I fish (SS, FRED, Al Leprechaun, & GD) but if I’m getting skunked I’ll try a pickle. HAHA!!!
The Pickle Is the SECRET!! Haha
The Super Slam!!! Awesome job, Justin
Thanks Man!