How To Catch Tons Of Fish On Piers & Jetties (Tips, Tricks, & Mistakes)
- By: Joseph Simonds
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Want to catch more saltwater fish from a pier or jetty?
If you want to maximize your time fishing from a pier or jetty, then listen in as we share the best types of spots and structure to look for, the best side of a jetty to fish from, tides, lures, baits, rigs, and more!
The tactics we share cover piers and jetties from Texas to Florida to North Carolina (and everywhere in between).
Check it out below!
You can watch the video version of this podcast below (which I highly recommend), listen to the audio version by clicking the play button underneath it, or listen to it on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.
P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!
Pier & Jetty Fishing Tactics [VIDEO]
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Pier & Jetty Fishing Tactics [PODCAST]
Note: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Salt Strong podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify and leave us a review!
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Related Podcasts:
You can follow the timestamped table of contents:
- 2:07 – The biggest mistake when fishing at a jetty
- 5:21 – Is there a best spot on a jetty?
- 8:10 – How to pick out a great place to fish on the jetty
- 11:04 – See this live spot dissection on best target zones
- 13:21 – The dinner plate for jetty fish
- 15:03 – Pier tactics for different species
- 16:02 – Let the tides determine your pier “spot”
- 18:40 – Things to think about when you are using Google maps to pre-trip plan
- 20:30 – Factor in sandbars when you’re fishing from piers (or the beach)
- 23:32 – How to be successful in a new place (Do this)
- 27:11 – A very effective lure for Spanish Mackerel
- 28:16 – The Insider Community and why it’s a secret weapon
- 31:08 – Want to catch a BIG fish? You need this…
- 32:48 – Equipment you need to catch big fish at the jetty or pier
- 36:39 – What’s your go-to bait or lure for the pier?
- 39:21 – A quick, easy bait to use for redfish and a great bait for everything
- 41:01 – The white bucktail jig and big spoons for bigger fish
- 43:18 – Artificials for flounder during the fall
- 45:48 – Big baits for big fish!
If you want to get tight lines at a pier or jetty, you need to know the best tactics and have a solid game plan!
And you’ll have every resource in the Insider Community: courses, coaching, reports, and more.
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What do you want to see in the land-based fishing course?
Have any other tips and tactics for pier and jetty fishing?
Let me know down in the comments!
And if you know an angler who wants to get tight lines on a pier or jetty, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
P.S. Want access to our best fishing spots and tips, plus discounts to our online tackle store? Click here to join us in the Insider Club!
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I’ve been listening to a few podcast on Spotify, but I don’t know where to watch the podcast and the screen sharing they talk about… can someone point me in the right direction?
Here’s a link to see out list of podcasts:
Can you explain how to recognize a edie
Any past Insider Reports on fishing the Jupiter Inlet? Suggestions on setups and rigs.
Have a 7’ Star Rod Aerial MH paired with Penn Battle lll 4000. Thoughts?
You mentioned 3 jett’s on the Gulf Coast. I’m near Sarasota.
Any jetty/ pier recommendations ???
Which side of pier to fish on is based on which factors? Topsail Island NC.
In this video Wyatt mentions using larger (2-3) gold spoons. I don’t see any that size for sale on “Tackle”. What brand do you use for the larger spoons?
I typically order them off of amazon in bulk. They’re sold by a number of different manufacturers, so I always go with what’s cheapest, as I know I’m going to lose the majority of them .
Wow! Very informative and I expect to use most if not all this information to increase my jetty/ pier catching. Was trying to figure out a catchy phrase to help remember which side of the jetty to fish depending on the tide and came up with: if it’s OUTgoing fish INside (the boating channel) and if the tide is INcoming fish OUTside the jetty (beachside)
So it’s always opposite incoming – out, outgoing – fish in.
Anyways, thought that might help others remember as well.
Very informative! Thanks for the good tips guys.
Thank for sharing your insight on fishing on jetties and piers. Next year Port Arkansas is going to have the fishing piers replaced, the Harvey took out.
I gotta get back to fishing the jetties in my area. Great video made and the catches are awesome