Top 3 Must Have Lures For Jetty Fishing (Plus A Bonus Lure)

Do you often use artificial lures when fishing off the jetties for trout, redfish, and flounder?

And are you using the BEST lures in this spot?

In this video, you’ll learn about the must-have lures for fishing a jetty.

Check it out!

Top 3 Must-Have Lures For Jetty Fishing [VIDEO]

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➡ Get your Metal Spoon Lure here

➡ Click here to get a Bucktail Lure

➡ Get the Power Prawn Shrimp Lure here

➡ Click here to get a Topwater Lure


These lures catch the widest variety at the jetty and are really easy to use.

Spoons are great for targeting bull redfish, mackerel, and speckled trout.

In order to catch different species, just adjust the size and swimming depth of the lure depending on the species you are targeting.

A larger spoon will swim in the deeper parts of the jetty close to the rocks where there are larger redfish.

If mackerel are going after larger bait, a larger spoon will work best for this as well!

Speckled trout (and flounder) will go after a 1/4 or 1/2 ounce spoon.

Spoons only need a simple, straight retrieve with the occasional pause or twitch.

Bucktail Jig

This should be an essential part of your tackle box for the next few months.

Flounder will be moving out into the ocean to spawn and will travel through the jetties.

Bucktails are one of the best lures to use for flounder this time of year.

Just bounce it along the bottom with slight twitches.

Flounder will be patrolling the edges of the rocks on the smooth, sandy bottom looking for bait to pick off.

When the bucktail is on its way back down after twitching it up, flounder will often strike at this point because they are at the bottom looking up.

Adding a paddletail (or a trailer) to your bucktail can increase the action on the lure as it swims.

Power Prawn

The lure itself has a lot of action and only requires a basic retrieve.

As you pop and drop the lure along the bottom, the tail of the Power Prawn will wiggle and create action on its way back down to the bottom.

You need to work this lure at different depths depending on the species you are targeting.

If there is heavy current at a deeper jetty, you should use a 1 ounce jig head on the Power Prawn to make sure it gets down low enough for redfish that are in the rocks.

When the current is a bit slower, a 1/2 ounce jig head will work best.

Trout will be within the rocks and crevices along the bottom.

By popping the Power Prawn up and above the rocks the fish will ambush the lure!

Shrimp lures are easy prey for predators down near the bottom.

Make sure you are using the larger size Power Prawn at the jetties.

Fish are going to be hunting for larger meals and the bigger Power Prawn lure will attract more fish to strike.

BONUS LURE: Topwater Lures

Topwater is extremely effective when you are seeing a lot of bait pods coming through an area.

This is one of the best lures to use when trout are busting on bait near the jetty.

Trout will pin bait up along the rocks and this lure can pluck them out!

Save this lure for when you see bait pods getting blown up on and visibly see fish hammering on bait.

It is best to use this lure at dawn or dusk when the fish are clearly feeding on the surface.


trout at the jetty

Fishing off the jetties with lures can be extremely effective for finding different fish in various depths and targeting fish laying in the rocks below.

Certain situations and conditions require different applications and all the lures mentioned above are suitable for jetty fishing for big redfish, trout, or mackerel that are blowing up on bait.

If you want to learn more or have any questions about the lures mentioned above, please ask me down in the comments!

➡Get your Metal Spoon Lure here

➡Click here to get a Bucktail Lure

➡Get the Power Prawn Shrimp Lure here

➡Click here to get a Topwater Lure

And if you know someone who wants to fish jetties with artificial lures, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

P.S. Want access to our best fishing spots and tips, plus discounts to our online tackle store? Click here to join us in the Insider Club!

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George Washington
1 year ago

It’s really good to see and know that these lures work on jetties. Thanx.

Robert Nehrebecki
2 years ago

How much is the shipping for a pack of lures.

Jonathan Getz
3 years ago

Wish this video came out before I went to the Freeport jetty on Thursday lol.

Have you caught any flounder on the Texas jetties? Seems to be more of an Atlantic flounder habitat.

Jason Rosado
3 years ago

With season changing shrimp being the target is gonna be on top. I have my power prawn ready. Thanks for the awesome video Wyatt #SaltStrongNation💪

Travis Rodkey
3 years ago

Ditto the question re avoiding getting hung on rocks. Seems like this is bigger issue than dealing with weeds/weedlessness since can’t really fish in grass flats/marshes

Steve Dupree
3 years ago

What rod and reels were you using?

Steve Dupree
3 years ago
Reply to  Wyatt Parcel

Thanks.You keep that Spinfisher busy.

Peter Yannetta
3 years ago

Hey Wyatt…
Great vid as always…
Curious,where is that nicely done jetty?
We have 0 walkable jettys in Charleston….

Michael Mathis
3 years ago

Great vid and info. Appreciate the jetty videos.

K Pape
3 years ago

What’s your strategy to avoid your bottom bouncers from getting hung in the rocks?


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