Inshore Saltwater Fishing Leader Line Mistakes


What are the most common inshore saltwater fishing leader line mistakes anglers make?

What errors could YOU be making when assembling your leader line?

A leader is extremely important to an inshore saltwater angler because it could mean the difference between getting broken off or reeling in that big fish!

What does the perfect leader line look like?

We’ve got it all covered below!

You can watch the video version of this podcast below (which I highly recommend), listen to the audio version by clicking the play button underneath it, or listen to it on iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.

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Fishing Leader Line Mistakes [PODCAST]

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Related Podcasts:

Here is a timestamped version:

  • 2:36 – Common leader line mistakes
  • 3:14 – Leader line underwater
  • 4:08 – Leader sizes based on target species
  • 5:40 – Fishing around structure, jetties, or docks
  • 6:59 – Advantages of monofilament around structure
  • 7:19 – NEVER reel your knot connecting the leader and braid through the guides of the rod
  • 8:41 – Average leader length
  • 11:44 – Popular knots to use for assembling a leader
  • 13:53 – Storebought leader rigs
  • 14:55 – The TRUTH behind swivels
  • 16:59 – Steel leaders
  • 17:41 – Fishing without a leader line
  • 20:45 – Monofilament VS. Fluorocarbon
  • 30:36 – The Dirty Deeks Leader
  • 34:03 – Proper leader lengths
  • 35:28 – Test your knots!
  • 37:04 – Precautions for fishing around structure
  • 38:44 – How often do you change out your leader?
  • 41:44 – Common mistakes with the FG Knot

Fishing Leader Line Mistakes [VIDEO]

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Best Budget Leader Line

Leader line strengthens the connection between your lure and mainlines and also prevents break-offs and damage.

If you choose not to tie a leader on the end of your line, you could risk losing out on some big fish!!

Be sure to use the proper leader for the type of fishing you are doing!!

Do you have any more questions on fishing leader line mistakes?

Let us know down in the comments!

And if you know someone who wants to learn more about fishing leader line mistakes, please TAG or SHARE this with them!

P.S. – Want to make explosive, perfect, and masterful casts with your spinning rod, to reach the trophy fish that have no idea you are there… to cast like the pros, all while using less effort than ever before? Check out Casting Mastery.

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2 years ago

Great topics and session. I’ve seen a lot of issues with friends that tie leaders on what y’all talked about. I’ve had issues with the fg on small braid and especially fused lines line sunline xplasma and nanofil- normally tying 4-6lb braid to 4-8lb leaders and I add 2-4 more wraps and make it between 24-26 and wet the line and cinch before the half hitches and then pull slow and tight after 3 half hitches and have been great. Use sunline sx1 8lb on my bfs alphas air rig with 8lb leader and 12lb for my exist2000xh with deep spool and 10-12 lb leaders, but I typically make mine rod length because I retie a lot. Heavy pressure areas gets me a lot more strikes, but easily breaks or gets cut off if your not aware. Trade off I guess.

Toni Stovall
2 years ago

Just watched this and it has immediately solved an issue I was having with the FG knot. I typically use around a 24″ 20lbs mono leader tied on to 10lbs braid. I’m an FG knot convert but was having issues losing my lure at some point during the day without fail because the knot was failing. I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong, but now because of the video I’m pretty sure it’s because I was reeling in the leader so that only about 6 inches was exposed meaning that the knot was going through multiple guides on every cast.

2 years ago

I recently bought 3 new Reels and put 30 lb Power Braid on them. I and since watching your videos see that maybe i should have put on 10lb Braid. My question is: without replacing this new line if I were to put a 20lb mono leader on would this cause me to miss some fish? I know its a backwards, but was curious to your response.

Malcolm Hayward
2 years ago

Do not go for invisi or disappearing pink leaders.
Use this stuff for terminal rigs.

Leaders need to prevent light piping, a feature of all monos but a crucial weakness of Fluoros.
Personally, I like tapered mono leaders (essential for safe casting) spliced to 20 to 60lbs Hollow Braid.
This is the cleanest option for coastal / inshore. In the UK, we are expected to use Hi-Vis casting leaders as a safety issue.

For offshore work, again, only really one option.
A leader or top shot of Hi-Seas Quattro Fluro.
Multi colour, expressly to stop light piping.
Made in Portugual. Distributed by AFW. (Always use AFW swivels.)

Knot, Splice or use loop to loop attatchment.
To my mind, knotting is a girly fudge.
Splicing is ideal for general work. Theraputic too.
I reserve loop to loop for manly rigs. 80lbs and upwards.

My offshore topshot is typically 20 to 25yards.
Braid tangles on a boat lead to nasty, short tempered moments.
40lb monos can usually be sorted.
Just common courtesy to your comrades.

Short leaders, 8 to 12ft, work for solo fishing or fishing with wire.
Also provide essential elasticity.

Best Rgds.

Malcolm Hayward.

rob biermann
2 years ago

I agree with Fred. Leader’s should be the length of the fish you are pursuing, minimum. I mostly fish with a 4′ leader in-shore, 6-7′ offshore. Have 15,20,30,40,50, 60, 80, 110 and 200lb floro with me all the time. FG knot used exclusively. I use 20lb floro mostly in 1-6′ of water. When fishing deeper in passes typically 30lb and up. A keeper grouper will rip through 20lb in seconds. So depends on what you are targeting…AND what you might run into that you were not targeting.

Fred Noble
2 years ago

I was listening to pod cast on leaders. First leaders have several purposes. The obvious that you mentioned was protecting your main line from cutoffs. However when fishing off shore for larger fish, one would want a longer leader which is a help in boating the fish. I used to fish the MET tournament with a very famous captain and our leaders were the length of our rods. We were fishing 8 and10 lb mono with a 20 pound leader on our spinning reels. I was catching fish up to 65 lbs. Our preferred line connection was a bimini twist on th emain line tied to an albright special on the leader. Those nots never slipped. The leader length should be determined by the size of the fish you are pursuing. . Even in inshore you may tangle with some very large fish in which case a two foot leader my not be adequate.


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