Why You Should Use A Popping Cork When Seasons Change

When are some of the best times to use a popping cork?

Would it be beneficial to use a popping cork for big fish this fall?

Popping corks are a great addition to your tackle arsenal as the seasons change from summer to fall!

Check out more here!!

Why You Should Use A Popping Cork When Seasons Change [VIDEO]

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The seasons are transitioning from summer to fall as we speak.

Fall fishing can bring some of the best bites of the year but at this transitionary stage it can be tough to locate fish.

Fish are moving locations and exploring different water depths as the cooler weather and water comes in.

Bait patterns can fluctuate along with the change in conditions.

There is still no shortage of bait the challenge is just locating the schools of fish.

This is where the popping cork will come in handy.

Best Situations To Use A Popping Cork

A popping cork allows you to cover a lot of water quickly and effectively.

If you are fishing with a friend or family member, it is a good tactic to have different leader lengths as well as different lures on your lines.

That way you can dial in on what the fish are going to strike.

Popping corks target a predatory fish’s aggression and the natural instinct to feed.

If there are any fish in the area, they will very likely hit this lure setup.

When fish hear or see another fish feeding on bait, they are intrigued to investigate and they will strike anything in front of their face because there are other predators around them.

The popping cork sound will not just attract redfish and trout but all sorts of other species as well like jacks or ladyfish.

Moreover, popping corks are great for inducing strikes from inactive schools of fish.

Meaning the fish are holding up in an area and are not in a feeding mode.

The popping cork can help wake up the school of fish and cause them to instinctually investigate and strike a lure.

If you have any further questions on how to use a popping cork this fall, let me know down in the comments!

And if you know someone who wants to catch more fish using a popping cork, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

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Les Baron
2 years ago

Richard, how do you determine the length of your leader?

Ron Mcelheney
2 years ago

What conditions do use the paradise oval and the pro pop popping cork. Rough water vs calm water

Jerry Dexter
2 years ago

Thanks Richard, I was wondering about where you where fishing, Texas ETC

Thomas Roper
2 years ago

Richard, thanks for the video. Who makes the shrimp profile with the white with the chartreuse tail?

Mark Ethridge
2 years ago

Thanks Richard! I haven’t tried fishing with a popping cork yet. Is it just as effective fishing from the shore or a pier?

Robert Muller
2 years ago

Thanks Richard! Great information.

Art Heiter
2 years ago

Nice to see a video on the use of a popping cork. How about considering one on the close up use of that de-hooking tool you used? It would be nice to see it used on several different fish with different hooking issues.

Paul Combs
2 years ago

Thanks for the tips , will give it a try .

2 years ago

Nice video and tips RIchard !!!

Justin Dixon
2 years ago

Thanks Richard! Can I use a texas eye or a trout eye jig with these? Have traditionally used the red 1/4 oz strikeking jig head but recently purchased some of the zman eye jigheads and was wondering if that would produce a better result bite.

Thanks as always!


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