Sight Casting At Tailing Redfish With This New Shrimp Lure


Sight casting at tailing redfish in clear, calm, and shallow water is so exciting! But it also can be super frustrating because they are often VERY spooky, so stealth is extremely important.

The need for stealth isn’t just about our approach, we much also factor in the type of lure we throw as well because anything with vibration will often be enough to spook fish.

Any anything that doesn’t look realistic will generally not fool them very often.

The new Power Prawn USA lure is becoming our favorite lure for this type of fishing because it casts far, has a great gliding motion, and looks just like a real shrimp in the water.

Here’s a fun video of a redfish getting caught in extremely clear and calm water that we thought you’d enjoy:

Sight Casting At Tailing Redfish [VIDEO]

➡Click here to get some Power Prawn USA lures

➡Click here to get Hoss Helix Hooks

After finding and casting at tailing redfish, they proved to be finicky and easily spooked.

So, that means Power Prawn U.S.A. time!!

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The streamlined profile and elimination of extra appendages on the lure make it the best artificial shrimp lure we’ve come across.

If you want to target tailing redfish on the flats or skip this lure underneath docks for snook, the Power Prawn U.S.A. is ready to tackle any inshore fishing situation!

Be sure to get your hands on the Power Prawn U.S.A. TODAY!!!

Do you have any more questions about sight casting at tailing redfish?

➡Check this out to get Power Prawn U.S.A. NOW

➡Click here to get Hoss Helix Hooks

Let me know down in the comments!

And if you know someone who wants to learn more about the Power Prawn U.S.A., please TAG or SHARE this with them!

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Andy Hong
2 years ago

Beaut Red!!!

Jon Fortune
2 years ago

Nice Redfish Justin! Yep I love the new power prawn and the helix, How deep was that water?

2 years ago

I think you send way to many emails. So I am leaving.

Luke Simonds
2 years ago
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