Simple Time-Saving Trick For Replacing Hooks On Hard Baits
- By: Tony Acevedo
- on

It’s a good idea to change out your treble hooks with inline hooks.
This is safer for you and for the fish.
But it can be time-consuming to change out all of the hooks on your hard baits.
So in this video, you’ll see a simple trick to speed up that process.
Check it out!
Simple Trick For Replacing Hooks [VIDEO]
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This will work when replacing hooks on any of your hard baits.
First, make sure you have a pair of split ring pliers to help you open up the split ring.
Make sure the notch on the pliers is on top and open up the split ring.
Get the hook started to move off of the open split ring but do not take the hook off completely.
Place the new hook on the split ring facing in the right direction.
The front hook needs to face forward, while the rear hook needs to face back.
Start moving the new hook onto the split ring while pushing the old hook off.
This helps speed up the process so you have more time on the water!
When replacing hooks on hard baits, most anglers will take off one hook completely and then put on the new hook.
This little trick speeds it up by doing it at the same time!
Have any other tips for changing out your hooks?
Let me know down in the comments.
And if you know someone who loves to use hard baits and needs to change out the hooks, please TAG or SHARE this with them!
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Yea I learned that trick a couple years back although sometimes some lures have stronger split rings then others and the ring can be tough to pry apart especially enough for 2 hooks versus 1 but it does work just takes a little patience and perseverance thanks for the info and all you do😁
You’re welcome Steven!
Great tip Tony! Thanks.
My pleasure Andy! Thank you!
Great tip Tony – just received the top water lures and will be replacing the hks
I’ve been doing that for years, learned that from replacing keys. However, it is so simple, it is not that obvious. I’m still klutz with replacing hooks, two trips to the ER proves that. My funniest was the time I had a fairly large treble hook in the end of my index finger. The material was so tough, I had no cutting pliers that would even dent the shank. Neither did the ER. When I walked in, I casually walked up to the desk. The very kind lady asked what could the help me with. I held up my hand and asked, ‘can you get this out’. That poor lady jumped back two feet. Probably shouldn’t have done that. Two hours later, with the help of a medical grinder, they cut the shank and pulled the hook. My only real wound was the blister from the shank getting so hot it burned my finger. Thought you might enjoy. Have great day!
Simple and effective! I used to snip the tips of the treble hooks before messing with them (or just cut them off completely), but found it can be wise to save them incase I need one as a backup if something happens to the hooks I put on.
Ouch! I’ve actually had a hook go through my ear when I was younger. Was fishing for bass with a topwater, snagged in the grass and yanked it out of the grass a bit too hard. Came flying at my face and got me right in the ear! The only time I had an earring haha.
Thanks for information.
My pleasure Edgar!
Great video Tony! The SS scissor combo works decently for this task. However, if you have a lot of hooks to replace, I recommend a dedicated split ring plier like this one:
Yeah, what Jonathan said!
The Texas Tackle “Pryers” are awesome. They’re fantastic for opening up split rings really wide — which makes it super easy to get the hook eye on/off.
But for tiny rings, the Texas Pryers sometimes pull the rings too much, such that the rings don’t spring back to shape.
Therefore, for tiny rings, I prefer my Xuron pliers:
Good stuff! Some split rings can be tough to open, but that usually means they are good and sturdy. I’ll have to check out those pliers!
Great time saver, thanks Tony
You’re welcome Bill!
Excellent advice, Treble hooks R trouble hooks for U & the fish.
They sure are!
A bit more complicated when changing out treble hooks for single hooks. I always seem to get the orientation of the single hook wrong, and have to re-do. Any ideas on how to avoid this?
No disrespect intended but U need to pay close attention
Make sure to pull the split ring in the direction that you want the hook to point. Like Tony demonstrated, he pulled the back split ring away from the tail of the bait when installing the hook and it would be opposite for the front hook ring.
Hey Robert! If you have a pair of snips you could always just cut the treble hooks off if you don’t intend to re-use them. Just hold the hook with a towel so it doesn’t go flying across the room and get lost and found by someones foot (or in the face).
Jonathan’s comment below nailed it. As you put the hook on, it should be in the proper orientation as you are sliding it on. It took me a few trials and errors to get it down. It’s usually when i’m in a rush that i’ll get them backwards.
Thanks for the time saving tip!
The moonwalker comes with an extra pair of hooks. That’s good, I like to have spares…
Do I need to change them immediately? Why is that?
Yes, you’ll need to change out the hooks from the beta test batch of moonwalkers because the manufacturer put the wrong ones on that are too small.
Thanks Luke!