Sneaky Topwater Lure Hack To Catch More Redfish
- By: Wyatt Parcel
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Are you struggling to catch more redfish on topwater in early spring?
You’ve got to check out this SNEAKY topwater lure hack that will surely improve your topwater presentation.
Learn more about it right here!
Sneaky Topwater Lure Hack [VIDEO]
Get the Corky or Paul Brown Fat Boy Pro
Check out the SoftDine XL here
Get the Moonwalker Topwater Lure
Early in the spring, fish are still adjusting and acclimating to the changing temperatures and baitfish behaviors.
The fish are just starting to become curious and strike topwater lures.
Redfish can be challenging to hook up with on topwater plugs because of their downward-hinging mouth.
Their mouths are designed to feed off the bottom or below them and are not crafted for striking surface lures.
You may find that redfish have to come up from behind your topwater lures and strike down on them to eat the lure.
The Moonwalker is hands down our favorite topwater lure to use for targeting inshore game species.
However, it is still early in the spring and redfish may have a tougher time striking a hard-bodied topwater plug.
Thanks to Jay Watkins Jr., we have come across a helpful, sneaky tip using Corky lures or Paul Brown Fat Boy Pro lures.
Traditionally, Corky lures are used to target trout because of the lure’s ability to explore all depths of the water column.
However, if you work the Corky like a topwater lure, it will stay right on the surface and mimic the walk-the-dog action of a topwater plug.
Using a Corky for topwater fishing scenarios is advantageous because hard-bodied topwater plugs sit much higher on top of the water than does the Corky.
If you plan on targeting topwater redfish anytime soon, bring a Corky lure along with you on your trip!
Click here to check out the Corky or Paul Brown Fat Boy Pro
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also why tail weighted topwaters are so effective on reds…back in the day, I’d throw a rebel jumpin’ minnow almost exclusively in coastal TX. Casts like a bullet in the wind and the tail sits lower in the water. Way more hookups/strike
I agree! I actually did a video a little while back highlighting one of these tail weighted topwaters: Yo-Zuri 3D Inshore Pencil Topwater Lure Review (Pros, Cons, & Specs)
Yeah, I’ve got that lure in my box and I’d say your pros/cons are spot on. I love what it does in the water. I don’t at all like what it does in the air getting there. +++ for in-lines on hard baits.
Wyatt, the corky you have in the video has the red gill marks. This is listed as the floater. Sinks really slow. The ones on SS shop page do not have the marks and have a quicker sink rate. May make a difference for some folks.
This is correct, but I find that when you work them like a topwater, they both will walk the same. I have used this same presentation with both Floaters and Fat Boys, as the walk and action is the same, with the only difference being how quickly it sinks.
Great tip and video Wyatt! Reds can be frustrating on topwater but this looks like a great solution! Thanks for sharing!
Absolutely! Wish I’d known this trick when you and I were down in South Padre haha!
Wyatt wouldnt a Sub Walk work as well?
The Rapala Subwalk could definitely work in this situation as well! It has a bit of a tighter action and a longer profile, but if that’s the presentation that fish are dialed in on (especially if you see them attacking glass minnows, which resemble the sub walk) that could be a better choice even. The walk of the corky is a bit wider and sways more like a spook, so it’s good if you know they’re locked in on that type of presentation. Don’t be afraid to experiment! Small changes can make all of the difference!
Never tried the corky but I do own a couple but I remember when you did a report on the yozuri topknock pencil for fishing for redfish because of the angle that the bait sits in the water the rear hook is lower so the reds usually have no problem connecting unlike the spook jr or moonwalker where the bait lies flat and the hooks ride at a higher level and I have found the pencil works great for reds in fact I have caught more reds on it then trout the trout seem to like the sound of the spook jr or moonwalker better then the pencil but since you mention it I might have to try the corky thanks for the info and all you do😉👍
Yup1 That Yo-Zuri is another great choice for reds that are having trouble hitting your spook! Glad you enjoyed this tip sir!
Great tip Wyatt!
Thanks so much Mark! Glad you enjoyed this tip sir!
Great to know. Might save the day for us northerners!
Haha, always happy to help Robert! Thanks for watching sir!
Hey Wyatt. Thanks for the helpful tips. Question – do you bend the nose (and/or tail) of the Corky is this application in the same way that you do when you are twitching it deeper in the water column?
So the key when working it on the surface is to have it as straight as possible, almost like it just came out of the package! In other tips I’ve instructed to bend the nose and tail down, but that was when it’s worked purposely subsurface.
Thanks Wyatt
Wonder if you would lave the same hookup ratio with inlines on the Corky?
As I answered below, it’s more of the fact that the redfish isn’t getting the bait in it’s mouth, rather than being hooked by inlines vs trebles. The fact that the corky rides lower under the surface makes the bait much easier for redfish to attack.
Found the belt!….lol….🐟
Yup! The ForEverlast G2 Wade belt!