This Is How To Use Jerk Shads (Rigging & Retrieval Tips)

Jerk shads are a great, super versatile bait!

But you must know how to rig and retrieve them if you are going to be successful with this type of lure.

So in this new video, you’ll learn how to properly rig and retrieve a jerk shad to expand your arsenal of lures!

Check out more below!!!

This Is How To Use Jerk Shads [VIDEO]

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Jerk shad style lures require a finesse approach and are best to use in specific types of situations.

They are used best for fishing in calm and flat conditions because the wind will not allow you to swim the lure effectively.


For jerk shads, you should use either a 1/8 ounce or 1/16 ounce, 3/0 size Owner Twistlock Hook.

If the fish are a bit more finicky, a 1/16 ounce will slow down the retrieve and help you finesse it!


The retrieve with a jerk shad is a twitch-twitch-pause as you reel it back to you slowly.

A jerk shad will also work better in shallow areas of water mainly less than 5 feet close to the shoreline or some sort of structure.

If you see a fish is actively patrolling by you, you can be quicker with your retrieve.

For both very hot and colder conditions, using a slower retrieve and allowing the lure to sit at the bottom will be more effective.

The overall aim is to keep this lure as close as you can to the bottom.

If you are targeting redfish, you can make a longer pause in between twitches to keep that lure sitting down low.

Redfish are likely to hit on the pause of the lure when it is at the bottom.

Seatrout or snook are ambush predators so a constant twitching and reeling action can persuade them to strike.

When you are fishing a slower retrieve, you should have your rod tip up higher.

If you are utilizing a quicker retrieve, keep your rod tip down and pointed at the lure.

Go-to jerk shads are the Salt Strong Alabama Leprechaun 5-inch lure or Gulp Shads in watermelon or camouflage patterns.

Jerk shads are also very useful for sight fishing in that they are a very finesse lure and do not cause a lot of commotion to spook fish off.


jerk shad vs paddletail

Jerk shads are a useful lure to equip yourself for calm and clear conditions to catch anything from redfish to trout or snook.

The retrieve is important depending on what species you are targeting.

By creating a constant twitch and pop on the jerk shads, you can induce a strike and catch tons of fish!

➡Click here to get the Alabama Leprechaun lure

➡Click here to get the Gulp Jerk Shad lure

If you have any more questions about rigging or retrieving jerk shads, let me know down in the comments!!

And if you know someone who wants to know how to fish a jerk shad, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

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AJ Cheung
2 years ago

Beautiful example of sight fishing and catching. Thank you!

Gerald Dexter
3 years ago

Thanks Luke

Thomas Manley
3 years ago

Hey Luke, Check out this video if you haven’t yet of Tony demonstrating how to use a jerk bait. He seems to really have the knack of ending a video with a nice fish being caught. Great Job Tony! That is the way you always like demos to work out along with a very short Sales Pitch added at the end. Nice Job Tony! 🙂

Mike Smith
3 years ago

Thanks for the tips!!

Matthew Lanier
3 years ago

Nice work sight casting that red Tony! It sure is nice when they cooperate!


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