How To Fish Jetties For Sheepshead [Fishing Report]


Coach Richard Thomas, myself, and a fellow Insider Member hit the jetties for sheepshead in this one!!

My favorite trips on the water are when we can meet up with an Insider Member and make a day out of it.

Don’t miss this jetty fishing action in the video below!!

How To Fish Jetties For Sheepshead [VIDEO]

➡ See the FULL Insider Report with all of the details from this trip

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We immediately started getting bites right up against the rocks where the fish were holding.

I was losing every fiddler crab I rigged on my hook because I had trouble feeling the bites at first.

The bites came very fast, very tight to the structure.

Ryan was taking Richard and me to school pulling in sheepshead after sheepshead.

Until I realized that I was using a fishing rod that had way too heavy of a tip section.

The Medium-Heavy rod I was using made it much harder for me to feel the sheepshead bites before it was too late.

I switched over to another lighter rod and within seconds all the difference was made.

Shortly after, I got my first keeper…in as much time as it almost took Ryan to reach his limit for the day!!

Rigging Fiddler Crabs

On this trip, we were sliding the hook through one of the leg openings on the fiddler crab.

But we stopped just before exposing the hook point out the other end of the crab.

This was all in an effort to create a weedless presentation.

When sheepshead go to eat the crab, they put the entire piece in their mouth to try and crush the shell open.

You want the hook point to face the top of the shell so the sheepshead bites right down on it.


You’ll tend to find sheepshead near bridges, docks, or other underwater structure that provides cover and shelter.

All you need is a simple rig with live crabs or shrimp (live or dead) will work excellently well too.

Just be sure you have the right gear and can feel each bite in order to set the hook and bring dinner home!

Do you have any questions about jetty fishing for sheepshead?

Is there anything you do differently when targeting sheepshead near jetties?

Go ahead and share in the comments underneath this article!!

Finding The Fish Help

In order to help make sure that you are targeting the right areas based on the latest feeding trends and upcoming weather forecasts, make sure to use the following 3 resources because they will save you a ton of time.

1. Weekend Game Plans (updated weekly)

These regional game plans will show you exactly what types of spots to target in under 10 minutes… just click the video to start, and you’ll be informed on what to do on your next trip.

➡ Weekend Game Plan Lessons

2. Smart Fishing Spots Platform (updated every 15 minutes)

This exclusive software literally shows you where the most fish are likely to be feeding based on exactly when you’ll be fishing. It factors in the tides, wind, and weather to help you quickly see which areas to target throughout the day.

➡ Smart Fishing Spots App

3. Community Reports (live feed)

The Insider Community platform is what you can use to see what is biting near you, and you can get to know other members who fish in your area. Plus, you can use it to keep a log of your catches so you can use past trips to help predict future catches.

➡ Community Platform

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George Washington
1 year ago

I really want to learn jetty fishing

Stephen Dempsey
2 years ago

I break off the pincher arm. Reason to keep Sheepshead from picking off your bait

Alana DiGiacomo
2 years ago


I must have been taking a nap or something . I have been waiting close to a year for a members meet up, gathering or how ever you would like to call it. How often are these member meet ups occuring? Are they held a certain day each month or something?

Amaze me please!!!

Wayne Hayes
2 years ago

Looks like everyone had a great time.

Randall Evans Bronston
2 years ago

what kinda of hook did yall use?

Barrett Crooks
2 years ago

A Buddy of mine did this, get some Oyster shells crack them open, crack she’ll in small pieces, retain oysters, throw Shells in the water, take a oyster on a small hook, either freeline or use a cork, it does work for Sheepshead, they smell the oyster shells and Oyster

A Rollins
2 years ago
Reply to  Barrett Crooks

A small hook? What size? Is a size 6 or 8 sound about right?

Ronald Price
2 years ago

Heck yeah thank u matt I can’t wait to get on some sheephead this weekend! What hooks do you recommend?

Tim DiCicco
2 years ago

Looked like a fun trip. What were the specs on the rod you switched to?

Amy Lombardo
2 years ago

Super fun video guys!!!


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